Oh Sehun: The Lost Boy


What would you do if a certain boy knocks on your window at the middle of night just before your birthday, claiming to be Peter Pan and volunteering to take you to Never Neverland?


A certain place where sadness doesn’t exist. Where time is limitless. A place far away from reality, from all the problems and mostly... for your ed up life.


Of course, that would be a crazy idea.


Peter Pan? Never Neverland? Nah, they’re all just a good for nothing fictional place and character made to make children happy.


Who will be crazy enough to believe the doe eyed boy with green hat covering his honey blonde hair anyway?


But the truth is, Sehun’s more than crazy enough to lend his hand and let the boy take him to Never Neverland.


Oh Sehun: The Lost Boy

by Gelicka03


Posted and Edited: 11/03/16




They say Never Neverland is a happy and magical place. A place far away from reality. A place where sadness and problems doesn’t exist. A place where growing up isn’t really the most required thing.


Oh Sehun wanted to go to Never Neverland.


He knew it’s a crazy idea. That’s why people always mock at him for still acting like a baby despite his age. Because admiring and believing that Peter Pan, Never Neverland and the Lost Boys are real is such a humiliation to a boy on his age. Because things like such are only made to entertain children.


And Oh Sehun?


He’s not one anymore. In fact, he is already turning 18.


But then, as the saying goes... we’re never really too old for a fairytale.


And Oh Sehun is just never really too old to believe that maybe, just maybe, Peter Pan do exist. And he will take him to Never Neverland and probably play with him with the Lost Boys before he gain another addition to his age and finally welcome the reality of life.


Reality anyway.


Believing isn’t really a bad thing, is it?


Because for Oh Sehun, his hope and belief are the only things that keeps him going.


The second brightest star close to the moon, that’s where my home is. That is Never Neverland. And there, I will always wait for you... okay, Sehun-ah?”





Author's Note:

So yeah, my second story after When Fate Plays with You. Though, this one will only be a one shot. And I'm already typing the update and almost half to the ending, so yeah. I guess, I will upload the upate here within a few days. We'll see. Please do subscribe, upvote and comment. Thank you :) <3


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