Chapter three

Remember me

Krystal wrapped her arms over each other when she reached the side of the dance floor, unsure what to do now.  Her eyes followed the swirling couples of men and women, each in their own world, laughing, dancing and twirling on the beat. Krystal knew how to dance, she knew the basics. One to the right, one to the back, one to the left, one to the front, repeat, repeat, repeat. But she had only practised with her father, and not with someone else on the dance floor. Besides that, she guessed that Amber had no clue how to dance, and that her toes would probably be sore at the end of the dance. 
Krystal simply refused to set another step further. Amber came to stand next to her, her hands in the pocket of her trousers. For a moment, no one spoke. Of course, Amber had to ruin the silence by talking in that annoying hoarse, deep voice of hers. It wouldn't been attractive if it wasn't Amber Liu's voice.
"Are you going to stand here the whole evening?" 
"If I have to, yes. Did you really think I was going to dance with you?" she replied. Amber just laughed. Krystal shot her a sideways glare of irritation. The rascal turned her head towards Krystal and smiled widely. 
"Yes," she said. Krystal blinked confusedly. She opened to say something back like "Hell no!" or "In your dreams!", but she was too baffled. Amber had taken her by her hand and tugged her onto the dancefloor. With a swiftness of an expert, she had placed one of her hands upon her waist, and held with her other hand Krystal's hand up. She already started to dance before Krystal was fully prepared, causing her to trip over her own feet. Krystal would've fallen backwards onto her if Amber hadn't caught her right before she'd hit the ground. Out of a reflex, Krystal had thrown her arms around Amber's neck. Their faces were close, she noticed, when her brain finally caught up on what had happened. She gulped. Amber grinned.
"What, are you falling for me already?" the brat laughed. Krystal huffed and pulled up her nose. 
"Help me to stand up," she hissed. Amber laughed, and did as she was told. She stood back up again, although didn't take her hand off her hip. Instead, she started to dance. Krystal, still a bit dazed, had trouble following. Her cheeks burned of shame, knowing that she must look rediculous. On the other hand, Amber danced perfectly, not missing a single step, always on the beat. Eventually Krystal managed to correct herself, and get along with Amber's lead. It only annoyed her more that Amber did know how to dance, instead of failing excessively.
When they had finally stabalized their pace, Krystal noticed how close she actually was to her. It was probably the closest she had ever gotten to Amber Josephine Liu. And unlike other girls, it didn't make her nervous at all. Instead, she felt this great pressure to do better than her, to outshine her in every single way. She couldn't help it to let her eyes run over Amber's outfit. 
Amber had traded her leather jacket, ripped jeans and army boots for something classy. A black tuxedo, which fit her figure perfectly, without it being too feminine; her shoulders were broad enough to fit the piece of clothing. A white blouse tucked into black pants, and a black tie knotted around . Instead of letting her hair down, she had brought it up, which immediately made her more attractive, to Krystal's liking. She bit down on her lip when she caught herself thinking of Amber as attractive. Of cours she was not. Her brain was just playing tricks with her because she wore clothing that were more Krystal's style. 
She now noticed that Amber was actually smaller than she was, which gave her a boost in her ego again. They were of roughly the same height when she didn't wear heels, but now with ten centimeters extra in height, Krystal won easily. Still, Amber didn't seem to be bothered by looking up to her. It almost seemed like she was taller anyway, because Krystal still felt smaller. Probably because her ego was so big. 
