our blissful love


"Eleven years to go." Dahyun sighed as she wore her t-shirt, covering the cursed tattoo she has on the left side of her chest. She dried of her own brown locks of hair and hangered the towel. She wiped her wet feet on the rag near the  doorway of the bathroom and went straight to her bedroom to lie down on her bed. Up until now she have no clue whether her soulmate lives in Seoul or in Korea. Or if he lives at all.

But she wasn't sad. She was, in fact, happy. Her relationship with her boyfriend is going steady over the years. She's currently experiencing blissful love and happiness with Im Jaebum, the love of her life even though he isn't her soulmate. Pretty tragic if you ask her. She knows that she will die if she can't find her soulmate in her remaining life. All the dreams she had that helped her finding her soulmate and the details kept landing on Jaebum. Good-looking. Smart. Corny. Not that tall and not that short. Says cheesy jokes. Caring. All of those landed on Jaebum and yet her tattoo won't still disappear. And she's still yet to know how many years Jaebum has left.

She feels that Jaebum is the one. Call her cheesy but she's downright sure about it. Sometimes, she wonders if finding your soulmate truly is the one you'll love. Fate, yes. But God was the one who decided us to love someone so sudden. 

She thinks that we should make our own decision who to love. And she decided to love Im Jaebum up until the rest of her eleven years in earth.


"Jaebum ah."Jaebum looked at Dahyun who's busy sipping her oolong bubble tea." Yeah?"

"Did your tattoo disappear?" She looked expectantly at him, also stopping from drinking. He smiled." No."

Dahyun bit her lip and continued sipping from her beverage. Jaebum held her hand which was on the table they were sitting on." But that doesn't mean I don't love you Dahyun"

She snorted." I know that. It's just that I'm scared that if she arrives and then you'll forget about me and and you'll go to herand go boom boom pow with her and go marry her and do more boom boom pow and make lots of kids."

Holding back his laugh, he tilted his head." Boom boom pow?"


He held back his laugh and his intention to just kiss her right of the bat. "Pft."

"Don't laugh, jerk."

"You're so cute."


"Dubu... I'm gonna tell you something." He signaled her to come close to him and lend him her ears. But instead of telling something, he kissed her ear.

Dahyun's initial reaction was to tilt her head towards Jaebum and smack his head. Which Jaebum kiss her on her lips and dodge quickly.

She was left dumbfounded." H-h-how?" She stuttered.

Jaebum smiled cooly." For the sake of love."

"Shut up." But she smiled.

"I love you, dubu."

"I love you too, jerk."


"Hey ,  your birthday is next week, right?" Dahyun asked rudely just to hide her nervousness around Jaebum. She's  literally blushing right now and she's trying her best no  to show it. Jaebum knows that and he tries to act offended. But that jerk is super flattered deep down and is holding back his intention to kiss his dubu."Wow, why are you calling me an ?" He tries not to laugh.

"I-" She was taken back from his tone which obviously wasn't serious but shes so dense she can't realize that he's acting." I-I'm sorry."

Sometimes your cuteness makes me weak, Jaebum thoughy happily. I mean your whole existense makes me weaker.

He panicked. He's having troubles whether to kiss her or to comfort her. And right now he can see that she's almost crying which isn't helping because that makes him want to kiss her more. 

YOU'RE NOT HELPING, talked to himself. Wait, I should be the one helping her though. .

He walked closer to Dahyun, hugged her and caressed the back of her head which was soft and the scent of her hair would always be the same scent when he wakes up with her by his side." You smell good."

Dahyun stifled a cry, trying her best not to cry. She's failing." P-p-eted uh-uh-freak."

"You're crying." 

"No, I'm singing."

He laughed." I wasn't mad okay."

"You were."

"Am not."

"You are."

"Am not. And please, I'm trying to act along with you."

"Act? What do you mea--"

He snorted." You should really think of something more effective on how to hide your blushes when I'm around with you."


He stopped hugging her and looked at her red and puffy eyes." Ok no, hug me again." He hugged her again trying not to laugh.

"Don't laugh. I just don't want you to see me so defenseless."

"You don't like my hugs?"

No response. It took her a whole minute to say." I like your hugs."

He hugged her more tightly." Can I kiss you? Cause I really wanna kiss you. Like, since the day we're together and until now."

"You're so old school."

"I don't want you to get offended."

She snorted." Why would your girlfriend be offended when she's kissed by her boyfriend." She broke the hug and stared into his beatiful brown orbs. She gave him a hot steamy kiss and ran off towards the exit of the room of their university. " I thought she was innocent." He smiled.


 Dahyun didn't come to his birthday party that was set up by his friends and family. She decided to wait until eleven o' clock. So she can spend the next one hour with his boyfriend. One hour left until he dies. One hour left until she's all alone.

From: Dubu Tofu

To: beef jerky

Come to my apartment at EXACTLY eleven o' clock. I'll kill you if you don't come. eue



He knocked on his girlfriend's front door trying not to be nervous. Why did she tell me to come at this hour?



She opened the door looking at the newly twenty two year old man in front of him." Is this finally the day when you become mature?"

Jaebum bit his lips." Maybe."

She smiled." Come in." She then led him in her living room and sat down on the couch facing the tv.



"You didn't tell me." Dahyun looked at her hands.

"Tell you what?! IT'S MY BIRTHDAY AND YOU'RE GOING TO INSULT ME? WHAT IF THIS HAPPENS IN MY BIRTHDAY NEXT YEAR." He screamed thinking that Dahyun was acting yet again.

"Thats the case. There's no next year."

"W-what do you mean."

Slowly, a tear came out of Dahyun's eyes. A minute later it became tears flooding, full of sadness and hurt." You didn't tell me. You didn't tell me you only had twenty two years to live. And it's exactly after your birthday. Minutes from now you'll die."


"Assssssshole." She emphasised tr word making Jaebum a bit guilty. He is guilty.

He sighed and went closer to Dahyun and leaned on her shoulders." My parents knew. They asked me to tell you and stop lying. But I told them what they once told me."

"They once quoted that you don't know when you'll die even if your fate says that you'll die twenty two years from now. That's why you should spend every little day of your life blissfully happy. I-."

He was crying." I've discovered someone when I was nineteen and from that day she was the source of my never ending happiness. Dahyun is my source of blissful happiness."

"You're corny as ever." 

They both sound like five year olds crying over a spilled milk. But, that wasn't the only thing in mutual. They're love for each other. 

They kissed. Dahyun loved how her lips just automatically adjusts to Jaebum's lips. It was like, it's just made for her.

Jaebum broke the kiss." Us together is enough to make me happy altogether." They both smiled.

"I love you, Kim Dahyun." He smiled like an idiot as he suddenly slouched back on the couch. Dahyun looked at her phone to check what time it was.

[ 12:00pm thu, 10 January ]

"You haven't hear me say I love you, you ."

She smiled trying not to cry. She failed again." You're right though."

"Us together is enough to make me happy altogether." Kim Dahyun said.



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