Chapter 4

I Don't Bite

Chapter Four
Taemin smiled as he saw his friends off the next morning. Key was taking Jonghyun to meet his parents for the first time, and Onew was going to supervise them so neither of them screwed anything up. That just left Minho who – fortunately – had nothing planned for the weekend. Taemin was actually relieved, to say the least. He didn't want to be stuck with nothing to do all weekend.

When their car disappeared from view, the blonde wrapped his arms around his chest and shivered, hurrying inside his hyungs' shared home. The elders were gracious enough to let Taemin stay the night, letting him borrow a pair of pajamas and a spare toothbrush. He scurried into the living room, climbing onto the loveseat and draping a blanket around his chilly arms. He let out a small, contented sigh. He couldn't help but feel at home here. He smiled.

The four older boys had been so kind to him over the past few weeks. Key had taken care of him just like a mother would, and despite the fact that is was slightly irritating, it was also kind and sweet once he thought about it. Onew always seemed to make him laugh, no matter what mood he was in. Jonghyun was always giving him advice – whether it was good advice or not. And Minho … Minho was always looking out for him and comforting him. Like a true friend would. Though it was kind of selfish to admit, Taeming found himself liking Minho the best out of all four of the boys.

Minho was just incredible in Taemin's eyes. He was tall, thin, friendly, kind, handsome, caring … The list could go on. Minho was always there for him, even after he bit him. It honestly made him feel kind of special … It was as if he could find someone he could really relate to. Someone who loves him unconditionally, just like his family did. Someone who would always be there for him through all of his hardships. Someone who would always be there to protect him.  Perhaps it was selfish to think of it like that. After all, Minho was his own person – er, vampire. He had his own problems, and shouldn't have to worry about some petty mortal's wants. Maybe if Taemin needed someone like that, then it wouldn't sound so petty. But he doesn't. A small frown took place of his smile as he mauled all of this over. Part of him was saying that it was wrong and rather childish to think about Minho like that. He was just a friend. Not a mother, not a father, not a lover …

The thought of having Minho as a lover sent a shiver up his spine, but surprisingly, rather than sounding repulsive, the idea brought butterflies to his stomach. He wrapped his arms around his torso, shaking his head. "No way …" He muttered. Was it possible that he had become infatuated by the beautiful dark-haired male? "Impossible …"

"Don't say that," Minho said with a smile, coming out of nowhere with two steaming mugs in his hands. "Anything's possible once you think about it." He sat down next to Taemin, handing him a mug. "So …. What's impossible?" Minho asked blankly.

The blonde smiled, rolling his eyes and shaking his head. "Ah, nothing." He chuckled, sipping the beverage inside his mug. Hot cocoa. He took another sip before setting it down on the coffee table. "Besides, have you ever tried slamming a revolving door? Not possible."

"Shhh …" Minho said, pressing two fingers to Taemin's lips. "Anything is possible." He repeated in a firm tone. He removed the lanky digits from Taemin's lips and sipped his chocolaty beverage. He settled back into the loveseat and casually slung an arm around the back of it, placing a tender hand on Taemin's shoulder in the process, squeezing it lightly. 

"Anything is possible …" Taemin echoed in a soft voice. "Somehow I doubt that." He suddenly felt Minho's warm gaze rest upon his cheek. Taemin instinctively turned his head and rested his dark eyes on his friend. "What?" The blonde questioned, frowning slightly.

"You're quite the pessimist, you know that?" Minho asked, pinching Taemin's cheek lightly. "You should fix that …"

"I'm only pessimistic when it comes to the impossible." Taemin puffed with a purse of his lips. "Isn't everyone? Perhaps you, Hyung, should become more realistic." He murmured, poking the older male's cheek.

"What makes you think I'm not?" Minho countered lightly.

" 'Anything's possible once you think about it.' Oh, so you're saying if I wish hard enough, a unicorn will walk out of my closet and sprinkle me with rainbows and glitter?" The younger boy asked with a skeptic raise of the brow. "Unlikely." He stated rather matter-of-factly.

"… Do you want a unicorn to walk out of your closet and sprinkle you with rainbows and glitter?" Minho asked innocently.

Taemin and rolled his eyes and gave Minho a playful shove. "Really hyung? You're really asking me this? With a straight face, no less?" Taemin laughed. "You're something else ..." He murmured, amusement ebbing at his tone.

"And that's a bad thing?" Minho asked with a false pout.

"Not necessarily." Taemin said with a smile. He gave Minho a reassuring pat on the leg. "I like it … It makes me smile … Never stop being you, hyung … Or I swear, I will hunt you down and shove a stake through that cold heart of yours."

Minho was silent for a while, before he suddenly sputtered, bursting into obscene laughter. "Oh Maknae … Perhaps that would sound more threatening if one; you weren't smiling, two; you didn't look so cute as you said it, and three; the silver-tipped-stake-through-the-heart actually killed vampires." He said between breaths. "Aigo, you're so cute!"

