Our Little World


       " Minae!! We're going to be late!!" 

" I'm...coming " I said between loud pants as I ran after my friend Seolah towards the bus stop. Dragging my short legs after her I finally managed to catch up to her.

" Geez you're so slow " Seolah mumbled in annoyance as we stood side by side.

I nudged shoulders with her in annoyance " Can't help it if I'm not athletic " I grumbled as I adjusted my bag on my shoulder. As I looked around the place I caught sight of the cherry blossom trees. It was almost time for them to bloom.

     I lived in a town called Jinhae and it was usually around this time the city held a 10 day festival to commemorate the blooming of the cherry blossoms. It was quite a special day for everyone in the city and particularly for us school kids who enjoyed the various activities with our friends and family. I smiled to myself as I breathed in the scent.

" Yah stop smiling to yourself ugly "

I turned my head to catch sight of an all too familiar face and groaned.

" Not so early Hongbin " I said in annoyance.

He chuckled and came to stand beside me, pushing my hair away from my face roughly " Looks like someone decided to leave their hair loose ".

" I said stop " I said angrily turning to him.

Before I could throw another smartass insult, our bus arrived. I turned around to give him a nasty glare before getting on the bus with Seolah. Hongbin just laughed in response as he got onto the bus after us. 

      Lee Hongbin had known me since we were in grade school. He was a bully of sorts, always annoying me with his antics and throwing out smartass comments like it was no ones business. I didn't like him one bit and wished for him to just leave me alone. However no one seemed to pay attention to the fact that he was bothering me. Why? because he was popular

I turned my head to see Hongbin surrounded by a number of girls. He smiled at all of them as he made small talk. I heaved a sigh of relief, this means he'll stop bothering me.

        On reaching our school, Seolah and I made our way towards the exit. Just as I climbed down the stairs, I heard a voice say " Move faster fatty " before I felt myself falling forwards. 

It felt like I was moving in slow motion, I heard Seolah yell something as I caught sight of the pavement I was about to make contact with. A lot of thoughts went through my head, like how to torture Hongbin after I treated my broken nose or cut lip or whatever injury I was about to recieve. All those thoughts seemed to disappear as my face came into contact with a firm chest. I felt my hands grabbing onto the persons clothing as the two of us skidded to a stop on the pavement. I felt myself shaking from the shock as I held onto the persons clothes tighter, not wanting to let go. 

" Are you okay?" a soft voice rung in my ear, I felt a hand land on my head I looked up at the persons face.

I felt my breath catch in my throat as I locked eyes with him. Staring back at me was a pair of feline eyes holding a look of concern and worry. I felt my face turn warm as I managed choke out an " I am.." 

He gave the slightest smile as he responded with a " That's good ".

It was then i realized how close the two of us were, I was holding onto his shirt while he had one hand on my waist and one on my head. He then let go of me and moved away. The warmth he seemed to radiate disappeared after he moved away.

" Be more careful okay?" he said bending down to pick up his messenger bag.

I nodded " Thank you so much.."

" Taekwoon " he suddenly said.

" Eh?"

" My name " he said laughing " My name is Taekwoon "

I smiled " Thank you Taekwoon "

" I'll see you around then " he said as he waved goodbye and turned to go.

I stood frozen in the same spot as I watched him walk away.

'So this is what falling in love felt like.' 

I placed a hand on my chest, it sure did hurt a lot.


             I remained in a daze until it was time for class to begin. It was highly unllkely that I'd even see him again, but somehow I wished it would happen. Sooner or later.

" Hey.."

I ignored the voice as I stared ahead at the chalk board.

" HEY "

I snapped out of my daze and turned my head to look at Hongbin, who just so happened to sit beside me (ironic huh?)

" Look I'm really sorry..about what happened on the bus, I didn't mean to hurt you I swear " he said.

Oh right, Hongbin was the one who pushed me. I thought long and hard about it, maybe it was a good thing, otherwise I wouldnt have gotten a chance to meet Taekwoon. I felt a smile creep up my face again as I turned to Hongbin.

