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Not As Bad As He Seemed

He was awakened the next morning by insistent banging on his door. "I'm coming," he grumbled, stumbling to his feet and going to the door to unlock it. When the banging continued, he said it louder. "I said I'm coming, dammit!"

Pulling open the door, Leo was startled to see a disheveled-looking Ravi standing on his doorstep, still dressed in the clothes he'd been wearing the day before and angrier than he'd ever seen him. Dragging him inside, he stared at him.

"What's wrong?" he asked, too confused to be angry with Ravi for waking him up. "You look like you're ready to spit nails or something."

"He did it again, even after I told him not to," Ravi replied, his voice hoarse with rage. "I swear, Taekwoon, I seriously swear..." His hands were fisted by his side, shaking with his anger. "I don't know how long I can keep doing this. He has to keep saying and doing these things...."

"What, Ravi?" Leo was confused and didn't know what to say to make it any better. "I have no idea what you're talking about. Use your words..."

"I am using my words," Ravi replied, glaring at him. "Lee ing Hongbin is who I'm talking about," he practically shouted at the other man, tossing himself down onto the futon and throwing his hands over his head. "He's doing it again. Acting like a jealous boyfriend and I can't take it. We're not going out. We can't, when he won't even leave the ing house!"

"He has agoraphobia, you know that," Leo said, shrugging as he sat down beside the younger man, running a hand through his hair to try and calm him down. "He tries, you have to admit that. But he can't get any further than the door..."

"I know he tries, but we're still not dating, so he has no reason to act like a jealous boyfriend. Especially when I've done nothing to give him any reason to act like it. I'm not seeing anyone else. I just went out for drinks after work like I sometimes do. I even told him beforehand, like any normal person does when they live with someone, out of courtesy." Ravi sighed. "But he still gives me the silent treatment, disappearing when I come home, and then when he does come out of his room, he makes rude and passive-aggressive comments..."

"And then tells me to get the out if I don't like it." Ravi looked over at Leo. "What am I supposed to do? I don't want to leave him, and I know he loves me in his own way..." The anger was slowly being taken over by pain and heartbreak, and Leo wasn't any more equipped to deal with that than the first emotion. "I just can't deal with his insane jealousy, Taek..."

"I know," Leo murmured, sighing. Some of the things Ravi was saying stirred memories and it confused him. It sounded a lot like what Hakyeon had said the night before with the person who'd killed him and Jaehwan. But Hongbin wasn't the same person, surely. For one thing, Hongbin was young, and he was still alive. Or at least he thought he was. Now Leo was starting to have his suspicions.

"Does Hongbin ever let you touch him?" Leo asked suddenly, startling Ravi into staring at him. "He's never let me touch him, but then again, I'm kind of the same way, so it's never been an issue for me before. I'm just curious."

"Well, no, not really," Ravi said slowly, looking baffled by the question. "He's not really the touchy-feely type, but we knew that already when I first moved in. It was part of the silly rules he told us about, remember? Don't touch him, don't touch his stuff, and don't try to make him go out, that sort of thing..."

He looked thoughtful. "He's not really boyfriend material, when I think about it, all these strange quirks he has," he added, turning over onto his back with his arm thrown over his eyes. "But when he's in a good mood, he can be really charming and cute, and he's so gorgeous it hurts..."

"And you're in love with him even though you shouldn't be," Leo added gently, prodding his friend with a finger. "Hongbin is too unpredictable. I keep telling you that. He's my friend too, and if I can see that... so can you."

"I know, I know," Ravi sighed, shaking his head. "But..."

"No, Ravi," Leo insisted, pushing at Ravi to get him to sit up. "Let me guess. You guys fought all night and you didn't get any sleep at all, did you? And you came banging on  my door this morning, on my day off..." He sighed. "Knowing I'd let you in because I'm nice like that, even though each time it happens, I swear it's the last. What am I going to do with you two?"

"Talk to Hongbin?" Ravi turned to look at Leo pleadingly. "Make him back off? He listens to you." He pouted. "You're probably the only one he listens to, for that matter. I should be jealous..."

