First Day

Heal me, honey

Today is Jinyoung's first day at the rehabilitation center. All the paper works have been settled the day before and he was also assigned a shift every Friday from 12-4. 

After his 10 A.M. class, he immediately headed home to eat and change to his uniform. The hospital provide their volunteers with a blue polo embroidered with the hospital's logo. He was also told to wear dark blue pants to go with his attire. 

It didn't take long for him to drive to the hospital as it was only 10 minutes away from his house by car. He was a mix of excitement and nervousness. He’s excited at the prospect of meeting new people, but at the same time nervous from not knowing what lies ahead. 

He was grateful when he arrived a few minutes earlier than his designated time shift since he still needed to find the way to rehab. The lady from yesterday gave him a map showing the whole layout of the hospital. At the center lies the main campus where most transactions take place. To its left is the outpatient pavilion that offers routine checkups and even mild cases of surgery. And finally, the right side is where the rehabilitation center is located. 

Much to his relief, the parking structure he parked at was near the rehab so it only took him a few steps to get there. From the outside, the two-story building looked old but well-maintained. It’s definitely not as new and big as the main hospital, but Jinyoung thinks he prefers this better. It gives off a warm and welcoming aura. 

From the glass door, he noticed a reception desk occupied by a man that looks about his age. The concierge looked up when the bell rang as Jinyoung stepped in. 

“Hello! You must be the new volunteer.”

“Ah yes, I’m Jinyoung. Nice to meet you.”

The guy stood up and shook Jinyoung’s hand. “Welcome Jinyoung. I’m Youngjae,” he smiled flashing a nice set of teeth. 

They engaged in small talk for a while. He found out that they both attend the same university, but he’s a year below Jinyoung and majoring in nursing. Their conversation was only interrupted when a visitor came in. 

“Will you be showing me around today?” he asked moments after the visitor left. Jinyoung’s still at a loss for what he’s supposed to be doing. Does he stay in the front desk like Youngjae? Or go up to a nurse and hope to god he doesn’t get ignored? He has no idea. 

“Oh yeah, that’s right! The tour.” Youngjae handed him a paper that says Department Checklist. “Unfortunately, I can’t leave the front unattended. So you’ll have to do it by yourself hyung,” he said, looking truly apologetic. 

“That’s fine. I just have to check off these places right?” he looked at the places listed on the paper. There aren’t that many of them, so it shouldn’t be that hard to find. Plus, the rehab is not that big of an establishment. He can manage. 

“Yep. It shouldn’t take you more than an hour really.” 

“Alright. I’ll be off then.” He started walking toward the hallway. 

“Have fun!” Youngjae called after him. “Oh wait!”

He turned around swiftly and waited until Youngjae caught up to him. He handed Jinyoung another piece of paper. “Can you put this in room 215? Behind the door, there’s a folder. Just stick it in there.”

“Sure. What’s this for?”

“It’s a check-in sheet for nurses and therapists to sign after monitoring their patient.”

“It’s empty,” he noted. “Is a new patient coming in?”

Youngjae nodded. “It says on the computer he’ll be arriving later in the afternoon. You might still be here when he comes.” 

“Hmm. We’ll see.” 

He covered the first floor fairly quick. He bumped into a few RNs and PTs along the way and also saw quite a number of patients. Majority of them are in crutches and some are in wheelchairs. Presumably survivors from an accident. 

What’s surprising to him though were those patients that looked healthy and normal to the point that someone would mistake them for a visitor or staff if it weren’t for their hospital gown.

Like the first floor, he finished the 2nd floor in about 20 minutes. This floor is just as spacious as the floor below, but there are relatively less rooms up here. He went past the rooms like he did in the previous floor, but didn’t bother coming in for the fear of disturbing a patient. 

It was near the conclusion of his self-guided tour when he arrived at his room of interest. Since there are only a total of 20 rooms in the 2nd floor, 215 is located toward the back of the building.

As soon as he opened the room, he was blown away by what he saw.