" Thats okay Hongbin " I said turning back to the front, in time to see our homeroom teacher enter the room.

" Alright class, I have an important announcement to make, I will not be coming to class for the rest of the year "

The entire class gasped in unison as the teacher raised his hands reassuring us " But don't worry, I've bought a substitute teacher along, if you'd please come in " he said gesturing for the person outside to enter.

My eyes grew wide as the person entered the classroom. No no no no...this wasn't happening this wasn't it was-

" Hello my name is Jung Taekwoon, I'll be your homeroom teacher for the rest of the semester "

This wasn't happening.


       Taekwoon taught us Math and he was quite good at teaching if I say so myself. He got his masters degree at Howon University and he was currently 24 years old, 8 years older than me. I found myself waiting outside Seolahs classroom one day when I saw him walk by. He froze once he saw me and smiled.

" Taekwoon.." I mumbled.

" Hello there, didn't think I'd bump into you here " he said.

" I'm in your homeroom class though.." I said shyly.

" Aah..Minae right?" he asked.

I nodded as I felt myself go warm in the face. He remembered my name..

" Well be more careful alright? Oh and..call me seosangnim, atleast while we're inside school "

With that he turned to go towards the staff room. I couldn't stop myself from smiling once he'd turned his back. Once he was out of sight I turned to see Hongbin staring at me. I frowned, what was he even looking at. He then turned away from me and went back to talking to his friends.


           A new, handsome, male substitute teacher was bound to catch the attention of the other students right? I wasn't the only one who had a crush on Taekwoon. As much as his interactions with other students made me jealous, I shared something with him, he didn't share with the others. I held onto that small connection with everything I had.

" You're not eating lunch with us?" Seolah asked as we walked down the corridor.

I shook my head " Maybe tomorrow alright?" I said.

She smiled understanding what I meant " Okay then, I'll be cheering for you "  

I usually had lunch by myself at the rooftop sometimes just to enjoy the breeze and keep away from the noisy students. Word was that Taekwoon liked to eat lunch here too, I hoped I could run into him here. I stuffed a piece on kimchi into my mouth as I watched the clouds pass by. I closed my eyes enjoying the breeze, my head filled with thoughts as to what it would be like to be held by Taekwoon, when a familiar voice interrupted my thoughts.

" Well look who's here "

My eyes snapped open and I turned to look at the intruder. My eyes narrowed once I saw his face " Whoa what happened to you?"

Hongbins face had a giant bruise on his eye and he wore a bandage over his left cheek.

He clicked his tongue and sat down beside me " The usual "

I frowned " What do you mean 'The usual' ?"

He turned to look at me, he didn't answer he just kept staring, I found myself staring back. I eventually looked away.

" Stop doing that, its creepy " I said. What was that just now?

He sighed " You like someone don't you?" he asked.

I felt myself turn red as I turned to see him laughing at me " Th-thats none of your business!"

He chuckled " So you do "

" I don't "

" You do "

" I don't!!"

" You do "

I frowned as I looked at him, his smile fell " I know you do. "

He sounded so serious, it was so unlike him.

" Yah, are you sick? " I asked placing a hand on his forehead.

He swatted my hand away hurriedly, " Wh-what are you doing?"

" Checking to see if your sick. " I said rubbing the hand he just swatted " And that hurt you know?"

" I'm sorry " he said, he looked really upset.

I smiled " Somethings up with you Hongbin. Are you sure you aren't the one who likes someone?" I asked playfully nudging his shoulder.

He turned to lock eyes with me. He looked so upset for some reason.

" I do. I do like someone. But she likes someone else. You know how I know that?" he asked.

He looked so pained for some reason and I was scared to ask him how he knew.

He ran a hand through my hair " Because she looks at him the same way I look at her "

With that he got up to his feet.

" Hongbin ah! " I got up and stood at the top of the stairs. He stood at the foot of the stairs and turned back to look at me.

