
Part-Time Superhero

It’s doomsday. Well, it was actually Monday. But it was doomsday for Tzuyu. She had to cosplay as The Force for the pep rally.

This is going to so much.

Tzuyu walked into the school and immediately got pounced on.

“There you are! Why didn’t you tell us that you were going to perform during the pep rally today?!” Dahyun asked as she shook Tzuyu’s shoulders vigorously.

“I didn’t know I was performing either.” Tzuyu shoved Dahyun off of her.

“President Jihyo was talking about it all morning! She was telling everyone that if they liked The Force, then they’ll definitely love what’s going to happen at the pep rally!” Chaeyoung was jumping in excitement.


“I hope they do…” Tzuyu was so worried.

“Tzuyu!” Jeongyeon came out of nowhere and grabbed Tzuyu by the hair.

“Let’s go! President Jihyo needs to talk to you about what you’re doing at the pep rally today!”

Jeongyeon started dragging Tzuyu into the student council room. She turned around to look at Dahyun and Chaeyoung.

“Aren’t you guys coming?”

“Oh, right!” Dahyun and Chaeyoung followed them.

Why do they need to come with us?



Sana was walking to school with Mina and Momo. She had told them stories about her time with The Force yesterday. Mina just nodded silently and Momo didn’t believe her for one second.

“Yeah, she totally must’ve liked your pancakes. Anyways, Sana, you wanna do us a huge favor?” Momo batted her eyelashes.


“What is it?”

“The cheerleader that was suppose to be at the top of our pyramid today broke her wrist from trying to swat a fly.” Mina explained.

What the f-

“Yeah, so we need an extra girl.” Momo added.

“Correction, we need a lightweight girl. The other cheerleaders are too damn heavy. They need to lay off them donuts.”

Momo was triggered.

“Don’t mention donuts.”


“How come you guys never told me that you were cheerleaders?” Sana pouted.

“You never asked.” They both shrugged.

“Anyways, you wanna be a cheerleader?” Momo asked excitedly.

“I don’t know guys, I don’t even know the choreography to your guy’s performance.” Sana answered.

“Don’t worry! Just go with it~ Everything will be fine!” Mina reassured.

“I guess I’ll be a cheerleader…” Sana thought it would be a fun experience.

“Awesome!” Mina and Momo carried Sana into the school.




Jeongyeon forced Tzuyu into a chair in the student council room. Nayeon walked over and gave Jeongyeon a high five.

“Good girl, Jeongyeon.”

Jeongyeon beamed in happiness as Nayeon her short hair. Tzuyu looked around and saw a bunch of students.

I guess they’re all part of the pep rally.

Everyone that is participating in the pep rally today, please come to the student council room! I repeat, everyone that is participating in the pep rally must come to the student council room!

Tzuyu covered her ears as she watched Jihyo scream into the intercom.

She’s so freaking loud. It sounds like she’s always talking into a microphone.

Tzuyu looked at Dahyun and Chaeyoung.

“What are you guys doing here?”

“You don’t know? We’re performing a magic act at the pep rally!” Chaeyoung replied excitedly.

“Yeah, we have a Magician’s Club!” Dahyun chimed in.

“How come I never heard of this Magician’s Club?” Tzuyu asked.

“Because we just thought of the idea yesterday.”

Tzuyu shook her head.

I shouldn’t be surprised.

Tzuyu was suddenly forced to look at very large eyes.

“Tzuyu! Did you prepare for your ‘The Force’ performance?” Jihyo asked, keeping her death grip on Tzuyu’s head.

“How could I? You surprised me with the idea on Saturday!” Tzuyu argued as she roughly pulled away from Jihyo.

Tzuyu felt something hit her head. It was an eraser. She looked up to see Jeongyeon and Nayeon glaring at her.

“Don’t speak to your president like that.”

“Sorry, geez.”

“I thought you would say something like that. Don’t worry, I have everything planned! Just go along with it~” Jihyo was so excited.

“All I need you to do is create a good ‘The Force’ costume.”

“Oh, don’t worry, I have that covered.” Tzuyu said, still not feeling good about this.


The doors opened and they saw Sana, Mina, and Momo walk in with the rest of the cheerleaders. Tzuyu eyes almost popped out of her sockets. Sana was wearing a very form-fitting cheerleader’s outfit. The spandex clung to her body perfectly, showing all the right curves. Her short skirt showed off her cute .

Oh. My. God.

Tzuyu almost felt a nosebleed coming through. She poked her own nostrils with her finger to make sure that she wasn’t.

“We’re here for the meeting President Jihyo!” Momo, the cheerleading captain, shouted.

Sana gave a little twirl before waving cutely at Tzuyu. Tzuyu needed something to cool herself down.

She’s so hot.

“Good! Let’s begin since everybody’s here.”

“Alright, we are going to have the band play our school’s anthem first! Then we are going to have the magician’s club go next. After that, our amazing Tzuyu will perform as The Force! Our cheerleaders will go last and dance!” Jihyo told them the schedule for the pep rally.

