The Way You Talk

The Way You Talk


The Way You Talk - PG - TofuHo - Cute/Angsty/Fluffles - Oneshot

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So maybe he didn't say much out loud. Maybe more often than not he kept his voice hidden from the world, only letting it out for performances and even was limited. Maybe that was why so many people had found so many reasons to call him useless; untalented. Interviews and performances and fan many chances to say something and yet he never took those chances. I never really understood it for the longest time, thinking that maybe he just didn't feel like talking. Maybe he was more of an observer than a speaker. But I know now that that's not it. It has nothing to do with him not wanting to speak or him simply having nothing to say. Because you see....he's been speaking the whole time. You just didn't hear him.


He speaks with his eyes. Those big, too beautiful doe eyes that just stare and stare until the color is cut off briefly as he blinks before they're open again and you're staring right back, unable to look away. You tell him you're hurting and without saying a single thing he tells you it's gonna be alright. That he'll be there if you need him. If you'd just look him in the eyes you'd see that. You'd see everything. His eyes, where he keeps his emotions and his words.


He speaks with his mouth but not in the way most do. He doesn't voice his thoughts or express his feelings because he can do that in silence. You ask him if he's had a good day but you turn to the others in the room, the question really meant for all so you don't see it. The big smile that appears on his face because yes. Yes he's had a good day. If you would just look at him a few seconds longer you'd see it. You'd know instantly. His mouth, where he keeps his words locked behind expressions.


He speaks with his hands. Long fingers clenching into fists because he wants his message to be subtle. He's angry. But you're looking off in another direction so you miss it. The way his hands tense and he stuffs them into his pockets because this time he doesn't want you to read what he's saying. If you would just pay attention you would see it. You would know so much more that his apparent silence. His hands, where he hides the words he doesn't want you to hear.


He speaks with his arms. Keeping them close to his side when he's angry, crossing them in front of him when he's upset, and opening them wide for a big hug when he's happy. So very happy. Each emotion and each arm placement says something different...if you're paying attention. If you would just-


But you don't. Like most people you just don't even try to pay attention to him.


Because he's quiet. He doesn't say much out loud.


But god damn it if you would just learn to read him the way I have, you would understand so much more.


I know it hurts him inside that nobody tries to understand him. I see it in his eyes when he thinks nobody is looking. but I also know he's come to accept his fate and role as the silent one that nobody will ever really know.


But I know. I, Lee Jinki, am proud to say that I know him in a way nobody else does.


Turning to him I see him watching me, his eyes slightly squinting as if he's trying to tell me something. I haven't perfected reading him quite yet, but I know enough to know...


“I like the way you talk.”


He blinks, eyes widening in surprise at my words. He points to himself with those hands that for now will allow me to know his question and I nod, smiling.


His confusion fades after only a moment and he smiles back. A smile that tells me “thank you,hyung.” because he knows that I get it. That I understand that all this time he's been speaking to us.


Flashing him a wide grin I send him a silent message back.


“You're welcome,Minho. Very welcome.”


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I posted this on my livejournal ages ago but I never go on there anymore and nobody really reads my stuff there (since I don't post in communities. I find them to be power-hungry with stupid rules) and I just found this site so I decided to post it here too.  Any constructive criticism is welcome.

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sujushineegg #1
awesome short story!!
wow...this is a beautiful piece of writing! you described everything with such lucid detail...your grasp of style is wonderful. please keep writing!
Writer-nim, I wish you could see me now. For if you could, you would see my lips pull into a long line, hiding behind them an appreciation and sheer happiness for your phrasing so well the way of speech of people who does not speak too often.
This is a beautiful piece of writing. Thumbs up!
m0zarts0nata-- #4
so cute ^^
This is... AMAZING. I don't think I've ever read a one-shot as beautiful (my girl! ^^) as this one... Please make more in the future!
LonelyDay #6
you did it well<br />
Beautiful....amazing....I'm've found a new subscriber and friend....please continue writing I enjoy reading...=D
aigo.. this is soooooooooooooooooooo MINHO~~~