" I..I hope she looks at you the same way too " I said.

He smiled a sad smile as he turned to go.


           Hongbin had stopped annoying me since we had that conversation at the rooftop. In a way it felt weird but good at the same time. My interactions with Taekwoon were also starting to get better..very slowly. One day I was called by him to the staffroom and I couldn't stop myself from giggling as I entered the room.

" Hey! Minae " he said gretting me with a smile before going back to rummage through his drawer.

" Hey seosangnim " I said meekly.

" I've told you to call me by my name right?" he asked.

I blushed " Alright then, I'll call you Taekwoon "

He smiled " Listen I wanted to talk to you about something "

I felt my heart skip a beat as my mind began to race with all sorts of thoughts. Was this a normal kind of conversation? What if it turns romantic? What will I do if it turns romantic?

He rubbed the back of his head and spoke " Um..this is about your classmate, Lee Hongbin "

My eyes grew wide, ' Hongbin? What could possibly be wrong with him? As far as I remembered he was a good student '

" Its about his grades, they seemed to have drastically dropped this semester. He's participating fine in class but his grades dont seem to be increasing"

I frowned, this was definitely suspicious.

" Minae " Taekwoons voice brought me back to my senses. " Keep an eye out for him for me will you?" he asked.

I nodded as a blush laced my face.

Hongbin ah..what were you upto?


" What do you want Minae?" Hongbin asked as he placed his books in his bag, getting ready to leave.

I gripped the straps of my backpack, this is it Minae its now or never.

" Can I walk home with you today?" I asked.

His eyes grew wide as he stared at me in surprise " Are you alright? "

I frowned " Of course I'm alright..truth is I wanted help with some of my homework and Seolahs busy today so..you were the only person I knew who could help.." I looked down at my feet hoping he'd buy it.

" Okay then, I'm missing my shift for you today so you owe me " he said.

I looked up at him grinning, " Thanks Hongbin!!" I said happily running after him.

The two of us walked side by side not exchanging any words for a while. Once we'd walked a considerable distance Hongbin spoke up.

" So whats the actual reason you wanted me to walk you home?" he asked.

I looked up at him in surprise, his gaze seemed to pierce through me, it made me feel exposed; even. How did he do that?

I looked away, " I..I told you already "

He continued to gaze at me and sighed as he looked away " Alright then " he said walking away.

I watched his back as he walked in front of me, how did he know?

" Just so you know, lying to me isn't going to do you any good. I definitely wouldn't lie to you " he said without turning back to look at me.

I stopped, I felt something prick at my heart. Guilt and sadness all at once.

" Fine I'll tell you " I said.

He looked at me over his shoulder.

I took a deep breath " Your grades have been dropping so Taekwoon seosangnim asked me too look into it "

He clicked his tongue " That guy again huh " he mumbled and he came to stand before me.

He took hold of my hand " Theres something I want you to see, will you come with me?" he asked.

The two of us locked eyes and I saw something like sadness reflected in his eyes.

I nodded and followed him. I didn't doubt that he'd do anything to me. He was Hongbin, the same Hongbin I knew from grade school.

        The two of us came to stop outside a battered, old house. Hongbin opened the gate and went in, waiting for me to follow. I followed him, confused as to what he could possibly be doing. Hongbin placed a hand on the door and I stopped him.

" Hongbin ah..are you sure you aren't doing something bad?" I asked looking him in the eye.

He looked surprised and smiled " I'd never do anything bad. Even if I was, I wouldn't drag you into it " he said.

His words seemed reassuring and I let him open the door.

The two of us entered the house, the interiors looked like that of a typical home, a little old but cozy nevertheless.

" Hey guys!!" Hongbin yelled.

I heard a flurry of footsteps and I looked up to see a number of children standing at the top of the stairs.

Choruses of 'Hyung!' and 'Oppa!' filled the air as the children ran downstairs to hug Hongbin.

