
Suga Kookies


If he could describe himself using one word he would have to say nervous. Better yet, terrified. He was absolutely terrified. He didn't take notice of the people watching him with curious glances. Some of disgust because he sat on the edge of a footpath, tears running down his cheeks. He held an envelope in his hand. It was late now and he knew he would have to return to the dorm. So he did. He walked home tugging his jumper tightly around himself as if it would protect him from the world around him. Once he reached the dorm he stood outside the door taking deep breaths. He wasn't sure what he would do or say but he knew he would have to.

When he finally gained courage enough he opened the door and stepped inside. The first person to greet him was Jin. Jin ever the worried hyung rushed over checking him over, "Goodness. Kookie are you all right? Where have you been? Did you eat? I know you missed dinner." The way Jin spoke so gently and caringly made something in him break. He began to sob in Jin's arms. Jin brought him to the couch, "Kookie what's wrong?" Jungkook couldn't form the words so instead he shoved the envelope into Jin's hands. Jin understanding opened it and took out two sheets of paper. As his eyes scanned the paper Jungkook could see the confusion on his face. Jin looked up shocked, "Jungkook, did you get someone pregnant?" Jungkook almost laughed at that, "No hyung. R-Read the second page." As he did Jungkook saw how baffled he was. Jin looked up at the maknae in pure shock. For a moment he was speechless, "H-How? Jungkook you're- who's the father er other father." Jungkook bowed his head, "Hyung. I guess I should mention I'm gay. I don't know how. I wasn't feeling well and kept vomiting and I went to the doctor and this happened. He said it wasn't impossible that there had been others. Hyung what do I do?" Jin had many questions but he could see how scared the maknae was. One question though stood out so he asked again, "I have another question. Who's the other father? Also I'll kill whoever touched my baby." That managed to get a small smile from the maknae. Jungkook bit his lip, "Um well actually its um Yoongi." Jin's eyes widened and he let out a shout, "WHAT! Min Yoongi touched my baby. I'll murder him and make him into stew." Five members rushed in making Jin jump. Namjoon looked him over, "God damn it Jin you scared the out of us." Jimin snuck in and gasped loudly, "Hyung why is Kookie crying?" Yoongi made his way over cautiously placing a hand on his shoulder. Jin didn't miss how Jungkook relaxed a little. He stared at Yoongi while talking, "These two need to talk I believe. In the mean time I shall treat the others to something to eat." Even though they all had questions they knew that they would be told afterwards so without a word they left one by one. Jin nodded at Yoongi and led the confused leader out the door to feed their kids.

Once the door was closed they were left in awkward silence. Yoongi sat beside him tilting his chin, "You're scaring me baby boy. Please tell me what's wrong?" Jungkook couldn't control the tears once again. He was so scared his voice came out as a whisper, "Yoongi-ah I'm p-p-pregnant, ten weeks. " Yoongi let out a nervous chuckle, "Be serious Kookie." Jungkook looked down, "I am hyung." Yoongi frowned, "How can this be even possible?" Jungkook handed him the envelope. As he read it Jungkook let out a sigh, "I don't really understand it myself hyung b-but I understand that you won't probably want me bec-" Yoongi shushed him by pressing their lips together, "Don't even finish that sentence. I have no idea how this is possible but it is. We're going to do this together. When the others come home we'll tell them. I presume Jin knows. Than we'll look into doctors and figure out how this works but I will not leave you. I love you too much and that's actually our baby that will be inside you. Guess I'll have to be more cautious in future." Jungkook let out a giggle, "Hyung!" Yoongi kissed him sweetly again before lifting up his t-shirt and kissing his stomach, "There's an actual us inside there." All of Jungkook's doubts vanished and he felt excitement start to bubble inside him. He was nervous yes. He hadn't really experience with children but he wasn't alone. Yoongi would be there right beside him. He also knew he'd have the other five hyungs beside them too. The baby would be lucky.

When the others came home Jungkook and Yoongi were cuddling. Yoongi broke the silence, "We're going to be dad's." Jin was the one to explain and once he finished the room filled with questions and conversations. What would the name the baby? Boy or Girl? Jungkook smiled. Yeah they would be okay. Jungkook froze all of a sudden. Yoongi looked down at him, "You okay baby boy?" Jungkook smiled sheepishly, "How am I going to explain this to my parents?"

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Average_gaki #1
Chapter 7: Please make a sequel for this one!
Chapter 8: Why so tragic? But I liked it :)
Can u do something like.... How to say?.... U know that in run and I need you Suga abs jungkook are together (in our minds) and in blood sweat tears suga is with jimin. Can u do something like suga cheating on jungkook with jimin?
xxpanda23xx #3
Chapter 7: Awww this is cute ^-^ Im gonna look forward to part 2. Fighting!
lilibethnielo #4
Chapter 6: Sugakookie is really magical!!!
You used one of my fave sugakookie pic of all time on this chapter!!! waaahhhh!!! so happy!!!
I wish you could make a sequel on this one... they're so cute!!! i'll die shipping this two!!!
I can't wait to read more sugakookie fic from you!!!
Chapter 6: "it was magical " so fluffy
I can't wait for your next AU :)
Chapter 5: Omo... This was so cute. And that gif, I watched it for 3 minutes, they're so cuuuuute. Too much fluff
lilibethnielo #7
Chapter 5: Ahw!!!! I'm dying with the all the fluppyness!!!
The photo and gig you used is soo cute!!!
Who would forget the von voyage rooming ep??!!! it was the best and their v live blog together...
Thank you thank you for this update :)
DaRaNeEz #8
Chapter 5: I really love it. Thank you for this. My favorite Yoongi will always be the "whipped" for the maknae (Kookie) Yoongi..
lilibethnielo #9
Chapter 3: This is really cute!!!
We need more sugakookie!!!!
I really love whipped Yoongi! Yoonkook looks so cute together I'm anticipating your next story...