The scent of her pierced through Krystal's nose. It had something woody, like she had spent the whole day in the forest without sweating. A sweet smell of wet earth, grass and trees, mixed with a sweet summer breeze. She didn't know whether this was her parfume or her own smell, but she found herself not disliking it. 
Her gaze rose from her toned neck until they found her lips, which were strangely very well formed. She caught herself looking at it for too long; she felt a tingle in her belly. Surprised because of the sudden mood switch — and the feeling of recognizement in those crazy fan girls — she shifted away, immediatebly back to her dark eyes. Krystal noticed that Amber had observed her this whole time, and now smiled when their gazes met again. She showed her a knowing smile, which Krystal answered with a frown of her eyebrows. Had she been caught? Impossible, it had only been a second or two. Plus, she wasn't at all attracted to Amber Josephine Liu.
"Surprised to see me? Aah, you're not good at hiding your emotions princess. It hurts my feelings that you dont like to see me here," she laughed. Krystal shot her a sideways glare and stayed quiet. She tried very much to keep her face in a neutral expression, but it was hard when Amber was so close. 
"Don't you think this party is incredibly dull?"
Krystal raised her eyebrows and shrugged. She looked away, not really feeling like answering. Instead, she focussed on the dancing. Now that she got the hang of it again, she didn't miss a single step too. She was used to being the follower, but now that Amber was the leader, she felt a great need to take over her place. But the cheeky brat was always one step ahead of her, causing their dance to get more intense with every step they took. Amber made her make a pirouette, and caught her afterwards. 
"Shall we get out of here? Leave those old men to their business and make some fun," she asked quietly, suddenly bringing her face way too close to Krystal's. Her eyes fluttered down to that big cheeky grin, and she pulled up her nose to show her disgust. 
"Is this an attempt to flirt with me?"[/i] she asked harshly. Amber bowed back a bit and laughed. She shrugged carelessly, barely taking Krystal's assumption seriously. "It is an attempt to get to know you, Krystal Jung. The girl who keeps avoiding me."
"Why do you think I'm avoiding you?" Krystal bit to her. Amber raised her eyebrows questioningly, as if she really had to think about it. 
"I don't think I care why you do it. All I do know is that you judge me for the wrong reasons, Krystal. Why do you think I came all the way to this stupid party? To have fun? Please, I'd go to my friends if I wanted to have fun."
Krystal blinked confusedly. For a moment, she could only stare. dropped a little bit while her mind tried to catch up with everything that happened. 
"You knew I was coming?" she blurted out. 
"Of course. Our parents are friends, and I knew from the moment you first set a foot onto campus that you were CEO Jung's daughter," she said. "It's not really hard to figure that out, you know. You have his nose."
Krystal was baffled, and couldn't help to touch the bridge of her nose for a moment. 
"Why did you came then?" 
Amber smiled. 
"Call it curiosity. I want to prove I'm not the kind of person you think I am."
Krystal cleared and rolled with her eyes. She made a face. 
"There is a reason why those rumours around you exist, you know? If you were truly a different person than everyone says you are, then those stories wouldn't go around the university," she said. "I don't think I'm interested in knowing who you really are." 
Amber raised her shoulders for a moment.