*Wait. Did I teleport to a hotel suite?*

He looked around behind him to make sure he didn't magically walk into a royalty's bedroom or something. 

IV poles, walkers, wheelchairs, monitoring machines 

*Yep. Still in rehab*

He slowly walked inside the room despite knowing that it's unoccupied. At least for now. Once more, he can't help but marvel at the sight in front of him.

This has got to be bigger than his living room and kitchen combined. An open walkway separates the entrance from the actual room itself. Dark brown and taupe motifs dominate the room, creating a cozy atmosphere. To the side are armchairs and a coffee table adorned with some stationery and magazines. At the center is where the enormous hospital bed lies (if it even qualify as such). From the comforter to the pillowcases, everything looks expensive. There's even a study table complete with a computer and a rolling chair! On top of that, the room offers a majestic view of the Japanese-inspired garden below!

*Woah. Just who the heck is staying here?

Must be a very important person*

After a few more minutes of silently wishing he lived there instead, he finally realized his purpose for coming there in the first place. He quickly deposited the paper inside the folder and left. 

Jinyoung went back downstairs to find the other volunteer still manning the front desk. 

"Here you go," he passed the checklist to Youngjae. 

"Good job! How'd you like the tour hyung?" 

Jinyoung sat down next to him. "It's way better than I expected."

"I know what you mean," Youngjae chuckled. "It looks old from the outside, but every thing in the inside is state of the art. Especially the 2nd floor."

"Yeah. What's up with that?"

The other simply shrugged. "It's the rich people's floor. Only the wealthy can stay there." 

"I bet," he replied, sounding a bit spiteful. "Have you seen 215? That room belongs to a castle, not a rehab center!" 

Youngjae laughed at his mild outburst. "Of course! We only want the best for our most important patient."

Now that got him curious. "And who might that be?"

"The oldest son of the hospital's CEO and its future owner, Mark Tuan"

"Mom~ I told you, I'll be fine in a couple of weeks! There's no need to bring me to rehab." Mark has been making the same argument since he found out about his parents' plan to relocate him somewhere else. But, like yesterday and this morning, his mom just ignored his pleas.

"Are your belongings packed and ready to go?" 

"No, because I'm not going anywhere." He's not losing this fight. There's no way he's living in that place for the next few weeks. How will he hangout with his friends and girlfriend if he's locked up in a wellness center of some sort?

*I won't*

"Mom please," he begged. "I'll stay here at home till my leg heals. I won't go anywhere, I promise."

His mom glared at him. "Mark Tuan, did you think I forgot about your little escapade with Jackson and Yugyeom last week?" 

"But that was last week!" he tried to argue. "And I had to go because...because..." Darn it, he needs to come up with a reasonable excuse. And pronto. He can't admit to sneaking out to go to a party.


"Because I love you and I wanted to buy you flowers?" He flashed her his most beautiful smile. 

*Nice catch self. I'm proud of you*

"Why would I need flowers when we have a huge garden at the back?" 

His smile dropped. *Fail*


"Get your things ready! We're leaving in an hour!" Then she sauntered away to the patio. Mark could only sigh in defeat. 

He's been calling his girlfriend for the past 15 minutes and every single time, he's sent to voicemail. Apart from being annoyed, he's beginning to get worried too. He hasn't seen her since the last time they went on a date at the park, which was the day before her childhood friend arrived and stole Mark's girlfriend. 

Whenever he texted her, all he received in return were short messages that either said "Can't talk to you rn. I'm busy with cheerleading" or "Yejin wanted to hangout and you know I can't say no right? I haven't seen him in so long and he's leaving soon." 

"So you can make time for other guys but not your boyfriend," he thought bitterly. 

Truthfully, he's not as jealous as he should be. He might be ticked off, but it has little to do with the fact that his girlfriend is spending time with another man (which is somewhat alarming because he's known to be possessive of what's his). His irritation mostly stems from her completely ignoring what he'd done.

