
A Kaisoo in which Jongin has a secret and drives way too fast, and Kyungsoo finds out the hard way that life is more complicated than he can ever imagine.


Cover image edited by me. Inspired by Drive.
When the Night is Over // Lord Huron


Kyungsoo sees Jongin for the first time in an elevator, the lights dim and all but depleted in his ty apartment building in downtown Seoul. It’s 4:30 AM, Kyungsoo’s usual time to head out to work but never before has he ran into another human being at this time of night in the apartment building. He assumed it was the lack of tenets in the place - who could blame them? After all, in this sketchy part of town and impoverished building, no one seemed safe.


The elevator dings at the bottom floor of the apartment building and the doors open, a stranger casually strolling in and causing Kyungsoo to forget for a moment that he was supposed to be leaving the elevator to go to work, not staying in it. He doesn’t even manage to look up at the stranger yet. He just notices the way the mans legs move him from the entrance of the compartment to the wall across from him, but for some reason Kyungsoo is fixed in place. 


He doesn’t dare look up at the stranger just yet. The unnatural heaviness that seemed to cloud the air as the stranger entered the space had caused Kyungsoo to keep his head down for the time being, too afraid of what he might find if he did look up. It was as if there was an oppressive electricity, dense and heavy like storm clouds on a hot day. It made Kyungsoo's skin prickle.


The first thing Kyungsoo notices are the strangers shoes, all dirt covered and possibly another, darker substance he can't quite make out. A strange notion that he might have seen the same pair of faded black or gray Converse before crossed his mind, but quickly vanished. He slowly let his eyes trail up the figures skinny jeans, strangely clean looking despite the lighting and substance on his shoes. Then his hands, large knuckles and long fingers all gaunt yet strong sprawled out against the railing along the wall of the elevator while he casually leaned back against it. 


It is then that Kyungsoo noticed the jacket the man was wearing. It’s different - unique and stylized, almost dated, as if it’s about 20 or 30 years too old. It doesn’t look thick like something meant to keep out the cold, but rather a statement, as if just by wearing it he was saying something more profound than words could. The material is almost quilted looking and silky, slick and yellow in the light apart from the darker black or navy around the band on his wrists, neck, and waist.


Before Kyungsoo’s eyes can trail any farther. the elevator dings again and the doors reopen on the 3rd floor. Kyungsoo’s floor. It is then that he snaps out of his trance, eyes shooting up in a fleeting attempt to see the strangers face before he exits the compartment. 


He’s smiling. 


The stranger is smiling to himself, maybe smirking, and Kyungsoo wonders how long the stranger has been watching Kyungsoo study him. Kyungsoo feels his cheeks heat in embarassment but the stranger is already pushing himself off of the wall and towards the doorway by the time Kyungsoo makes the connection.


The man slides his gaze back to Kyungsoo’s eyes just before the doors close, a light smirk still plastered on his face. “I think you missed your stop.” He said lightly, shoving his hands down into the pockets of the jacket before walking off. The last thing Kyungsoo sees of the stranger before the doors shut is an image - the image of a wolf, embroidered in blood red on the back of his jacket.


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