Chapter 3

They call me psycho

Donghae had hit himself again. It was quite normal for him, but this time he hit himself in the mirror. His mom had ran into the bathroom seing his son looking at his hand that was bleeding as he didn't even know that it excisted. She became terrified and got suprised that Donghae wasn't crying a single tear. Was he a robot or something?!

Now Donghae was walking towards the school with lazy footsteps because he knew that he was early. And he also knew that Yesung would soon come out from the bushes or something trying to scare Donghae. And so he did, but this time he came from his back. "Hyung~!" Yesung squealed and ruffled the youngers already messed up hair. Then his eyes went down to Donghaes arm. "...Did you hit yourself again?" he asked and looked at Donghae with a worried face. Donghae didn't answer and just continued to walk, now with faster steps. "Silence means yes." Yesung murmured and a awkward silence filled their so-called conversation.

Dongae wouldn't call Yesung his friend. The only thing Yesung kept talking and fanboying about was Kim Ryeowook. Donghae would just listen when Yesung claimed that he had so much butteflies in his stomach and that he could've sworn that Ryeowook was looking him in the eyes for a tiny little second.


Eunhyuk didn't really know what he got himself into. But he just had that feel for Donghae, that he wanted to know more about him and that they maybe were made for eachother. Or maybe it was just Eunhyuk's crazy mind, but one thing was sure that he wasn't worried about his looks because he'd already been in a couple of relationships - both with girls AND boys. And to be honest, he was quite afraid of Heechul, but that wouldn't stop him from getting an end to his stupid... whatever he called it. It was too stupid to even deserve a own word to it.

It was the last class of the day, and Eunhyuk couldn't take his eyes of Donghae. He looked so peaceful, but he was worried sick of his hand. Eunhyuk chuckled to himself for his mommy behavior and looked away for a second, but his attention went to Donghae once again. He was suprised that Donghae was also looking back at him, which made Eunhyuks face warm up. Was he actually falling for Donghae? Like he wasn't doing it by force because of the deal. Pure... love?

Donghae in the other hand was curious. Why was Eunhyuk looking at him? Did he have something on his face, or was he just looking somewhere behind him? Donghae shook his head and tried to think about something else. But he could still feel the eyes on him.

The bell rang and Eunhyuk decided to talk to Donghae. He walked up to him while Donghae was packing his things into his bag. "Uh..." he started and suddenly he forgot what to say. Donghae looked up, and Eunhyuk had to admit that he really liked his eyes. Donghae had a blank expression while waiting for Eunhyuk to say something. Then, when Donghae was about to leave because apparently Eunhyuk just wanted to or something, Eunhyuk grapped his wrist and looked Donghae straight in the eyes. "I'm sorry if you felt uncomfortable, I'm just tired and my eyes get stuck on anything." Donghaes heart started to beat fast. He had no idea why, but it certainly was because of Eunhyuk. Maybe that his hand was holding a steady grip of his wrist? What the hell am I thinking? Could it be... No. Donghae thought.

Donghaes brain was working hard, so hard that he couldn't control himsefl, so he left. He ran wherever his feet took him and didn't care if someone dropped his/her books or if he bumped into someone, he just wanted out of this damn building. He saw lightnings, and all he wanted to do now was to punch someone. Hard, for no particular reason.

He couldn't fall for Eunhyuk for many reasons. One, he didn't know him in any way. Two, he knew that if they would become a couple (which seemed incredibly unbeliveable) Donghae would anyway screw it up somehow.

Eunhyuk just stood there, watching as some girls looked at him oddly and soon he came back to earth and walked home.

This was going to be a long journey to win his heart.

(A/N:) So here it is, hope you enjoyed. I'll check this later on. Comments would be appreciated <3 ^^

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Chapter 4: This is interesting..... Please update again ....
MeinAltire #2
Chapter 4: interesting, hope to see an update :)
please update!!
lol this is good ^^
update please!
omg like it! update please xD
this doesn't at all... <br />
i thought the title was weird at first but this is really interesting... eunhae <3 is the best! <br />
update soon? XD