Heck. Mark Tuan almost lost a leg because of her. And his courageous act wasn't even directed at her, but her maltese! 

Not that he regret it (he's ready to sacrifice any limb to save an animal in danger), he just wants a "Thank you" and maybe a kiss on the cheek at the very least. 

But none. Nada. Zilch. 

Once she found out her friend is visiting, she disappeared like a ghost. And that is the last time Mark saw her. 

He took another deep breath and redialed the same number for the 16th time. 


"It's me, Mark."

"Oh hey babe! I'm so sorry for not picking up your calls. You know...cheerleading and all that. So, why'd you call?"

*Because I miss you*

"Nothing important. Just letting you know I'm leaving today."

"To where?"

"...Did you not read my text to you last night?"

"Um...I'll read it later"

"No need. I'm going to the rehab and staying there for a while. Visit me when you have time, I guess."

Then he hung up. 

His mom emerged from the kitchen. "Your dad will meet us there. Ready to go, sweetheart?"

"Ready as I'll ever be," he grumbled and picked up his bag. 

"I didn't know you're this funny, hyung," Youngjae said after bursting out in laughter at one of Jinyoung's stories. It was the classic older-sisters-dressing-him-up-as-snow-white story. Don't ask. He still hate his sisters for that. 

It wasn't too busy in the rehab center, so he got to accompany the other volunteer in the front desk. They've been chatting and exchanging stories for the past couple of hours. 

He glanced at the clock. Just 30 more minutes before his first shift ends. 

"Oh my god. I think I need to pee after that," Youngjae said, already standing up to head to the bathroom.

Jinyoung panicked and held onto the other's sleeve. "Wait. You're leaving me here?" 

"I need to pee, hyung. Badly." 

He tightened his grasp. "But what if someone comes? Like a visitor or something?"

"I'll be quick. Besides there hasn't been a visitor in the past hour or so."

"Are you sure..." He glanced worriedly at the entrance. 

"Yes hyung. I'll be back!" Youngjae shouted as he made a dash for the restroom. 

However, the minute Youngjae left, the bell rang. 

*Are you absolutely kidding me?*

He looked up and saw three people walking toward him. Two seemed like they were as old as his parents, while the other one looked fairly young. And dashing.

Their eyes met and he felt heat erupt in his cheeks. 

"Uh good afternoon!" He abruptly stood up. Just then he noticed the other man's leg wrapped up in a cast. 

At this point, he still hasn't registered in his brain who the visitors were. 

"Hi. We're here to check-in our son," the beautiful woman said. 

"Ah yes of course!" He started sifting through all the papers in front of him. He doesn't see anything that says patient check-in. 


When he looked back up, he almost choked at the intense stare the new patient is giving him. He began fiddling with the computer, miraculously hoping the document or program pops up and save him from this embarassment. 

He heard someone scoff. It was the new patient.

"Clearly you don't know what you're doing." He cocked an eyebrow and turned to the man beside him.

"Dad, do we seriously accept people like him? He's obviously not fit for the job." 

Jinyoung was about to make a smart comeback when Youngjae finally appeared.

"Mr. and Mrs. Tuan!"

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Chapter 2: Can you make the next chapter please!!! I can't wait!!
Chapter 2: Very good! Can you write the next chapter?
JinyoungsMark #3
Chapter 2: Hahaha..ohh my markjin encoutered ^^
Great so far! Update soon authornim!!
tymark #5
Chapter 2: Awwwmkmmmmkkjjbccgh... I love this story...
Chapter 2: Awww Markjin first meeting and Mark already become a jerk .... Hehehe i like jerk Mark >< Cant wait how the other chap will go ~Fighting !
yeoljamxing0727 #7
Chapter 1: Excited for the next update authornim~ :)
JinyoungsMark #8
Chapter 1: Excited for the next chap..fighting on ur first fic authornim ;)
Marknyoungie #9
Interesting, Markie got a gf. Wait gor new uodate author nim~
Chapter 1: woa, i'm exited for next update. this seems great, author-nim! ^_^