"Ah, yeah. The stories are true. Every single one of them. I don't really regret creating them. Still, I want to prove myself. Call me mad," she said. "Here, I give you a deal. What if you go with me now, away from this hell of boringness, and let me prove myself. If you don't think differently of me after tonight, I will leave you alone. And if not, then today is the perfect start of a new friendship, don't you think?"

Krystal frowned. Her mind was racing, and her heart was doubtful. She bit down on her lip and took her gaze off Amber's eyes. The street rat kept looking at her, with those deep, dark eyes that made her even more nervous. She swallowed audibly. Her hand clutched at the fabric of Amber's jacket. 
[i]"What if I say yes... where will we go?"[/i] she asked, not daring to look at Amber. Somehow, her offer sounded very appealing. She had done her job at the conference, and since her father rather wanted to be around Jacob than her, there was no need for her to stay here anymore. But still, would it be wise to go with Amber? What if someone saw them? People admired her for not falling for Amber Josephine Liu's charmes. If they were seen, would she be just another girl who had gotten weak for that smile? 
Krystal shook her head to clear her thoughts. What did it matter what other people said? She, herself, knew that she defenitely wasn't attracted to Amber, and that she'd never be interested in her. She would never become a groupie. Other people would've fainted if Amber had showed so much interest in them; she had come all the way to the party for Krystal; but she just couldn't care less. Still, she was curious what Amber was going to do tho make her change her mind. She was pretty sure that this evening would make her reconsider her thoughts about the brat at all, but she liked to see Amber try. The reason why she even bothered was still unknown to Krystal.
Amber shrugged. 
"I don't know. I'm not the kind of person to plan what to do, are you?"
"I like to plan my days, yes," she admitted. Amber laughed and shook her head. 
"Well, Princess, shall we go then?" she asked. Krystal cocked her head. 
"I don't remember saying 'yes' yet."
"Oh, I mistook your interest for wanting to come with me. Of course, I could also deliver you back to your dad and go by myself. Your choice," she said. Krystal frowned. A bit insulted, she lifted her chin. 
"No, let's go," she said. Krystal grabbed Amber's hand more firmly and dragged her behind her off the dancefloor. The girl hadn't expected her to be so progressive, and stumbled behind her. She heard her laugh, and decided not to turn around to shush her. Amber took her hand back, and lead her towards the garderobes, where they both got their coats. Besides Amber's coat, the lady handed her a bag with stuff too. Krystal raised her eyebrows. 
"What's in that?" she asked
"Clothes,"Amber replied. "I'm going to get changed into the toilets, wait a moment."

She was gone before Krystal could reply. Amber raced into the men's bathroom a little down the hall, which made Krystal raise her eyebrows. She wondered why on earth she would not go into the female bathroom. Why would je unnecessarily embarass yourself in front of men when you don't have to? 

Krystal stayed put, waiting for the troublemaker to return. When she did, she sadly noticed that she had changed into her old clothes. A white T-Shirt underneath her usual worn-out fake leather jacket. Her jeans weren't ripped for once - how classy - but her dirty sneakers made up for that. Krystal rolled her eyes when Amber joined her again. 
"Don't you want to change into something more comfertable?" she asked. "I don't think your dress will be very comfertable."
"Do you think I have brought other clothes with me?" she hissed. "And I'm not really fond at changing my clothes in the men bathroom."
Amber looked at her for a moment, then started to chuckle. 
"It's much easier for me to do that. I don't expect you to understand. Just  bear with me."
"What do you think I'm trying to do?" she huffed. Amber just chuckled and shrugged. She seemed to be very little bothered by it that Krystal judged her for going into the man's bathroom. Krystal couldn't understandt his girl. Flirting, wanting to prove herself to Krystal. What had she ever done to her that provoked her interests? Ignoring her, perhaps. 
Amber Liu became weirder by the second. 
"Shall we go, Princess?" 
Krystal was dragged from her deep thoughts. She looked back to Amber, who had stuck out her hand towards her, asking Krystal to take it. The brunette looked at it for a moment, then lifted her head. Amber took her hand back and sighed. 
"So stubborn," she muttered. "C'mon, let's go then."
Amber placed her hand back into her pocket and signaled towards entrance of the building. Krystal followed her to the doors. 
"Where are we going?" she asked. Amber looked over her shoulder and chuckled. 
"I told you, I don't have a plan. We'll see. That's why I told you it would be better to change out of those clothes."
Krystal huffed and rolled her eyes again. She was getting more annoyed with this girl by the second. How was she expecting to make her change her mind about her if she didn't even have a certain plan to do that? It took at least a little bit preparing to impress her. 
"It's not as if we're going to climb a moutain... right?"
Amber laughed. 
"Nah. But a dress is not fit for the street life."
Amber opened the doors for Krystal, and the brunette stepped through them without giving Amber a look, out of the building into the cool night air. It had gotten  a lot colder over night, and Krystal found that she was still shivering even though she wore her coat. In the late afternoon her thin summer coat had seen been enough, but now that the chilly night's breeze had set in, she had to wrap her arms around her waist to keep herself warm. 
"Want my jacket?" 
Krystal looked up to Amber, who held out the jacket of her suit to her. For a moment, she doubted whether to take it, but then she shook her head. 
"No," she said. "Let's just get going. I'll get warm from walking."
She didn't want to take anything from Amber Liu. Sooner or later she'd be in debt to her and that meant she would never leave her alone.
The short-haired girl looked at her for a moment, then shrugged and put her jacket back into her backpack. 
"As you wish."
They walked further, farther and farther away from the conference building. Farther from her father. An uncomfertable silence set between the two girls.  
The streets were empty, but that wasn't surprising. It was almost midnight, and a Tuesday. No living soul was out and about at midnight on a Tuesday, not even the die-hard partiers. Everyone was safely in their warm homes, and Krystal was here, outside in the cold with a punk that only meant trouble. 
The streetlights were dimmed, some had even broken, causing the street to be mostly lit by the moon. It was a creepy sight, because it made every alley look like some could emerge from it and abuse her. She wondered what Amber would do if that happened. Would she protect her or run? Perhaps join the- No, she wouldn't do that. Amber Josephine Liu might be  a street rat, she would defenitely not abuse her like that 
Krystal couldn't help to think about it. She started to shiver even worse. Her feet started to achr because of her heels, and she regretted going with Amber. The girl didn't even have a clue where to go, and she blindly followed her. How crazy was that. Krystal should've known better and stayed with her father. 