“Everyone understand?” Jihyo asked.

Everyone was silent for a second.

“She said do you understand?!” Nayeon shouted at them.

“Y-Yes!” Everyone shouted.

This is going to be a terrible day.

“Tzuyu!” Jihyo suddenly shouted.

“Y-Yes?” Tzuyu was nervous.

“You said you already prepared your ‘The Force’ costume, let’s see you wear it!” Everyone was super excited.

“Um, okay…” Tzuyu got up and was about to walk to the restroom.

“You don’t need anything? Where’s your costume? In your locker or backpack?”

Oh right.

“Oh, it’s in my backpack.” Tzuyu lied. She took her backpack with her to make herself look more believable.

Tzuyu walked into the restroom. She made sure no one was around before looking down the collar of her shirt.

I shouldn’t be using you for this.

She pulled out the necklace and let herself transform. Tzuyu looked at herself in the mirror for a minute. She couldn’t believe that she was doing this.

Here we go.

Tzuyu walked out of the restroom and back to where everyone was waiting.

Everyone gasped.

“Tzuyu!?!” Everyone was so shocked.

“Tzuyu… you look exactly like The Force!” Sana said excitedly.

She quickly ran over to Tzuyu and gave her a tight bear hug. Feeling Sana’s spandex covered body pressed against her own made Tzuyu almost faint.

“Wow, Tzuyu! You weren’t kidding when you said you had your costume ready!” Jihyo praised. Jeongyeon and Nayeon nodded in agreement.

“You did good, kid.” Jeongyeon gave Tzuyu and thumbs up.

“It’s alright, I guess.” Nayeon just nodded with a blank face.


“You should enter conventions or something Tzuyu! You could tell people that you are The Force’s doppelganger!” Dahyun was super impressed with her friend.

Thank god everyone is so stupid.

“We can make money out of this! Do you know how much people would pay to meet The Force?!” Chaeyoung suggested excitedly.

“No.” Tzuyu shook her head. Chaeyoung frowned.

“You’re no fun.”

Tzuyu flipped her off.

“Tzuyu… This is really amazing, I don’t see any part of you that doesn’t look like The Force.” Mina continued staring at Tzuyu in shock.

Momo nodded at Tzuyu, “Yeah, even I would believe it if you told me that you were The Force.”

Don’t say like that, Momo!

“D-Don’t be silly!” Tzuyu defended herself.

“No, she’s right! Tzuyu, you really look like The Force!” Sana looked at Tzuyu with the happiest expression.

God dammit, she’s so freaking cute.

Sana suddenly took her phone out and held it in front of them.

“W-What are you doing?”

“I wanna take pictures and videos of you! You look so much like The Force that I can pretend that you’re really her!” Sana jumped in excitement.

Sana began taking hundreds of pictures. Tzuyu wasn’t even ready for them. Sana ordered Tzuyu to do all sorts of poses. She made her to the “shy shy shy” and the “nico nico nii”. Tzuyu didn’t even know what the hell those were, she just followed what Sana showed her. Sana suddenly ran to Tzuyu and pressed herself against her.

“Smile!” Sana was taking selfies now.

“I’m wearing a mask…”

“Oh... Smile anyways!” Sana took a selfie of herself smiling next to Tzuyu. She pulled Tzuyu closer to her and kissed her cheek, taking a picture of that as well.


“Tzuyu, wrap your arms around me.” Sana demanded, pressing her back against Tzuyu’s front.

H-Her ...

“W-What?” Tzuyu was freaking out from all the attention Sana was giving her.

“C’mon! This is a once in a lifetime chance for me! Just do it!” Sana pleaded.

Tzuyu sighed and hugged Sana from behind. Her arms wrapped around her waist.

She feels nice.

“Rest your head on my shoulder.”

Dammit lady.

Tzuyu did as she was told. Sana held the phone out so that she could capture the entire pose.

“Say Cheese!”


Sana never took more pictures before in her life.



“Okay, I’m going to record videos now!” Sana squealed in excitement. She was swaying her body left and right from the immense happiness she was feeling right now.

Tzuyu is so cute~

“Say ‘May The Force be with you’!” Sana said as she started video taping Tzuyu with her phone.

Tzuyu’s eyes twitched a little. She refused to let this count with their deal. This doesn’t count. Tzuyu won’t let it.

“M-May The Force be with you…”

Sana squealed again. She rewatched the video five times until she was satisfied with it.

“Okay, now say ‘Sana, I’m never going to let you go. I want you to be with me forever’!” Sana demanded once more. She was practically trembling with excitement.

I’m going to play this video everyday; right when I wake up and before I sleep… And probably a couple more times throughout the day.

“Sana, I-I’m never going to let you go. I-I want-”

“No Tzuyu! Say it with confidence, like The Force would!” Sana wanted the video to be perfect. She needed it to be absolutely perfect.

