Star Officer Yoo

Twice the Fun. Twice the Yeon. Two Yeon.

Star Officer Yoo  




“A tall, fair and beautiful officer takes a bite of the hot dog she waited 50 minutes to have. Here, we see the ketchup dripping on her chin, but she somehow still looks elegant.” A fat man in a police uniform holds a spoon to his mouth. He took a bite of the hot dog in his other hand. “Now, the ketchup successfully stained her uniform, the euphemism for elegance.”

The female officer whom he has been following around the busy street of Hongdae turned around and glared at him.

“Oh..” The male officer faints a gasp. “That right there folks is the deadly glare of our very own star officer, Yoo Jeongyeon.”

The female officer groaned. “Will you shut up? I’ll assign you to an old fat male officer if you don’t.” She pointed to his body using the hot dog stick.  

He gulped and quickly throw his hot dog to the nearest trash can. “Don’t assign me to myself, I don’t want to be jobless.”

“Then take your job seriously.” She scratched her hair using the tip of the hot dog stick. “Being stuck with a fat male officer is enough torture for me, might as well shut your mouth or else.” She said, lacking the threatening tone, it’s supposed to have.   

“But there’s nothing to do and I’m bored.” The officer shakes his shoulders left and right.

“Eeww Gross, stop that!” Officer Yoo punched his arm.  

“But I am bored.” He swayed his shoulders again.

“You’re an officer on duty, but you’re bored?”

“Well, it’s not my fault that I am. I want real action.” He punches the air.

Officer Yoo rolled her eyes. “Shut up and buy me another hot dog.”


She walks around the street while her partner runs back to the hot dog stands. People are walking in each and every direction. She has both of her hands on her pocket and her eyes are on every pretty girl she sees. A tall girl with blonde hair? Hmm, not bad. Another tall girl with blonde hair? Hmmmm…. A petite girl with a bob cut? A loud thud in a distance made her break her eye contact with the prettiest one she sees today, a girl with porcelain skin and orange hair. She turns just in time to see a tiny man wearing a black cap and a face mask running towards her, but quickly changes directions once he spots the officer standing right in from of him.

“Thief!” Screams the man who is running just behind.

“Thief?” Says Officer Yoo’s stouty partner as the star officer rushes to follow the thief.

“Hey, fat! Go meet us in block B!” She shouts, gesturing her partner to run to the other side. He quickly pulls his loose pants and runs as fast as his feet would allow him to the other side and meet Officer Yoo somewhere in the intersection in Block B.

The star officer, the ever so stealthy officer bumps into everybody as she runs after the tiny thief. “Excuse me!...Ooopsss..ugh Sorry! Excuse me!” While the tiny thief fluidly goes through the crowd.

They’re about to reach the intersection and she’s still a few feet behind. “God! I’m gonna catch you!” She says, gritting her teeth with anger. She searches the street for a familiar shortcut and spots it just a few feet away. “I’m gonna catch you!” She says as she turns left into an alley. ‘He’s definitely going to the intersection in block B to blend in with the crowd.’ She huffed. “Not on my watch.” She takes another turn and runs into the sea of people going about Halloween or early Christmas shopping. “I hate this season.” She says, as she skims the crowd for a suspicious looking tiny man. Instead, of a tiny man, she spots her good-for-nothing partner running, or rather jogging from the other side. She turns her head left and right.

Another loud thud captures her attention. “Gotcha.” She says, spotting the thief running straight to her. The thief sees her, but not before she has grabbed him by the hand and successfully handcuffs his hand to hers.

“Let’s see what you got there.” She says, as she flicks the cap off the thief revealing a long, black hair.

“Let go of me.” The thief says in a surprisingly high pitched voice. Officer Yoo quickly removes the mask off her face.  “Let me go!” She shouts. ‘What the hell? This is no tiny man.’

“Better luck next time, but officer Yoo got you.” She clicks her tongue and winks at her, making her groaned. “Let’s go take a walk to my car, shall we?”

The thief sighed. “I’m not a thief.”

“Don’t they all say that?” She says, walking with the thief in front of her.

“But I really am not.”

“So, what, you were just getting warmed up for a marathon?” She huffed, wiping sweat on her forehead with the back of her free hand. “You’re one hell of a runner. I bet you’ll hit the jackpot, but oh wait, you already did. Officer Yoo caught you.” She laughed. The thief groaned in disgust.

“Can you just let me explain?” She begs.

“I will, just wait til we get to the station.” The thief groaned once again.

