a w a k e*~!

Giving up, Giving in; What's the difference?

I think I may have said that they have bunk beds, but forget that, they are just two beds that are across from each other.


“Well, that wasn’t embarrassing at all!” Donghae muttered sarcastically to himself as they walked back into their cabin. No one paid attention to him.

Sayuri yawned and stretched her arms out. “I’m beat.” She said laying down so her head was resting on the arm of the couch. “So tired.” She yawned again, and then closed her eyes for a moment.

“Then go to sleep?” Eunhyuk suggested.

“Oh no.” Sayuri sat up shaking her head slightly. “That my friend would take too much effort.”

“How so?” He was confused by her words.

“Well, first I have to remember where my room is, and then I have to get up, walk to the stars, go up the stairs, and walk down the hall. Then I have to find my room, open the door, turn on the lights, close the door, get changed, make my bed, and set up my bed for sleeping.” She spoke quickly “Then I have to notice the other bed and freak out about who will be sleeping there, run down stairs and ask everyone and whilst my freaking out. That’s not even it, what about brushing my teeth and that stuff? Plus I’m hungry, so for now. Let me just be tired here.” Taking a long breath as she finished she lay down and closed her eyes again, “See, it too much effort telling you that it’d take too much effort.”

He looked at her, more confused than before. He didn’t get anything out of it.

“She does have a point.” Siwon said sitting down beside Eunhyuk.

“Huh? You understood that?” He stared at Siwon in disbelief.

“No, I mean, there’s 16 of us, 8 bedrooms. Each room has 2 beds.” Siwon paused waiting for everyone else to catch on.

They all were silent for a moment. Including Sayuri, she didn’t really want to sleep in the same room with a boy, let alone one she barely knew.

“I’ll just sleep on the couch” Sayuri said still laying down on the couch, “Then I won’t have to move!”

“You can’t sleep on the couch.” Yesung said moving your feet so he could sit. “It’s lumpy.”

She sat up looking from boy to boy, “Okay…Then…who will be sharing the room with me?” Her voice was quiet, it made her nervous, thinking about sharing a room with a boy that is.

Her head was racing with thoughts, she didn’t know them that well or anything, and she’d only just met them!

“How about we just draw a name?” Sungmin said leaning up against a wall as he spoke, “Sayuri is that okay with you?”

She nodded, “I get to pull the name.” Her smile was only half-hearted.


“So…” Sayuri said awkwardly as she got her bed ready for sleeping. “I guess were roomies now.”

“Yeah.” He replied just as awkwardly. He was looking through his bag, obviously trying to avoid having to make eye contact with Sayuri.


“This .” Yesung mumbled, “Why does he get to stay with her?”

He lay down on his bed and stared up at the ceiling. He looked over at Kyuhyun who was playing with a hand held video game. Yesung groaned, “And I’m stuck with you.”

Without looking up from his game Kyuhyun said, “What does it matter? Do you like her or something?”

“What? No. I’d just,” Yesung said quickly, “I just would rather hang out with her. She seems to understand me.”

Kyuhyun laughed dryly, “She’s the only one then.”

“Uhuh.” Yesung said nodded, he didn’t catch on that he was being made fun of, “Hey…wait.” He added open realization before he threw a pillow at him.


“It’s so not fair.” Danbi complained, “Sayuri is so lucky.”

Sunni shot a glare in her direction; she didn’t think Sayuri was lucky. “Just go to sleep. We’ll have breakfast with her.” If she wants to, she finished her thought in her head.

“Fine.” She finally answered rolling onto her back. “I hope she brings some of those boys. They are all so cute.”

Sunni rolled her eyes and turned off the light.

Achilles had been asleep, right when she got back to the Cabin, she went straight to sleep.


Sayuri climbed into bed, she pulled the covers up to her chin. The light had already been turned off. She stared blankly at nothing. She felt awkward. She to her side, then onto her stomach, then back onto her back.

She tried to close her eyes, but it was too bright. Her eyes had adjusted and she could make out everything in the room. It was like the world had lost its colour.

Everything was either dark grey or black. She didn’t like it; it started to freak her out.

Finally, after a while, she got out of bed and walked to the door. She opened it and was about to step outside, “Ryeowook?” She whispered, “Are you awake?”

He didn’t answer, but he couldn’t answer either.

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wonkyute #3
minhojong #4
haha i really like this story! continue