Tzuyu sighed. She looked straight into the camera and straightened her posture.

“Sana, I’m never going to let you go. I want you to be with me forever.”

Oh. My. God.

“That was perfect!” Sana held her phone to her chest. It was now by far her most precious object. Everyone in the room was looking at the two girls in amusement.

“Okay, if you guys are done-”

“I’m not done yet!” Sana cut Jihyo off, clutching onto Tzuyu once more.


I need to make the most of this.

Sana placed her hands on Tzuyu’s abs and caressed them through the spandex.

Oh my god Tzuyu, you’re perfect.


“I’m not done!”

Tzuyu nodded in fear.

Sana held the phone in front of them again and started recording.

“Hi~ I’m with my bae~” Sana nudged Tzuyu a little bit, expecting her to talk too.

“H-Hi… I’m… with my bae too?” Tzuyu looked so awkward.

“That’s right~” Sana giggled.

“The Force, why don’t you tell me what you think of me?” Sana batted her eyelashes.

Tzuyu sighed and looked around. Everyone was filming the two with their phones too. Sana was a bit unhappy about that, since she wanted only  herself to have videos of sweet Tzuyu, but oh well.

“I think you’re gorgeous… You cook really well too...” Tzuyu started off. Saying stuff like this about someone made her feel embarrassed.

Oh Tzuyu~ Wait, I cook well?

Sana looked at Tzuyu confused.

“How would you know? I never cooked for you before.”

“I-It just seems like you would cook really well.”

“Oh~” Sana beamed at Tzuyu, “Well, continue!”

Tzuyu faced Sana’s phone again.

“I think Sana would be able to take care of people well… She would make a really good girlfriend.” Tzuyu wasn’t saying any lies.

“The Force~ You are too kind!” Sana gushed. Sana gave another kiss to Tzuyu’s cheek before she stopped recording them.

“That was perfect, Tzuyu!”

I’m going to make thousands of copies of this video.



Tzuyu couldn’t breath. Having Sana go crazy over her made her feel strange.

I… Kind of like it.

Sana refused to let go of Tzuyu.

“I’m going to stay next to you all day!”

Oh dear.

“Well, you’ll have to be separated from me at some point… When we’re performing.” Tzuyu reminded her.

“Oh, you’re right.” Sana pouted.

“Anyways!” Jihyo butted in, “Tzuyu, I heard that you attended gymnastics classes when you were little.”

“How did you hear about that?” Tzuyu was surprised at Jihyo’s knowledge.

“Your dad told me on Saturday.”

Damn you dad.

“So, can you do flips and stuff?!” Jihyo asked excitedly.

“Yeah…” Tzuyu didn’t like where this was going.

“Show us!” Jeongyeon demanded.


“Show us!” Momo also shouted.

“Do I really-”

“Show us!” Dahyun smirked.

I’m going to kill-

“Show me!” Sana smiled at Tzuyu.


Tzuyu nodded silently; more so to Sana than anybody else. Everyone moved back so that Tzuyu can have room to do her flips. Sana took out her phone again and recorded Tzuyu excitedly.

Tzuyu moved back a little bit and started a slow jog; she raised her hands and did a cartwheel, which transitioned into three backflips.

“Tzuyu, you’re so cool!” Sana shouted.


“Good work, Tzuyu! Come on guys, let’s go to the field! We have a pep rally to get to~” Jihyo led everyone out the student council room.

Sana stayed behind and waited for Tzuyu. She took Tzuyu’s hand and intertwined their fingers.

“You’re amazing Tzuyu.” Sana looked deeply into Tzuyu’s eyes, the smile Sana had the second she saw Tzuyu dress up as The Force is still on her face.

Tzuyu smiled back at her, “Thanks.”

Tzuyu tightened her grip on Sana’s hand.

Being with Sana is going to make this whole thing worth it.

“Tzuyu, if you ruin the pep rally for me, I’m going to tell your mom that you got Sana pregnant!” Jihyo shouted.

Everyone is so stupid.

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My first and only author's note for this story is on the foreword. I would appreciate it if you can read it once you've finished reading Part Time Superhero!♥


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Chapter 2: I didnt expect that this story is so funny HAHA. I LOVE THIS

Edit: i didn't read the tagss hehe
Chapter 20: i love this fic❤️ the story is just *chef's kiss"
Chouzaki_Xana #3
Chapter 20: This book is so much fun 💕
TzuTzuwie #4
Had been laughing through out the book, thank you for sucha great story author
best fic ever
Chapter 20: Ahhh I love this fic! The comedy really made it unique since all the fics I've been reading are all angst and fluff. So glad I found this :)
saovanmai #7
This fic is so fluffy and funny! Nice break from all the angst I’ve been reading. Awesome job!
All chapters are on crack..nothing is normal...hahaha

Nice Story..thank you
Chapter 20: <3
Chapter 20: I think this is my fourth time reading this and I am still loving it ♡