
Road To Forever
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A warm breeze made its way across the field, moving trees and grass needles in its path. The stars and moon gleamed down on the party as if they were the only light needed to illuminate the guests. There was a bit of help from the Christmas lights, though, which were strung between tree branches and tiki torches, with lanterns strategically placed around the field.


A burst of music made its way through the party, causing people to start dancing and singing along. Some people made their way to a makeshift dance floor, throwing their hands in the air and letting the music take over. Others were playing various drinking games, flipping and swatting red plastic cups or throwing tiny white plastic balls across a table. Then there were others, who were scattered about the field, chatting away in conversation.


That was where Wendy was. She leaned against a table and was talking with her friends, a red solo cup in her hand. She and Jisoo were just a onetime thing she told her friends when they asked her.

A laugh escaped Wendy's mouth while listening to Joy’s story of how Seulgi choke on a pringles chip. While her friends continued to laugh, she took a moment to glance around the field. She recognized a great deal of the people, some being in her classes in college, others from being at the same parties. It was easy for Wendy to remember a face once she met someone; after one meeting, she was able to recall a name for the rest of time, small details about the person following. The hard part was forgetting faces. As a blonde from across the party matched eyes with her, she knew there was one face she would never be able to forget.


It was as if Wendy's feet had fallen into quicksand; she didn't think she would be able to move after seeing Irene's face. She looked as beautiful as she did the day they first met. It felt like ages ago since the moment that changed Wendy's life, for both the good and the bad. While her eyes stayed locked on her, her heart began to race in her chest. She was the first to look away, tucking behind her hair and turning back to her friends.


Wendy's breath was tight in , her eyes lingering on her for a moment longer. It didn't take long for her friends to glance over at her momentarily, before whispering in hushed voices. Even though her beer had turned warm, she brought it up to her lips to distract herself from the girls whispering about her.


"Earth to Wendy!" Yeri projected, causing Wendy to turn around quickly, some of the beer in her cup slopping over the rim.


"What?" She exclaimed, facing the girls in front of her.


"We asked what you were looking at, no need to get your knickers in a twist," Seulgi spoke up, shaking her head a bit.


Wendy turned back around to see Irene looking over at her. It took everything in Wendy's power not to melt on the spot when she smiled at her. She returned the smile before glancing back at her best friends. A breath escaped her lips before nodding her head behind her, motioning toward Irene. The group of girls, blatant as could be, all shifted their heads in order to get a look at where Wendy's attention had been. Within seconds, they all got quiet, murmuring "oh" and taking sips of their beers.


"I'll see you guys’ later, okay?" Wendy asked them, knowing full well that they would send her on her way with no questions asked. When her friends nodded in agreement, Wendy turned directly on her heels and started walking toward Irene.


As cliché as it was, Wendy felt like all the movie scenes where the world went quiet were true. She couldn't remember what song was playing in the background or who she passed on her way toward Irene. All she knew was that she was putting one foot in front of the other toward the girl who changed her life. Luckily, she was walking toward her as well, though her eyes were looking down at the ground. Wendy didn't mind, though; she was sure how awkward the situation would be.


"Irene," She spoke when she was close enough.


"Wendy," she replied, letting out a long breath. She glanced behind her for a moment, holding her hand up to wave. Wendy's body turned to see her friends waving, a chorus of "hi Irene" reaching them. Hoping they'd get the picture, Wendy jolted her head to the side, signaling that it was time for them to go, though she didn't wait to see if they had gone before turning her attention back to Irene.


"You changed your hair," Wendy noted, desperately wanting to reach out and touch the golden locks that She'd ran her fingers through so many times before.


She nodded at her words, reaching to touch the bottom of her hair. "You have bangs," she spoke.


She shrugged, a smirk pulling the sides of her lips. "I wanted to try something new."


"It looks good," Irene admitted, biting down on her bottom lip. When she did that, Wendy knew she was holding in something, clear that she wanted to say more but didn't know where to begin. Wendy knew that feeling all too familiarly.


"Yours, too," Wendy replied honestly. While she never would have imagined Irene would be blonde, she had to admi

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minimuminput #1
Chapter 8: Ahhh this was great
Keep it up!
Favebolous 11 streak #2
Favebolous 11 streak #3
Chapter 7: Wendy aaaa you betrayed our Irene ??
Favebolous 11 streak #4
Favebolous 11 streak #5
Chapter 5: it seems like I have read this story just yet to finish
Favebolous 11 streak #6
Chapter 3: your goodness lets the reader fantasize alone
Favebolous 11 streak #7
Chapter 2: Wendy's words always look cheap, but Irene always likes her
Favebolous 11 streak #8
Chapter 1: oh no part one makes me smile like crazy ppl
Usmonsters94 #9
Chapter 8: This fic is the definition of "if its meant to be, it will be"
Chapter 8: Damn author, you got me there.
Thanks for this lovely fic!!