1 chapter

Its going to be long year...

My fist chapter I'm sorry for mistakes, I hope you like it ~

It's first day at new school, it's really nerve wrecking. "Will they like me? What if they wouldn't want to be friends with me?" All these thoughts was just buzzing in your head.

"Keep it together y/n!" You said to yourself.

You went downstairs to the kitchen where your mom was making breakfast.

"Hi honey, how did you sleep? Are you ready for a new school?" Your mom asked while giving you your breakfast.

"Uhhh... I don't know. I'm actually a little bit scared. What if they won't like me?"

"Oh, honey don't worry I think they will love you" mom said and kissed your forehead.

"Well, I hope so too" but you had that feeling that something is gonna happen.


You walked into your new school. It was nice actually atmosphere was really friendly. Everyone was talking so happily, sharing they summer stories. But you didn't know where ceremony will be. So you so friendly looking guy talking with his friends and decided to ask him.

"Excuse me" you taped him on a shoulder.

He turned around smiling with boxy smile. It was kind of weird but at the same time he look so cute and adorable.

"Hi, can I help you?" He said said smiling brightly.

" Can you tell me where ceremony will be?" You said shyly looking at the ground.

"Are you new here?" He asked

"Yeah, i m really sorry if I'm bothering you" you wanted to walk away but he grabbed your wrist to stop you.

"No, you aren't bothering me, I would love to show you the way" he smiled still holding your wrist.

"Oh, thank you" you smiled shyly. He began to lead you through the corridor still HOLDING your wrist.

"Umm..." You stopped walking.

"Is something wrong?" He asked innocently.

You look at his hand. And he look too and his lips shaped :o form. He released your hand.

"I'm sorry its just a habit of mine, because I like skinship" he said laughing and scratching back of his neck.

"Its alright"

"So which class will you be in?"

"11, and you?"

"Me too, wow its cool right? By the way what's your name?" He said laughing with that charming smile of his." Damn it y/n don't you dare to think about him like that you just met him" you said to yourself.

"My name is y/n."

"Whaa.. Your name is just as cute as you" he said smiling even wider (if that's possible).
"Did he just really said that or did my fantasy run wild?" You asked yourself.


"No, nothing" he just laughed

"Okey.. So what's your name?"

"I'm Kim Taehyung"

"Nice to meet you, but maybe we should get going because ceremony should start soon"

You both to got to the hall just in time. You already wanted to move to sit in a front row, when Taehyung stopped you by taking your hand.

"Come sit whit me and my friends, okay?"

"Well... Okay" you let him to lead you.

He led you to one the rows in a back. There were sitting 6 guys. And oh my god they all were like out of movie.

"Hey guys, look I made a new friend" Taehyung said to other boys.

"Hi, I'm y/n" you said shyly.

"Hey, I'm J-hope, don't be shy we all are very friendly" a cheerful guy said.

"Hi, I'm Namjoon, but you can call me rapmoster" said boy which had the most adorable dimples I have ever seen.

"Hi, I'm Seokjin, nice to meet you" said tall and handsome but really friendly looking boy.

"I'm Yoongi, but better call me Suga" said really sleepy looking guy, but his adorable sleepy face just made giggle.

"Hi, I'm Jimin, I hope we can be friends" said really, like really cute guy and his smile was like awww I don't know how to describe it.

And finally I looked at tall, very handsome who had the most pretty bunny smile. "Omg I just a bunny" I screams in my head.

"Hey, I'm Jungkook, but you can call how you want, kitten" he smirk at me.

"Yah! Jungkook stop that, do you wanna scare her? " Taehyung playfully pushed him.

So in the end I had to sit between Taehyung and Jungkook. I turned to look at Taehyung who was smiling cutely at me, and then I looked at Jungkook who was smirking with that bunny smile so sinfully. And then I understood that its going to be a long year..

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