Leo snorted. "You should be, but you won't," he murmured in reply. "Because you know full well we're just friends. I'd have more luck with you if we were anything more than just friends, for that matter..." He shook his head in amusement. "Fine, I'll talk to him, but I can't promise anything will come of it any more than any other time I've talked to him about it."

He frowned, having seen movement out of the corner of his eye where there shouldn't have been. What was Hakyeon doing in his flat? And in daylight, no less? He thought spirits only haunted during the night hours. Had Hakyeon lived in his flat while he'd been alive? Leo shivered. He didn't want to think about that, but would have to ask and maybe tell Hakyeon to stick to the stairways if he was going to do his haunting. He didn't want Hakyeon to invade his private life too.

Noticing something was off about Leo suddenly, Ravi peered up at him. "Is something wrong, hyung?" he asked, removing the arm from his eyes and finally sitting up. "You look weird. Like you've seen a ghost or something."

"Just a bit preoccupied," Leo muttered, shaking his head and looking over at where he thought he'd seen Hakyeon, only to see nothing, not really surprised. "Why don't you go home and see if Hongbin's calmed down. I'll come over later and talk to him and hopefully that will help making things better, ok? But if nothing changes, you're going to have to look at finding somewhere else to live. You can't keep this up indefinitely. It's not healthy for either of you."

"I know," Ravi said unhappily as he got to his feet and went to the door to put his shoes back on, his shoulders slumped in defeat. "But I love him. I can't help it. Even if we can't be together, I think part of me will always love him..." Turning to look at Leo as the older man came to the door to see him out, he gave him a tired smile. "Thanks for the help, and sorry to wake you so early. I owe you one."

"Yes, you do," Leo chuckled softly, pushing him out the door gently. "Now go and make up with Hongbinnie, and tell him I'm coming later so he can clean up your mess." He ignored Ravi's cries of protest. "Just go..." Watching the other man make his way carefully down the stairs, and surreptitiously watching to make sure Jaehwan or Hakyeon didn't appear to 'help', Leo returned to his flat once the main door closed, only to be confronted by Hakyeon as soon as he entered the room.

"You should have let him stay here," Hakyeon said as Leo closed the door, ignoring the way the young man jumped slightly at his words. "If this Hongbin is who I think he is, it's not safe for him."

"What the hell, Hakyeon, you can't just do that!" Leo glared at Hakyeon, not a little freaked out. "I thought spirits only came out in the night, not during the day." He ran a shaking hand over his face. "And what the hell are you doing in my flat?"

"This was my flat," Hakyeon said pointedly, looking around at the small living space, and clearly not amused by what he was seeing. "It was a lot cleaner when I lived here." He sighed and sat down on the edge of Leo's futon. "Mind letting Jaehwan in?"

"Yes, actually, I do mind," Leo grumbled at him, though he went back and opened the door, just in time for Jaehwan to appear at it, giving Leo a strange look as he entered the small flat to stand beside Hakyeon. "So what exactly do you mean by thinking Hongbin is who you think he is? He's Ravi's sort-of landlord, if you count the fact that his parents own the house they live in..."

Though they'd never actually met Hongbin's parents. He just told them they owned it, and their names were on the rental paperwork. Leo sighed, leaning against the now-closed door as he looked at Hakyeon and Jaehwan.

"How do you know anything about Hongbin when you haven't even met him?" he asked tiredly, rubbing at his eyes. He was too tired for this . "Please stop being so cryptic. It's too early in the morning for this."

Glancing at Jaehwan, Hakyeon sighed softly, his hands twisting in his lap. "If I'm right, your friend Ravi could be in a lot of danger right now," he said quietly. "Jaehwan and I were friends with Lee Hongbin... a long time ago. Too long ago for either of us to remember, as you recall, and now we're both dead as a result. So yes, I think you need to tell Ravi to come back before anything happens to him."

He looked up at Leo with pain in his eyes. "Hongbin is the one I mentioned last night," he explained, pain lacing his voice. "The one who became unreasonably jealous for no reason and pushed me down the stairs... and then did the same to Jaehwan just because he was a witness."

