My sleepy head

She's dreaming

Chanyeol and I were supposed to be going on a trip together, along with our family members and we are just about to board the train to our destination when an accident occurred among the trains and therefore, we along with the other tourists were stuck in the train terminal, unable to leave.


AS it is already the middle of the night, and we are still waiting for the train to resume it services and slowly i got tired from waiting and fell asleep. While i sleep, Chanyeol stayed awake, taking care of our belongings while our family members were walking around the place, constantly checking to see when the train services will resume.


At first I was sitting up right and sleeping but then a guy stood up from his bench, making a whole bench empty and Chanyeol upon seeing that, quickly move the sleeping me to the bench to let me lie down so that I can sleep better, while he too sits on the bench but did not sleep and instead continue to keep watch.


“Did she fell asleep?” My dad asked after he is back from his walk.


Chanyeol give a little chuckle and said, “Yeah.” He smiled and continue speaking saying, “Just when I was about to tell her the surprise that I am going to bring her to see the reindeers that she had always wanted to see but she fell asleep on me.”


After saying that, he turn lovingly towards me to check on me and suddenly notice that I was still holding on to the book that I was reading before I fell asleep. He gently remove the book from my hands and then gently fold my hands back down and placed them neatly on my chest. Before turning back to continue chatting with my dad.


“Sorry Chanyeol. I didn’t know you wanted to tell me about the surprise that you had planned for me for this trip. If I have known, I would have tried my best to keep awake listen to you tell me about it, thank you and then we can continue to talk for the rest of the night. But don’t worry about it as when we are on the train to the surprise that had for me, you can sleep and then I can stay up planning about what I want to see and the things that we can do together and then I will tell you about it when you are awake and while you sleep, it will be my turn to take care and protect you…”


hi hi hi~~ Finally another update from me and I am really sorry that it has been really long since I last update because of my lack of dreams lately or incomplete dreams and therefore I couldn't update it, until recently and i decided to update it on today because it EXO's y maknae's birthday~~ yayyyy~~ just want to celebrate our qtpie and Vivi's appa's borthday!! Happy birthday Sehun!! Wish you all the best in everything you do and thank you for making me laugh with all your weird antics and i hope you continue to spread this laughter to more people around you~~ Thank you too for always loving all the members and taking caer of them!! hopefully in this year we will get to see more of your works~~ take care and I love you~~ 

I am really tried now and it is like 2.30am here already and I got to work the next day so I should probably sleep soon~~ i will try to update as often as possible now~~ in the meantime take care and enjoy reading!! :)))

P.S. my drama just got a plot twist of a lifetime and i am really too shock for words at this timing omg

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