Slowly but surely, they left the centrum of the city, and entered the somewhat poorer districts in the outskirts. They were close to the University, who was about half an hour away. Krystal knew these streets only because her driver always drove through them when he brought her to the head building of their University. Amber seemed to know them by heart, because she didn't turn a wrong turn once. She knew whether to take the right or the left turn, or just to keep walking. 
Krystal couldn't help to peek at her from out of the corner of her eyes. Even in the middle of the night, in the cold, on a lonely street with a girl that didn't even like her, she still smiled. How she was able to do that, was a mystery to Krystal. She felt more like crying than laughing at the moment. 
"You know, if you have something to ask me, you can also just speak up instead of glaring at me so secretly."
Krystal immediately turned her head, and gazed straight foreward again. She pressed her lips upon each other until they formed a single dark pink line upon her pale face. 
"I don't have anything to ask you."
"Then stop staring."
"I wasn't staring," Krystal muttered. Amber chuckled in return. 
"You know, I'm not going to discuss about this anymore, it's chidlish," she grumbled. Amber simply chuckled and shrugged, which annoyed Krystal even more. 

The conversation fell silent again, something the brunette preferred. Everything that came out of Amber Liu's mouth seemed to annoy her, and if she was still to put up with her for the whole evening, she'd have to control herself and her irritations. It wasn't completely Amber's fault, but that girl had some natural repulsion about her. Perhaps it was attraction, because a lot of people seemed to be attracted to that repulsion, but Krystal didn't see it. Yet.

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unknown_kx #1
Chapter 35: Just finished re-reading it, and I can’t believe I forgot how good this story is. Love that it didn’t ended once they got together like most fics out there <3
19 streak #2
Chapter 33: Re reading!
19 streak #3
Chapter 35: Re-reading this beautiful story!!
jinmher #4
Chapter 35: This was beautifully written, Thank you authornim for the roller coaster ride of emotions! hope you write a story again with kryber the main characters!
Adesta123 #5
Chapter 35: Thank you for the story Author-nim
Love it ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Bluenight_0217 #6
Chapter 11: That's hot and sweet!
2076 streak #7
Chapter 35: This is like, so cute and fluffy
2076 streak #8
Chapter 34: I just wanna say I love this
unknown_kx #9
Chapter 35: Loved this
Chapter 35: Just finished reading the entire story today and I've got to say that the effort and heart you put into this shines through. And to think that English isn't even your first language! Great work, my friend. This fic will have a special place with me. Truly a gift to have been able to read it. Keep it up!