Chapter 1


The night air was chilling, the coldness seeped through the thin layer of clothing Baekhyun was currently wearing. A green empty bottle was held between his freezing fingers, Baekhyun chuckled quietly. The darkness embraced him willingly, he was very much at home. He has left a party upon noticing the absence of his previous lover, he had emptied his stomach in one of the available toilets, there was nobody at his side to comfort him but Baekhyun didn’t mind, he was still breathing. The seconds were ticking by slowly, Baekhyun wasn’t in his proper mind to be walking home but he sadly didn’t care about his well-being anymore, not after tonight. His knees were threatening to give out as he shuffled forward, his legs weren’t entirely cooperating. His body felt extremely heavy against the cruel wind, his eyelids were getting heavier each second. He threw himself down on a grass field nearby, the sticky wet grass stuck onto him in an uncomfortable manner but he was still coping. His fingers sought his dying device, he retrieved it from the bottom of his jeans pocket, the brightness of the screen caused Baekhyun to grunt out in irritation. The words were very hazy and unreadable to Baekhyun, he squeezed his eyes to comprehend the words shown on the screen. Suddenly his name popped up in his mind, tears emerged in the corners of his eyes and slowly streamed down his pale face. Baekhyun traced his fingers along his wet stained cheeks, his face was freezing and that wasn’t a good sign although Baekhyun couldn’t care now.


“I’m a fool, I must be.” Baekhyun whispered, clearly. Words were left to sink in his mess of a mind, he had already been called that once. It didn’t mind if he had received the honor to be called a fool, twice.


The wetness of the grass seeped through his clothes and managed to achieve his skin, and taint it even more than it has previously been. The darkness urged him to close his eyes and let sleep take over, it might’ve been a risky move but Baekhyun was a fool after all.




The sun beamed through the thin curtains, awaking the peaceful man who had been asleep for a duration of eleven hours. His head ached painfully, but he managed to open his eyes to a calm scenery, Baekhyun pulled himself up, a tangled sheet of blankets fell off him. Baekyun’s eyes wandered around in curiosity, he questioned his actions. Baekhyun’s eyes fell the furniture set in the unfamiliar white room, it wasn’t his room, Baekhyun’s eyes widened at the discovery, he wasn’t able to question anything else when a stranger happened to walk into the room with a plate filled with baked goods.


“Ah, you’re awake!” The man said, as he greeted Baekhyun with a beaming smile. He placed the plate on a nightstand beside the enormous bed.


“Do you feel a bit better? You must’ve drank a lot last night,” Baekhyun was left blinking up at the man who’s height was very impressive. Baekhyun’s head was tilted as he suddenly began coughing. The man, alarmed, gave Baekhyun a glass with water filled to the brim to drink up slowly. The unfamiliar man guided Baekhyun as he held the glass at Baekhyun’s dry lips.


“Thank you,” Baekhyun managed to say in a whispered manner, it was almost inaudible but Chanyeol caught on. The man placed the glass on the nightstand, before returning his gaze back to Baekhyun who was still wary of his surroundings although he didn’t feel particularly unsafe in the presence of the other.


“I haven’t even introduced myself yet, I apologize for my rude behavior. I’m Chanyeol, you are?” Baekhyun hesitated at first, the stranger seemed surprisingly nice as he must’ve found Baekhyun somewhere passed out on the streets in the late hours of the night.


“Baekhyun,” Baekhyun decided to grant Chanyeol with his name at least, it’s the least he could give when he must’ve took him home last night.


“I took you here because you passed out last night, I hope that’s alright with you. I did hesitate before deciding to just take you here. It’s very cold at night, you should be in a warm space at least.”


“Yes, uh- I’m sorry for that, you could’ve left me there. It’s not your responsibility to look after me,” Baekhyun felt strangely insecure and weirdly intimidated by the gaze the other man was giving him now. His eyes seemed to hold tons of stories within the darkness of the iris.


“Don’t apologize for something you couldn’t have controlled in the state you were in last night. You might’ve frozen to death outside, I couldn’t bear witnessing that.” Baekhyun gulped at this, he was grateful, he wasn’t very great at expressing his thoughts and feelings but he hoped Chanyeol understood.


“Let’s move onto something else, you must be hungry right? I’ve brought you some tasty breakfast!” Chanyeol seemed happy, he was beaming in glee as he brought the plate filled with food to the bed where Baekhyun was still seated upright.


“Eat, I’ve heard your stomach grumble several times. You wouldn’t ever deny this delicious croissant, now would you?” Baekhyun shyly accepted the croissant, he took tiny bites, although Chanyeol told him to take bigger bites as he had bought more croissants. Baekhyun didn’t listen at first but slowly eased up to the warmth Chanyeol was emitting. Chanyeol smiled at the process, as he ate along with Baekhyun while seated on a little chair beside the bed.





I thought about writing some cute baekyeol and here it is.


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