Taemin huffed and opened his mouth to protest, when Minho leaned forward and placed a tender peck on the tip of Taemin's nose. "And that's what I like about you. It makes me smile and brightens my day. It's you. And if you ever stop being you, I'll sink my fangs into that skinny neck of yours and drink you dry. Understood?" Minho voice was gravely serious, but Taemin was too preoccupied with the peck his nose had received earlier to really notice. He nodded, vaguely aware of what he was doing. Minho grinned triumphantly. "Good."

They sat in silence for a while, Taemin's heart pounding in his chest, his mind racing. He frowned slightly, chewing on the inside of his lower lip. Why am I feeling this way?Taemin asked himself, butterflies swarming in his stomach, making it slightly queasy. Do I … Love him like that? He chuckled at the idea. After all; his parents had always told him that love between two men was a sin, and that he would go to hell if he even so much as thought about another man in a romantic way. He had always grown up thinking – no, knowing - that they spoke the truth. He always knew it was wrong to think that way. Yet … 

He was snapped out of his thoughts when Minho suddenly moved off of the couch, sauntering over to the CD player, inserting one of the chrome-colored CDs and pressing play. Almost instantly, Heartbreaker by G-Dragon sounded from the speakers. Minho flashed Taemin a toothy grin, extending a hand. "Would you care to dance?" Taemin was skeptic, but he grinned, taking his Hyung's hand and standing up. Despite the fact that his cheeks were blazing, he started to sway in time with the beat, twisting and turning his body, following the actual choreography of the song perfectly.

Minho's jaw practically hit the ground. "You're great!" He exclaimed as the song came to a close. Taemin's blushed, looking away sheepishly. He muttered something that sounded somewhat like; "don't lie" and Minho chuckled. "No, really." He smiled, resting a hand on Taemin's shoulder. "You're really good."

Taemin smiled. "Thank you …" He said quietly as the next song – Genie by Girls' Generation – started to play. After a few moments hesitation, both boys started to dance again. They danced through song after song – Mr. Simple by Super Junior, HaruHaru by BIGBAN, Gee by Girls' Generation, Warrior by B.A.P. …. Then – unexpectedly – a slower song began to play … An American song. Taemin raised a puzzled brow at this, staring up at the older, taller male curiously.

Minho shrugged, muttering a response almost sheepishly. "It's a good song …" He muttered, as the Music Artist's powerful soprano voice boomed through the speakers. The song was Falling Into You by Celine Dion. Minho was right. It was good. Taemin smiled, stepping next to his hyung and brushing his delicate fingers gently along the man's hand.

"…. Dance with me …" The blonde pleaded, acquiring a false pout. Minho smirked, and happily obliged.

The two males began to sway to the beat, spinning around in a slow circle, their beautiful dark eyes fixed intently on each other's. Taemin could feel his heart fluttering in his chest and his breathing grew somewhat heavy as they shared this wonderful, magical moment together. Taemin felt blissful, felt like he was on Cloud 9 … He didn't think it could get any better than this. However; he was wrong. As the song came to a close, Minho stared at his Dongsae for the longest time, before he quickly closed the space between their lips, meeting Taemin's own in a chaste kiss. 

Taemin's eyes widened and he felt as if his heart literally stopped. His mind drew a blank, and he was hardly aware of the fact that his eyes began to close and he was gratefully returning the favor, wrapping his arms loosely around Minho's neck. His kissing was sloppy, showing his inexperience, but hey, whatever, right? The blonde gasped when he suddenly felt Minho's fangs graze against his lower lip, accompanied by a moistened tongue. Minho took his chance and slipped the pink muscle into Taemin's mouth and explored the moist cavern with haste, enjoying his natural taste, mixed with that of toothpaste and hot cocoa. He knew Taemin was enjoying it too, for a small moaned slipped passed the boy's lips.

Minho then unconsciously closed the distance between their bodies, pressing against the younger boy, backing him up against the couch. He pushed Taemin down and straddled the boy's hips, before separating from the younger boy for only a few seconds to catch his breath, before making contact once more. He slipped his hands up Taemin's shirt, brushing a thumb against one of the boy's pert s, simultaneously grazing his fangs on Taemin's tongue in a teasing manner... When Taemin moaned, however, Minho suddenly became conscious of his actions once more and abruptly pushed away from his blonde companion,  stumbling to the floor.

Lee Taemin stared at his hyung in awe for a few moments, his face flushed a bright pink and his breathing heavy. "H-Hyung?" He questioned, worry in his eyes. "Why did you-" His sentence was cut off when Minho suddenly ran off, but not before he muttered a quick and shameful "sorry". Taemin felt his heart sink, a grimace tugging at his lips. What the just happened here?


Sorry for the delay d: I could have swore I uploaded this chapter on here ... guess not. I don't think this needs a "Mature" tag, but if it does, tell me. (Honestly, does a heated kiss need one?)

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Gahh that was totally hot *-*
More more more~
You probably did upload it because I already read it haha :P
I think it disappeared because of the AFF troubles lately ):
HELL YEAH! so god, no onkey T~T well it's okay I love jongkey 2, waiting for the 2min *0* update soon please :)