Meet the Twelve

Sehun's Tresure

I am such and idiot! Not only did I embarrass myself infront of a stupid kid, but i’m lost! Where the heck were hall monitors when you needed them?! Frantically searching for my dorm when beads of sweat start to form on my forehead. Ughh!! Where. Is. That. Room! A huge clock in the middle of the hallway stole my attention. 12 o’clock. Crap! I should be going to my third class by now! Just as if my thought had escaped, hundreds of students swarm in and out of their rooms to get their textbooks. Oh! I can ask that guy! He looks friendly enough. I walk up to the oddly tall stranger dressed in a college hoodie and sweats. Tap. Tap. He turns around with a confused expression.

 “Baek, did you tap me?” His low voice grumbles its way out.

    “No… But I think he did.” The pretty boy with pink hair points a finger at me.

    “Who?? I don’t see anyone…”

    “Down here!  Can you help me find my class?” I beam.

    “Awww, Baek! He’s so adorable!!” The tall boy splatters a wide grin on his face. Two rows of perfectly straight, pearly whites distract me from reality.

    “Hello?? Channie, is he okay?” Baek, the shorter one takes a step closer to me as I snap out of my daze.

    “Oh, I’m sorry! I just got distracted by his teeth! They are so beautiful!” The boy blushes a shade of pink and slaps me on the back.

    “Thanks! Now, let’s see your schedule.” He grabs the crumpled piece of paper I smushed up moments before out of frustration away from my fingers.

  “Looks like you have some classes with us. OH WAIT!! BAEK, HE’S OUR NEW ROOMIE!!! Looks like you’ll have nothing to worry about, pal. You’ll be hangin’ with the cool kids.” His earns himself a snap from the shorter boy.

  “YAAAY!! He can meet the others!” Baek shrieks. They show me the way to our classes that we share, and direct me to the others. Looks like I made some friends after all. Although the day was going by great, the next class was Anatomy, one of my least favorite subjects. I enter the vacant room, me, being always first and prepared.

“Hello, you must be Luhan. I will be your professor for the rest of the year. My class is very fast-going, so pay attention or fail!” I couldn’t tell if he was joking or not since he had an expressionless face. As soon as everyone was seated, I was called upon to introduce myself.

I stand up in front of the whole classroom and plaster on a big smile.

    “Hi everyone. I am Luhan, your new classmate.” My voice is soft and delicate as chatter booms throughout the room and girls giggle while the boys send daggers to me. I clear my throat. “As I was saying, I will be in this class for the rest of-”

    “We get it, now sit down.” That voice sounds familiar.

    “Oh Sehun, be quiet and let our Luhan finish!” The professor yells. I glance over to the boy who rudely interrupted me to see the same guy that accused me of spilling his drink. My jaw drops wide open, unwary of all the looks everyone gave. Not only did I have to suffer in Anatomy, but I had to share it with that!

    “I-I hope to have a great year.” I flash a last smile and sit back down. The class finally ends, but the talking never stops.

    “That’s Luhan! Isn’t he soooo adorable??” A group of girls shriek when I pass by their desks. I shoot them a smile, which sent their hearts flying over the roof. I guess that was a bad idea. At the end of the day, my ears were close to being deaf from all the screaming. Am I that cute? Of course I am, I’m Luhan! Nobody can resist my aegyo. But now I finally see a bad side to it. I crawl up to my dorm that I finally found after 30 minutes of torture. Room #1050 here I come. Before could even knock, I hear someone yelling on the other side of the door.

    “He’s here!!” Two voices scream in unison. The door deliberately opens at the speed of light.

    “Oh, hey guys! So this is my new home…” I peek inside.

    “Isn’t it great?? Here, Yeollie, take his bags.” The shorter boy orders. I step inside to be welcomed by the scent of freshly baked cakes.

    “IS THAT BLUEBERRY???” I scream excitedly. The two hurriedly rush me into the kitchen where I met a very short, yet squishy boy.

    “Welcome, Luhan! I heard from someone that you enjoyed blueberries, so I made some cake! I’m Kyungsoo, by the way.” His eyes were huge, and his lips formed into a cute heart whenever he smiled.

    “Nice to meet you! This is a lovely kitchen you have here.” I inspect the place to be wowed with sparkling, clean silverware and pans.

    “Kyungsoo here is the mother of our family of 11, or now 12. He does most of the cooking and cleaning.” He leans closer to my ear, “that’s why we keep him around.” Just when Chanyeol winks, he gets hit by Kyungsoo in the back. “I’m kidding! Kidding!!” They run around joking while Baekhyun continues my tour.

    “Channie’s such a kid…” Baekhyun’s eyes light up when we reach the living room. “This is Kai, one of our youngest. He loves to dance and play games outdoors.” He gestures to the active guy dancing to his headphones. The tan boy waves back. “Those two lovebirds are Suho and Lay. Suho is Korean, but Lay or Yixing is Chinese like yourself. Suho walks over to us and greets me politely.

    “Hello, I’m Suho. You are Luhan, I resume?” He and Lay are pretty average in height.

    “Yes, It’s a pleasure to meet you!” They continue to read their book while Baekhyun takes me to meet the remaining people.

    “Over there are the rooms and restrooms. Upstairs we have Tao and Kris. Those are the other Chinese roommates. Chen and Xiumin must be in their rooms, but Chen is such a troll, so watch out!” He chuckles. “Last but not least, you will be sharing your room with our precious maknae. He’s in dance class right now, but he’ll be home a little later. I’ll leave you to unpack your things! Me and Chan are next door, so just call out if you need anything!”

    “Okay, thanks Baek!” He leaves and I begin to explore my room. Looks like this guy’s kind of a neat freak. Everything’s organized by color, letter, or object. In the corner of the bedroom sat a queen-sized bed fit for two. I walls were very bland, no decoration what so ever. Just plain white walls with a black bedding. There were connecting doors that lead to a restroom and to the room next door. Or, in other words, Chanbaek’s room. Since this was a huge room, there was still enough space to fit a study desk. The papers are neatly tucked in folders with no sign of unorganization. On top on the desk lays a picture of a small family. Two brothers and a mom. I take a closer look to analyze my roommate’s face when a cold gust of wind blows in my face.

    “What the are you doing in my room.” The cold blooded Oh Sehun stood right in front of me. The sickening brat who rudely interrupted me in class. The maknae who cares about bubble tea more than people, Is my new roommate. He snatches the picture frame out of my hands and throws it on the bed. “Get the out of here, and don’t you dare come back.” He roars into my ear.

    “How dare you talk to your hyung like that! I’m the second oldest here, so pay some respect to your new roommate.” I spat those words out like they were bitter melon. My nose starts to scrunch u and that punk laughs!

    “Whatever you say, little fawn.” He smirks.

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Just updated! Sorry my chapters are kind of short, They will get longer! I promise((:


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Luhanyo #1
Chapter 2: Please update soon love this already