I watched in awe as Hongbin took turns in greeting the kids. So this is what he'd been upto. I felt a smile creep up my face as I watched him play with the kids. An unfamiliar voice then rung out.

" Ahh they're as energetic as ever "

I looked up to see an elderly women watching the little group fondly. She then looked up to smile at me.

" You must be Binnies friend, come with me " she said leading me towards the kitchen area. She gestured for me to sit down as she poured me a glass of juice. She then sat beside me.

" This is a home for abused and orphaned children, if you look closely you can see some of them are nursing injuries " she said.

I turned to look at the little crowd and saw some children wearing casts, bandages and eye patches.

" Hongbin ah recently rescued a child who was suffering from abuse. He got himself injured during the process too"

I remembered the day at the terrace where he was nursing a few injuries.

" He's really been of so much help, and I hope he keeps helping all of us here " she said fondly.

I turned to look at Hongbin as he played with the children, there seemed to be an extremely pleasant aura about him; he almost seemed as though he was glowing. He really looked beautiful. Amidst entertaining the kids he turned to smile at me and I found myself blushing

Geez what was wrong with me?.


       " Come back to play with us tomorrow too okay?" a little boy said as he waved goodbye to Hongbin and I.

" We will!" we chorused as we turned to go. 

We walked in silence, our feet crushing the leaves that peppered the ground signifying the coming of spring. I took a deep breath and spoke.

" You really are amazing Hongbin ah "

He stopped and turned to look at me in surprise " Whats with that?" he asked laughing.

I smiled " I mean it "

" You can go tell Taekwoon what I've been upto. It might affect my grades but those kids..they make me feel like I'm doing something good " he said eyeing the floor.

A cold breeze passed us ruffling our hair.

" I won't tell him "

Hongbin looked up at me surprised.

I felt tears well up in my eyes as I remembered the kids at the house " Those kids...they need you Hongbin ah. I'm pretty sure no one else can look after them but you. You're amazing. "

" Yah " he said coming closer to me. " This isn't something to cry about " 

I locked eyes with him as he brushed a stray tear away from my cheek. He continued to stare back, unmoving and I felt something stir up in my chest. Something warm, it felt oddly pleasant. Hongbins voice broke the silence as he spoke.

" Minae...can I hold  you?"

I froze, as I felt a blush creep up my face. Hongbins face turned the prettiest shade of pink as he averted his eyes to hide his awkwardness. I smiled and nodded.

" Sure "

With that Hongbin came closer and pulled me into an embrace. He felt warm, extremely warm and I felt myself wrapping my arms around his back and nuzzling my head against his neck. He smelt nice, both delicate and masculine at the same time. I felt my heart hammering against my chest at an inhuman pace as he tightened his hold on me. Seconds turned into minutes but none of us let go. We didn't know why we were so stubborn to let go. It just felt right to me, Hongbin probably felt it too. 

" Minae.." Hongbin whispered in my ear.

" Yeah?"



" I love you "

My eyes grew wide and I began to pull away.

" NO STOP " he exclaimed.

" I know its not right to confess now, but right now it feels like we're in our own little world and I feel like if we break this we'll go back to the real world " he said.

So I continued to hold onto him. " Why now?" I asked.

" Its not a matter of now. I've been holding it in for years, I was satisfied by our occasional insults, arguments and small talk. But then this year you fell in love too and I felt like I had to let you know"

I felt tears well up in my eyes, the fact that our bodies were so close to each other didn't help either.

" I love you Minae..I love you so much "

I held back a sob, Why me? Why did it have to be me?

" I'm gonna let go now alright? After this we'll go back to how we used to be. I'll keep cheering for you, I hope your feelings reach Taekwoon "

With that Hongbin pulled away. Breaking away from the little world that he'd created for the two of us. With a smile he turned and began to walk into town. I continued to stand in the same place as I watched his receding figure. Lee Hongbin had just confessed to me and left me behind in the little world along side his feelings.


