
Home Again

He was beautiful. 

His silver hair shone in the fading sunlight, almost mauve, and looking so, so soft. Neat bangs fell over his forehead, thicker, longer locks framing his face. He looked almost angelic— face glowing, cherry lips parted slightly in a small ‘oh’, pink tongue just slightly visible; button nose, rose-dusted cheeks, and his eyes

They left him breathless.

For his eyes radiated such palpable warmth, the kind one feels when coming home after a long time—nostalgic, familiar and oh, so welcoming(little wonder; Jimin had always been his home, the only home he would ever come back to), honey-brown irises shining with so much joy, so much love—love for him.

Jungkook’s heart squeezed painfully in his chest, longing coursing through him, as his fingertips burned with the desire to touch and hold and claim and simply feel.

Jungkook inched forward, reaching out his hand tentatively, hesitantly— as though afraid that if he made a careless move, Jimin would disappear again, like a waft of smoke, or a fuzzy daydream. The pads of his fingers brushed against bruised knuckles. Just that small contact sent a jolt through his body. His nerves tingled. He moved his fingers over the other man’s fisted ones, caressing lightly, till his own large hand completely engulfed the other’s small, warm one.

What a perfect fit.

The hand in his trembled slightly, as Jimin let out a shuddering gasp.

They were standing so close now that Jungkook could smell the whiff of vanilla which always clung to his sweaters( fabric softener, Jimin used to say, lips turned up in an almost there smile). Jungkook leaned down, touching his forehead to the shorter male’s head. He breathed in deeply, eyes closing as the sweet scent washed over him— of berries and something so utterly Jimin.

He felt shorter fingers entwine with his, and finally, finally, Jimin’s smaller frame moulded into his own, as it used to, as it was meant to. He let out little warm puffs of breath against Jungkook’s collar bones, nuzzling softly.

They stayed like this for a few minutes, for an eternity, till Jimin pulled back, only to give him the most dazzling, gorgeous smile(ah, there was that little crooked front tooth), crinkled eyes almost reduced to slits in display of his famous eye-smile. Jungkook could feel the sun and the moon and all the stars shining(blinding him) all at once. His heart thudded that much faster, like it was the first time all over again.

God, he was so, so beautiful.

And he was finally Jungkook’s, just as much as he was Jimin’s.

He was never letting go again.

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EmpressGalaxy #1
Chapter 1: This was actually really touching . I loved it!