The First Guardian Trial

Awoken in a Distant Land


L.Joe stood in the locker room Chunji was in just days ago, he looked at the other hundred or so people in the room, he sighed and whispered to himself, “I’m so going to be one of the ones who fail…”

“Wow, I’ve never see you like this L.Joe, you are always so confident, where is that confidence?” asked L.

L.Joe glared at the other male, “It’s not here, obviously.”

“Why isn’t it here?”

“Let’s see…I have to win this or Chunji is sending me back to our realm, this ‘condition’ counts for you guys too! The ones of us who lose are going to be sent back to our home land,” Said L.Joe.

“Are you sure that’s what he said?” asked Woohyun.

L.Joe nodded, “Positive.”

“But I don’t want to leave, there are no rules here that we have to follow, so I don’t want to go back, plus there are hot guys all over the place,” Said Woohyun.

L.Joe rolled his eyes at the older one and said, “If you don’t want to go home then win.”

Woohyun nodded, “Which, you know I will.”

Once again L.Joe rolled his eyes at the older.

Time ticked slowly and slowly the number of boys in the room decrease, to the point only the mortals that were brought to the new realm were left, Minwoo and Ricky had passed the trial with ease and Cecile and Minji passed quicker than the other two did, which made some of the others, more relaxed. How L.Joe was still worried, he was worried he’d be the only one who failed and was worried he’d be the only one sent home to their realm. He sighed, seeing a certain someone peek his head in.

“Chunji why are you here?”

“I thought I could give you some pointers before you go out there…” said the boy shyly, which was unusual, “Woohyun told me that you were worried.”

I nodded.

“Well, don’t be, I’m not going to send you back just because you lost this trial, I’ll let you try again.” Said Chunji smiling, “Although I’m positive you won’t need to try again.”

I smiled, slightly relieved.

“They only way you are going home is if you tell me that you want to go home.” Said Chunji, “Anyways, it seems as though you are going to be one of the unlucky ones who have to fight my father.”

The younger looked at him shocked.

“You weren’t supposed to know that, so don’t let anyone know I told you, ok?”

L.Joe nodded.

“My appa’s side is still wounded, so am towards that area, but not directly at it and I’m sure you’ll be the only one who’ll pass that fought him.” Said Chunji, “Also, there is also a probability that he’ll be protecting his side…so, aim elsewhere, like his legs.”

L.Joe nodded and absorbed all the information given to him.

“Well, I should get going again…” whispered Chunji, “I don’t want my umma to come in here and see me giving you these pointers, because if he does, he’ll ground me until the next set of trials and you’ll be disqualified.”

L.Joe stayed silently, but then he thought of something, “C-Chunji.”

The thin male looked at him in question.

“Thank you,” Said the younger smiling widely.

“You’re welcome, be sure to beat him, ok?”

He nodded and smiled.

“Good luck,” Said Chunji, exiting the room swiftly and quietly.

Just as the older boy exited, his mother entered and smiled at L.Joe who sat there silently.

“It’s time,” Said the Queen.

L.Joe nodded and followed the queen out into the arena where he saw the king standing and staring at him with a smirk.

“I’m anticipating how strong you actually are.” Said the King, so only the boy could hear, “I saw the bruises you covered Chunji in the other day at your training.”

“I bruised him?” I said, looking at the man who was thousands of years older than me.

He nodded, “His back was blue and purple from how many times you flipped him onto it and made him fall onto it. He didn’t tell you?”

“I really didn’t know that I bruised him that much.” I said.

“He told me you were strong and you have to be to get him to bruise, so, let’s fight,” Said the King.

I nodded, looking at the stadium, seeing Chunji sitting on the edge of his seat, resting his elbow on the chair’s arm rest. He kept shifting around; I guess I did hurt his back. I then looked back at the King, who bowed to me and I bowed back to him. Our fight then began with him aiming a punch right towards my face, I dodged and spun, kicking his legs and knocking them out from under him.

Wow…Chunji was right his dad’s legs are his weakness.

However, I wasn’t expecting what came next, as the king stood up, he swung his arm back and the next thing I knew was I hit the wall of the stadium harshly and fell into the water, I looked at him in shock, he really is strong, no one wonder no body other than Chunji beat him.

