
The Truth

I supposed I was never meant to be happy. 


I stared at the pictures in shock. There was laughter ringing around the room, but I couldn't hear any of it; I didn't want to. It took a moment for me to act, but when I did,I couldn't exactly remember what happened. It was all a rush. A blurred image of me tearing the picture down and yelling, screaming at them. We exchanged fists, and I faintly remember someone dragging me away from them.


It was him. The one person I loved more than anyone in the world. He had taken me into the boy's bathroom and hugged me. I remember crying into his shoulder until school ended. We didn't go the next day.


I regret not telling you anything.


The bullying had gotten worse, but he still stayed by my side and protected me. We made a promise to be with each other forever.


But I'll never regret giving you everything.


He asked to meet me on the rooftop one day, I accepted. We were standing next to the ledge, I remember thinking that it would have been a long drop down if one of us slipped.


He stood close to me, close enough for us to kiss. And that's what we did. We kissed for what seemed like forever, it was the happiest I've ever been; I should've known better. When we pulled apart, he gave me a sad smile. The type of smile that expresses nothing and everything all at once.


"I love you."


Those were his last words to me. I thought it was a nightmare.A dream I could never wake from as I watched him fall. All I could do was stand and watch. It was like everything I once knew suddenly crumbled away.


I remember screaming for help. I remember running down the stairs. And I remember holding him in my arms, pleading for him to wake up. But he never did.


I love you, too.

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