“I don’t really have the time-“ The thief quickly turns with officer Yoo on her back, putting all their weight in the lower part of her body. Officer Yoo didn’t have time to react until she was slammed on the cold cement. “-for that.” She finishes and is about to go for a run when something  stops her.

“Ugh not so…fast.” Officer Yoo groans with her back still on the cement and one of her hands cupped with the thief’s.

“You gotta be kidding me.”

“Yeah..officer Yoo won’t go down.. without a fight.” She says, as she struggles to get on her feet.

The thief started to run, pulling the officer along with her. 

“Ugh-sto..p stop!”

She kept running until they reached the alley that Officer Yoo took as a shortcut.

“Just let me go. I’m not a thief.” She says quietly, standing over the officer who was pulled while still being  on her back.

The officer coughs as she sat up. “You’re hella strong for a girl that skinny.”

“Just let me g-...” Officer Yoo raises her cupped hand to the thief’s face as she coughs, stopping her words.

“Excuse me.” She clears . “You’ll be jailed for not only stealing, but also for attacking an officer and you want me to let you go?”

The thief quickly nods her head while she pouts.

Officer Yoo smiles. “How can you pout like that to a police officer who is just about to arrest you? You seriously think that would work?”

The thief nods again.

Officer Yoo laughs and then coldly says. “No.” She stands up and pulls the girl.

“N-N-No… you don’t understand.” Refusing to move from her spot.

“Yes, I don’t. That’s why we’re going to the station.”

“N-No, I’ll get in trouble.”

“You already are.”

“You don’t understand. I’m not a thief. I was just taking back what’s mine.” The thief said.

Officer Yoo turns to her and raises her brows to encourage her to keep talking. “O-kay?”

“Someone stole this from me last month.” She takes out a silver bracelet from her pocket. “It was from my mom. I just stole it back.”

“Uh huh?” Officer crosses her arms.

“It took me a month to find it.”

“Uh huh? D’you expect me to believe that?”

“It’s the truth!” She insists.

“Okay.” She ruffles her blonde hair. “If it was really stolen from you, why didn’t you just report it to the police?”

“Come on. Policemen are useless.” The girl rolled her eyes and laughed until she realized what she just said.

“Uh huh?”

“I mean..some of you are..”

Officer Yoo nods. “Let’s go to the station.” She pulls the girl once again to walk out of the alley.

“No! Wait! I’m Nayeon.” She pulls Officer Yoo back.

“You are who?”

The girl groans. “I’m Im Nayeon.”

“Im Nayeon?”

“Yes.” She nods.

“Im Nayeon, the President’s beautiful high school daughter?”

The girl nods her head with that ever present pout.

“You seriously want me to believe…” She gestures to the girl, from head to toe. “..this?”

“It’s true.” She sighs. “Check my identification card.” She pulls out her wallet and hands it to the officer.

“Im Nayeon.” She slowly says while looking from the picture on the ID to the girl in front of her. “No cash. Just credit cards.”

“Believe me now?”

“Hmm.. a bit.” She says nonchalantly and hands the wallet back to her. “Let’s go to the station.”

“NO!!” Nayeon pulls her back again.

“What? If you’re really Im Nayeon, there’s nothing wrong with you coming with me to the station?”

“NO! You don’t understand!” She shouts.

“Yes, I don’t! So, tell me!” She shouts back in frustration.

She tries to calm herself down. “I’m not supposed to be out here alone.  I’m supposed to be in my room playing piano or chess, or discussing politics with my friends.”

“So, you snuck out.”

Nayeon nods.

“Then what do you plan to do? I can’t just leave you here knowing that you’re the president’s daughter.”

“Yeah, you can actually do just that.”


“Yes, you can. You witnessed how well I can handle myself.”

“No, young lady, you’re dreaming. You’re coming with me.”

Nayeon screams in frustration. “How many times do I have to tell you I can’t come with you!”

“As much as you want, but I’m still taking you with me.”

“Ugh, this is why policemen are useless!”

“Excuse me?” Officer Yoo asks.

“Policemen are useless because you’re all so narrow minded.”

“We? Policem-.. Narrow minded?” She says, moving closer to the other girl.

“Yes! You can’t adapt to a situation.” She says, not backing down.

“We can’t adapt to a situation?!”

“Yes, I just said that!”

Officer Yoo stares at her and stays silent for a while. “I’m taking you to the station!” She says, and forced Nayeon out on the street, with people walking to and from each and every direction.

