Dangerous Relationships


Four best friends  Didi, Hachi, Alice and Alina Are winning a summer camp with BTS!
Hachi, Alice and Alina are big fans of this group, unlike Didi, who at frist is silent and shy, but with the time she will fall in love with Yoongi who will change her perspective about idols.
They will have an unforgetable summer full of love and memories. The boys will propose to the girls to stay with them, but everything changes when the misterious guy appears and Alice parents are  killed.
What's going to happen then? Will they go or will they stay? Will the boys go with them?

You will know only if you read! Enjoy it!​​


When everything around you is destroyed and you are losing all your hope, you built walls around your heart, untill those people come into your life and bring your happiness back.

*Didi P.O.V.*

Sleeping is the best when nobody....I couldn't finnish my thought because somebody knocked on my door VERY LOUD. I get up in slowmotion to open the door.

I am Diana or you can call me Didi. I am 17 years old and I am living alone because....well...you will find out later. In my free time I like to do all kinds of things: I play drums and piano, I took dancing lessons for 6 years, I practice judo and I have THE BLACK BELT in karate. I also like to draw.

In my free free time I sleeeeeeeppppp!! Yeah...I really like to sleep.  I am pretty silent and cold, and I am a hot head. But hey! I can be warm and lovely.


" What the...?"  I couldn't finish what I was saying because somebody hits me with the door and I fall on the foor.

"Didi! What are you doing on the floor?" Alina said.

To be ironical or ignor the question?

"I am cleaning it with my !" I said while behind her I heard another voice.

"Out of my way idiot! Yo, are you ok? Sorry for this, She doesn't have manners." Alice said while  she stretches her hand to help me.

"Pff!! Like you have!" Alina said revolted.

Out of nowhere a third person comes up, Cristina or Hachiko or for lazy asses like me simply Hachi. We have been best friends since high school started, Hachi introduced me to them.

"Can you stop fighting for five minutes? We need to go!" Hachi almost yelled at those two idiots.

I get up with a blank face, I really don't know  what they are talking about.

"Don't tell me you forgot! Come on,man!" Hachi complains.

I was thinking, and I start to remember that they bought tikets to a concert.Completely boring if you ask me.

"I won't go!" I said in a cold tone.

After all, I don't give a !

Those three retards looked at eachother and at me.

"HOLD HER!!!!!" Alice screamed. 

"!!" was all I can said before the idiots jumped on me all of sudden and couldn't breathe.

"Fine, you won! I will go! Please get off me! I can't breathe!!!"

"The concert starts in 4 hours, you still have time to prepare yourself." Hachi said with an evil smile on her face.

I don't invite them in...they entered in my house like they owned the place. I look for somethig to wear....It is just a concert, damn it! Why are they so exited? Oh...wait...idols... I took my ripped jeans with a plan white t-shirt and I let my long brown hair down. I took my wallet and I was the last one who exit the house because I had too lock the door.

"So what are we going to do for the next 3 hours? It will take us one hour to arrive there, so how are we going to spend those 2 hours? By the way who the heck are BTS?" I said while I was trying to find my wallet. 

Alina is that kind of girl who likes to make  jokes, " My entire life is a joke" she said. Also she likes to make graffitti and she loves pizza.

''First of all, please don't judge my future husband. And second..well...We could go and buy some juice, I am thirsty and we...." was interrupted by Alice.

"We are are going to eat!!!" 

We went to a PizzaHut and we ate for 20 people or that's how my stomach felt like.



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