I am Coming to Seoul

Busan Couple


-So... this story's setting is when Jungkook was 17 and the time will slowly change to the current time-



Enjoy 😃😃






"Jungkook! We’re going home! Hurry up!”

Jimin’s high pitched voice can be heard from inside the toilet where Jungkook was having a conversation with his wife. Yes, HIS WIFE.

Don’t want to upset the other members, 17 years old maknae flushed the toilet and stormed out of there, trying to look as if he just used the toilet and he was not using the phone.

“Did you just used the toilet or made a toilet?”

Taehyung tried to crack a joke which no one laugh at except for Jimin who was laying on his back as a result of too much laughing.

Jungkook glared at him out of frustration. Oh, how much he wanted to stop that alien boy and his best friend.

“Let’s go home!”

Their leader finally step forward to remind everyone that they need to go home right now. Jungkook went ahead first with big and fast steps.

He wanted nothing but to be in his bed after a long and tiring practice. And most of all he wanted to clear his mind and have a deep thought about what his wife told him on the phone just now. Seriously? She wanted to come there in Seoul? Hoel~ What should he do?

“Yah! Joen Jungkook! Keep walking!”

Oh, he must have been in deep thinking that when Yoongi scolded him, he found himself standing in front of their dorm’s door.

After a relaxing and warm bath, the golden Maknae went straight to his bed and his phone to check if his wife had call him because his heartbeat was beating faster than normal because of that girl’s words just now.

‘You got 10 missed calls from Ginseng store”

Jungkook famous big eyes displayed on his face. ‘I’m dead!’ he thought. BTW ‘Ginseng store’ was no other than his own wife which nobody knew of her existence but Jungkook and his family.

To: Ginseng store

Nunna ~ My phone was out of battery. Please forgive me ㅠㅠ.

After sending his apology, Jungkook was about to put away his phone and went to dreamland when his phone vibrate insanely as if the person who was calling was crazily angry. Omo... Jeon Jungkook... please pray for him everyone.

He looked nervously around the room to see if everyone was sleeping as he don’t want his hyungs to know what he was about to do.

Ops! Their leader, Rap Mon was still playing with his phone with a very serious face. He must be working on his mixtapes.

With steps as light as a very first snow, the bunny teethed maknae went out of his bed and tried to reached the room’s door.

He was about to breath in calm breath when... “Pyeong! Nyammm... mfggnndhg...”

Jungkook bit his lower lip to muffle his laugh. Kim Taehyung was sleep talking.

But wait! This is not the time to laugh Rap Mon must have seen him right now. With his position which was FYI looked like a frozen kangaroo.

But he was lucky because the leader was too engrossed on his phone to even care about his surrounding. With that, Jungkook leave the room and went to the kitchen. Oh how much he wanted a private room in time like this. Time when he missed his wife the most.

“Jagiya? Are you awake?”

He dial her number as she already hang up just now.

“No! You are talking with a spirit now, Jeon Idiotkook. Of course I’m awake! How come I can pick up your phone then?”

The person on the other side of the line yelled at Jeon Idiotkook oh my mistake, Jungkook with her deep Busan dialect. She sound no different than the ahjuma next door when she was angry.

“Hehe... what’s wrong with your mood? Are you on your period?”

Great. Just great Golden Maknae you just add a bottle of fuel to the fire.

“Jeon! Ya! Wait till I see you tomorrow! I’ll make you drink all of the ginseng tea I made.”

Jungkook flinched. NO! His wife cannot go to Seoul! How many times did he told her about this? She even swore to hide from the world. Yeah sound cruel right? But what can this young husband do when all he wanted was to catch his dream. He cannot afford to lose his dream just because he was already married.

“Jagiah... please understand. What if someone saw you here?” Jungkook tried to persuade her also in Busan dialect.

“So what? People don’t know me.

She was right. No one will know her if nobody tell the world that she was BTS Jungkook’s wife right? And Jungkook can cure his aching heart too. Erm... come think about it.

“Are you really coming?” He asked.

Hoping that she will really come.

“Yes. I already packed my stuffs, kimchi for seobang and other bangtan members, ginseng tea, dried fishes, sea weeds and fresh vegetables.”

She sound so exited. Oh! BTW she called Jungkook seobang which is a way to call your husband.

Jungkook sighed as he heard all the things his wife will bring for him and the other Bangtan members. He wonder how to hide her from his Bangtan family? He might be able to hide her from the netizens and fans but how to hide her from other Bangtan’s members? It must be tough.

“Nunna...” Jungkook called her who was a year older than him ‘nunna’ when he wanted to have a serious talk with her.

“Nae... seobang-nim?” She sound more serious too.

