

We have shadows that watch over us, we see them on the ground, but sometimes these shadows aren't only images of us. 


    Hey. Did you need something?


    He pranced out of bed, being pushed back and forth to different locations, ignoring the buzz that was in his pocket.


    No, it was nothing important.  


    He raised his eyebrow in question, shrugging at her words, he continued on with his routine. The feeling on his shoulders seemed to grow heavier, and glancing back at the screen he wondered why.  


    People say that it gets easier, but it doesn’t. Sometimes, they only say that to make you feel better. Most of the time, it never ends. It feels like you’re getting better, but there is always that looming shadow behind you. Ready to push you back in again, and sometimes never let you out of its sight. A lot of times, you let it.


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