I swam to the edge quickly and pulled myself up, rolling away as he brought his arm down to punch me again, he chuckled, “You really are as quick as he said.”

I looked at the King, did Chunji really talk about me that much? I glanced at the older male who sat in his chair, worry etched on his face. Suddenly, I was on the ground again and my attention was on the king once again.

“If you want to pass these trials, you have to keep your attention of the fight you are currently in the middle of,” Said the man, “Otherwise you’d never be trusted to protect someone’s life.”



“Master, it seems as though they began the guardian trials,” Said a man with silver haired, “It also seems as though Cecile is among those who participated.”

“They know she is a demon, why in the world would they allow her to go through the sacred trials?” hummed the Devil out in question, “The light beings really are intriguing…Xin [pronounced: Shin], how much longer until I’m able to step foot out of this prison and retrieve my sword that blasted prince sealed in the door?”

“The time they have their new guardians in training is the time when you’ll be able to step foot onto the land above, my lord,” Said the boy bowing down, “there is a way to speed up the process.”

“How?” asked the Devil, “They royal family of light from above is growing which means that they will have a strong army and the prince will know how to control darkness by the time I’m fully healed, we have to stop them before they get new guardians…Now, tell me how do I heal?”

“Since we have Heechul and Siwon captive, you can use them, you can force Heechul to heal you by hurting his lover…” said Xin, “Because we all know love makes you do stupid things.”

“That is a brilliant idea! Shindong, Xin, bring them here…” said the Devil, the two nodded and left the room.

The devil looked at the little pit of fire, smiling widely, looking at the Prince who was in the middle of watching the first guardian trial, “You will be mine you cursed little brat!” 


Seven comments seem to be the maximum amount of comments I get per chapter, here is the new chapter...also, is it just me or is this story getting worse as it goes on? Really, don't be expecting too much out of this story...

Also, feel free to check out my others stories if you haven't already, also, I started a new fanfic called, Confession, please check it out! :D


Also, on the bright side, did you catch the Chunjoe moment???

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another great chunjoe fic one you...

i really love reading your stories..
Oh.My.God. That was amazing ‹3 But it made me cry when Cecile died ‹/3 Then Heechul and Siwon died ‹/33 TT^TT But the ending was cute and sweet ›.‹ Keke~ They had a baby(; That moment was really cute :D Kekeke~ This was so amazing:o I don't care if you didn't like the action because i loved it ‹3 This is the first time i read a fic like this, i usually just read romance BUT! I REGRET NOTHING!! Loved it <3 Sad it's over TT^TT I will probably end up reading it again(:‹
milkandcookiesandyou #3
OH MY GOSH! CHunji had kids and is being carried by L.Joe and is being cooed at by L.Joe. I'm so happy! XDDDDD
ILoveYou_Forever #4
The action scene is not bad!!!!!! It's quite good actually!!! I'm glad that mostly all the characters stay living!!! Cecile, HeeChul and Siwon, God will bless them forever! Must thank them for what they did! And also glad that the war is finally over!!! Such a happy ending!!!
AND FML!!! OMG!!! THE EPILOGUE IS THE SWEETEST EVER!!!! FML!!! THAT'S SO SWEET, SO CUTE AND SO SO ADORABLE!!! SERIOUSLY, I REALLY LOVE THE EPILOGUE! FML!!! IT'S SO SO CUTE!!! ChunJoe and the babies... FML!!! Adorable!!!! Channie umma with the older baby!! He got twins, right? So cute!!!!! Channie yah, you're actually a very very good and caring umma!!! That's seriously so so sweet!!!! And thanks for letting Channie be able to get those precious babies!!! I seriously love the epilogue the most!!!!
Anyway! I'm going to meet you again!! Hehe! Since I'm reading Black Rose Manor too!
dude. gotta say this, i just have to say this. love the story but epilogue has got to be my favorite chapter. seriously.
awww it's the end already .. glad the war is over .. ahh happy ending :') and lots of chunjoe moment in here .. and i hope there is more of them in epilogue ! :D