“If anyone asks you about yourself... please don’t tell them anything oh? I will do all the explanations. Just ignore any question even if it is from Bangtan members oh?”

There was a long silent... she must be digesting everything in her mind right now, Jungkook thought. As his wife was... ermm... a bit slow at remembering stuff.

“Seobang...” after a long pause, she finally spoke.

“I miss seobang-nim... hiks”

Jungkook lower his head. Even if she did not tell him, he knew that she missed him just as much as he missed her. 6 months of just talking on the phone were a very long time. The last time he saw her was on their ‘emergency wedding’ day.

“I miss nunna too...” Jungkook smiled to the phone as if she was there to see his smile.


Jungkook heard the door to their room was opened by someone he wasn’t sure who. But Jungkook knew it was time to say goodbye to his wife.

“Nunna, I have to go now. Good night.” He bid a quick goodbye before turning off his phone and pretend to search for something on the fridge.

“Jungkook? What are doing?” It turned out to be Hoseok.

The dancer was standing with his back on the kitchen’s door’s frame and his right hand on his eyes. Rubbing them. The maknae used his hidden skill and closed the fridge. He raised his hands to his chest (like a Chinese Vampire) and walked straight toward their bedroom. FYI, Jungkook’s hidden skill was pretending he was sleepwalking. . .

The next day.


BTS were in the middle of their fan sign for their new album and every members looked so exited for the event. A lot of ARMYs came to support them and they cannot be more thankful than they already were.

Jungkook smiled brightly at every ARMY that came to his table to have their albums signed. He was having a joyful conversation with an ARMY when a voice from the girl in front of Jimin who was sitting on his right pulled his attention.

The girl’s voice sound so familiar and the fact that Jimin was speaking with her with satoori (dialect) made him more than sure that she was ‘her’. He already knew she was coming but what was she doing at their fan sign event?

“Aigoo, I am so lucky to meet someone from Busan here. You make me miss home.” Jimin said and smiled at her.

"O! Jimin Oppa is from Busan too? Wa~ Oppa-ya you are my bias in Bangtan.”

‘She’ smiled brightly and shook Jimin’s hand. Jimin returned the smile and ruffled ‘her’ black long hair.

Jungkook was burning with jealousy inside as he saw that. He envied Jimin as ‘she’ called his hyung Oppa and he knew ‘she’ will never call him that. And what with that? Making Jimin as her bias?? Should not Jungkook who was her husband be her bias?

When ‘she’ move in front of Jungkook she took a while to stare at him. Jungkook swore he saw her eyes were glassy with tears and all the jealousy melt down into a guilt.

She shove her album for Jungkook to sign and lower her head to ignore her husband eyes or she will cry that very moment. Acting as if this was the first time they meet.

Now that she was in front of him Jungkook can see her clearly. She was wearing a white blouse which only your old fashioned mom will wear and a long black skirt.

"Hi what is your name?” Jungkook asked. He was talking in standard Korean and ‘she’ frowned as she was not used to him speaking with her in standard Korean.

“Jeon Ami...” she said, trying to speak in standard Korean too but fail miserably.

Jungkook tried not to laugh because having his wife trying so hard to stop herself from staring at him was just the funniest thing ever.

“Jungkook-ah she is from Busan.” Jimin whispered.

“Oh really? Ami-ssi thank you for coming.”

Jungkook raised his hands to give her high-five. If Jungkook was to follow his heart he will brought her into a very tight hug and put his face on the crook of her neck and told her how much he missed her. He wanted to give a very sweet kiss and listen to whatever her concerns were with her cute satoori.

When their palm meet, Jungkook cannot stop himself from caressing her hands to ease the longing in his lonely heart. He stared into her eyes and tried communicating with his eyes.

‘I miss you’

‘Thank you for coming’

He was telling her that with his eyes.

“Seobang...” She whispered.

Jungkook released her hands immediately when he realised a lot of cameras was pointing at them. He took her album and signed them but he did not forget to write a short note on them.

‘call me at 3 pm.’

A short and clear note.

As she moved to Rap Mon, Jungkook cannot stop but to glance at her every time. How did she know about the fan sign and where did she got their album?


Thank you for reading and subscribing. I appreciated the time you spend reading my story. Sorry for all the grammatical errors, I’ll improved in writing. You can give your thoughts and suggestion by commenting. -😀 Saengkyu!! Pyong! -Venn-

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MinAhRa #1
Chapter 1: Wahhh
Jealous jungkook was cute tho!
But.. im kinda curious..
Does the girl still studying or she dropped out of school?
MinAhRa #2
Seems interesting!!!
Btw.. I think you should put the tag "jungkook" it'll be easier to find^_^
Just a suggesting tho..