Leo stiffened, staring at them both in shock and dismay. Neither of them had any reason to lie to him, but how could they be certain their Lee Hongbin and Ravi's Lee Hongbin were one and the same person? "How do you know they're the same person though?" he asked almost desperately, not wanting to believe Hongbin was capable of murder. Or that he was... "And if you're right... somehow... Hongbin is also..."

Jaehwan looked thoughtful. "Do you have any photos of him?" he asked, tilting his head. "Or anything like that. A birthdate? Any other personal details?"

Pulling out his phone, Leo scrolled through the various photos he had until he found one that wasn't too blurry of Hongbin and Ravi, though oddly enough, most of them with Hongbin in them were too blurred to be really useful for anything other than to poke fun at his photo-taking skills. Passing it to them, he noticed their expressions as they saw the photograph, and it sent a sinking feeling through him.

"His birthday is in September, he has an older sister, though we've never actually met her..." Leo tried to think. "We've never met his parents either. They're always travelling out of the country, he said... He always seemed angry with them for it, like they never paid him any attention, though he always seemed to have enough money because of it. Like they felt guilty for never contacting him and sent him money instead..."

"We've never really been able to get much else out of him, other than he never leaves the house..." He glanced between the two spirits as they looked at each other, their expressions growing more and more grim as he spoke. "What? Why do you guys keep looking like that?"

Gesturing at Hakyeon, Jaehwan sighed in resignation. "I don't know how, but he's the same person," he said soberly, looking at Leo steadily. "Show him, Hakyeon..."

Hakyeon reached into his pocket and pulled out a leather wallet, opening it and taking out a worn photograph of a group of young men, and holding it out for Leo to see. It wasn't hard for Leo to pick out a smiling Hakyeon, Jaehwan with a goofy grin on his face, and to his surprise, Hongbin, with his characteristically charming smile, a somewhat possessive arm draped over Hakyeon's shoulder. Stepping back, Leo looked from Hakyeon to Jaehwan and back again, his mouth open as he tried and failed to find the words to express his feelings.

"How?" he finally settled on, his back hitting the door once again as he slid down to land on his bottom on the floor, shaking his head in disbelief. It defied explanation really. "It's him, but how? He looks the same, but... it's just not possible."

"Unless someone killed him too, and he's like us, stuck in that house," Jaehwan pointed out calmly in the face of Leo's growing hysteria. "And so is your friend if you don't get him out of there."

"Especially if they've had a huge fight, like Ravi said, and Hongbin is that angry," Hakyeon added, worry in his voice. "That was how it started with Hongbin and I. And ended with my body at the bottom of the staircase, and Jaehwan's a few days later..."

Fumbling for his phone as Hakyeon slid it back to him, Leo cursed under his breath as he called Ravi, waiting for the other man to pick up. When it went to voice mail, he cursed again. "Come on Ravi, pick up..." Trying again, he lurched to his feet. This couldn't be happening. Not again. If anything happened to Ravi, it would be on his conscience.

"What do I do?" he asked, looking over at them as he reached for his keys and wallet. "I know you guys can't exactly come with me to reason with him, but is there anything I could tell Hongbin that might make him see reason? That might make him let Ravi go if he hasn't..." He swallowed heavily. "If he hasn't already done something..."

"I don't know," Jaehwan murmured hesitantly, stepping back as Hakyeon got to his feet. "I'm not exactly the best person to ask, since I'm still pretty angry with him for what he did to me. I thought we were friends, and then he did this..."

"But I forgive him for what he did to me," Hakyeon said softly, startling them both into staring at him. "I know it sounds strange, but I've had an awful lot of time to think about it, and there's no real use in holding a grudge. It hasn't solved anything, has it? We're still dead, and from the sounds of it, so is he. And in a lot of pain. It doesn't help, so I would just prefer to let it go..."

"And I did love him, in my own way, much as it sounds like Ravi loves him too, in his way," he added with a fond smile. "As Ravi said, he can be incredibly charming, and funny, and sweet, when the mood takes him, and it makes the bad times worth it. It really does. That's what he needs to realise. That he's not all bad..."

Jaehwan shrugged and looked at Leo. "Go and save Ravi," he said, making shooing motions. "Before it's too late..."


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vizelk #1
Chapter 4: aw so sad :( but it's the shortest yet a beautiful fanfict that i read! thank you for it!