              Today was the first day of the cherry blossom festival, preparations were in full swing in our little town. Amidst all the people having fun with their friends and other halves and families there was me. Tossed into a void with nothing but my cluttered feelings.

" Minae ah lets go see the fire works " Seolah said pulling me by the hand.

I shook my head and pulled away " I think I'm going home ". I said.

Her smile fell " You sure? You'll feel better " she said.

I laughed, an empty, lifeless laugh " No, I need to be alone by myself okay? I'll see you tomorrow "

With that I turned to go home.

     I let out a sigh as I walked back. The entire town seemed to be gathered for the festival as the streets I walked down were empty. Here I was again, with me and my feelings. Hongbins sudden confession really managed to hit me deep. So deep I forgot about my massive crush on Taekwoon. Remembering yesterdays events made my heart ache, the way he played with the kids, the way he held me. The little world he created for the two of us the those few minutes. A part of me wanted to go back to that world and a part of me wanted to stay away because of fear. But then again, this was Hongbin and he'd never hurt me. Never.

I looked up to see a familiar figure standing outside my house. He looked up to lock eyes with me and thats when I knew.

I took quick steps to get to where he stood. That little world...I wanted to be a part of it. To be held like I was the only one who mattered, to feel loved.

I wanted all that. And much more.

I came to stop before him panting.

" Hey, are you okay? Your friend just called me to check up on you "

" Hongbin ah...will you create that little world for me again?" I asked.

His eyes grew wide and then his face turned solemn " I thought we agreed on going back to-"

" Please " I said taking hold of his arms. 

Tears were beginning to well up and I knew I couldn't hold in it any longer.

Hongbin enveloped me in his warm embrace again and I felt lighter in an instant. I closed my eyes and inhaled his scent, that familiar scent that made me feel at ease. 

" Hongbin ah.." I whispered " I have one question, just one question alone alright? Answer me honestly "

He chuckled " Of course, I told you right? I can never lie to you "

" Do you still love me?" I asked.

Hongbin paused and let out a breath before answering " Of course I do, I've loved you for all those years its gonna take me more than a day to forget about it ".

I pulled away a little bit and looked up at him " I want to love you too. Just like how you love me " I said.

" Minae.."

I placed my hands on his cheeks " I want to be a part of your world Hongbin ah. Make me fall in love with you " I said.

Hongbin let out a shaky breath as he came closer, warm hands holding onto my face " Then..can I kiss you?"

The request seemed so sudden, but it seemed appropriate at the same time.

" I-if its too sudden I'm sorry " he said.

I laughed and shook my head. " No it feels right " I said wrapping my arms around his neck as I felt his lips touch mine.

            There we stood, time seemed to stop as we shared a kiss underneath the street lights. Year's of hidden feelings seemed to pour of of that single kiss as he held me like I was the only thing that mattered. What were the possibilities that could arise out of a single embrace? As Hongbin pulled away to smile at me I knew I had my answer. I heard him apologize for making me lose by breath but I just laughed. 

" Hongbin ah " I said holding onto the hem of his jacket.

" Yeah?"

I looked up to smile at him, my cheeks flushed from the kiss we shared " I think I fell in love with you a little just now "

His face lit up with the prettiest smile I'd ever seen " That makes me so happy "

With that the two of us proceeded to share another kiss.

The whole act of falling in love was unknown to me, how long did it take? did it have a pause button? how did it have an effect on the heart?

However I did learn one thing, bit by bit, minute by minute.

I felt myself fall in love all over again.



Hey guys!!

First off if you finished this give yourself a cookie or a pat on the back xD

This is by far the longest one shot I've ever written, 4427 words to be exact *_*

But to those of you who were expecting a Leo one shot I'm so sorry *bows*

I really love all of our boys but our Hongbong ah really deservs more love so this is what happned :D

So thank you for reading my long one shot, really thank you so soo much * bows several times * ^^

If you're a regular reader, I'll be sure to see you gus in my other stories :D

Until then, goodbye~








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chaglutinous #1
I'm looking forward to this!!