“Oh for pete’s sake, just take me home.” She says in defeat, as she was being dragged through the crowd. “Just take me home!” She shouts, but was ignored. They kept walking until they reached Officer Yoo’s car. “Useless Officer.” Nayeon mumbles as she sits in the passenger seat.

“I’m taking you home.” Officer Yoo says, a little too quiet than what’s acceptable to Nayeon’s ears.


The drive was awkwardly silent, after Nayeon tried to turn on the radio and was stopped by Officer Yoo’s hand before she even lifted a finger. It took 45 mins to reach the Blue house. Nayeon got out of the police car after it pulled over right in front of the front door, passed the gates, and the heavily loaded guards that left Officer Yoo in awe. Upon hearing that her daughter went home in a police car, the president requested the officer to meet him at his office.

“What’s your name?” Nayeon asks, as they walk in a broad hallway with huge paintings hanging on the wall.

“You can call me Officer Yoo.” She says, trying to hide her amusement.

Nayeon scoffed. “Boring.” She says. The door to her father’s office opens.

Officer stiffens upon seeing the president sitting on his table. He turns to them and it made her even more intimidated.

“Oh, Nayeon. Why are you here? I only asked for the officer.” He asked, fixing his eyeglasses as he turns his attention to the officer standing next to her daughter. “Hmmm.” He hummed. “Thank you for taking my daughter home, but you see, I would like to know the reason behind this quiet strange occurrence, Officer..?” He raises his eyebrows to her.

“Yoo. I’m Officer Yoo Jeongyeon, Mr. President.”

The president just nods. The officer just stood there not knowing what to do. She opens only to close it again. “Uhmm.. I..” She tries to fight the urge to look around in a weak attempt in finding what to say. Her eyes found Nayeon standing next to her, smiling, or rather smirking at her. ‘ugh brat.’ She clears . “Uhmm your daughter…”

“She’s my girlfriend.” Nayeon suddenly spoke, making Jeongyeon choke on her words. “We were out on a date.”

The president sits quietly, and Jeongyeon could feel her own death creeping just around the corner. She turns to look at Nayeon. “What th-..”

“Didn’t you tell me it’s about time we tell my dad?” Nayeon said to the officer and then turns her eyes back to the president. “Didn’t you tell me that it’s okay to be myself?” The president just nods, still with the intensity that gives Jeongyeon chills all over her body. “Well, this is me. I like girls.” 

Meeting the President wasn’t supposed to be like that. It ended so casually, Jeongyeon actually starts to fear for her life. She thought, nobody would be that calm after finding out that their teenage daughter is dating a much older Police officer and to top it all off, a female police officer. Who wouldn’t want to send someone off  to the night to brutally murder that said Police officer?

“Relax.” She heard Nayeon said, as the door of the president’s office closes behind them.

“Why did you say that?” She says, gritting her teeth.

Nayeon huffed. “If I didn’t, you would’ve told him everything.”

“And yes, I would have, because that’s the right thing to do!”

Nayeon hummed. “Well, that’s why I said that. Told you, police officers just don’t listen~~.” She sings every word. “My dad doesn’t go on about in his life killing people.” She str0ke her back as to offer comfort, but it’s just making Jeongyeon’s blood boil in anger. “He’ll just do some background checks, a few interviews here and there and you’re all set.” She laughs. “One of the downsides is, you can no longer see other people anymore. Are you seeing someone? Oh god I forgot to consider that. You weren’t, were you? You weren’t. If you were, then you’re one hell of a player, officer Yoo. Don’t pretend you haven’t been checking me out all night.” Her smirk turns to laughter, as she starts to jump her way to the end of the hallway. She turns around to the officer who’s just a few steps behind. “Let’s get something to eat. I have a feeling you’ll get used to being here.” She smiles and grabs the officer by the hand.

‘Oh I’m going to kill you, one of these days.’ She said to herself as she let the other girl lead her to the kitchen.






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Chapter 3: That was really good
Chapter 4: your now officially one of my favorite authors KEKEKE
Chapter 4: Godjihyo is the best
Chapter 3: Hahaja nice baby chewy
Chapter 4: Damn. I really like your story, but I like it if you give it a part 2 or a sequel or whatever. Is it okay if I will be the one to continue your story? I love the idea, really. And it's a waste if you just stop it there. Like for the chapter 2 and 3. I want another chapter continuation for it TT.
Hanlex #6
I like your writing style.. You keep making your readers beg for more
Hanlex #7
Chapter 2: Sequel for chapter 2 pleaseee
Vidithecat #8
Chapter 3: I like this story so much:)))) can you continue the chapter 2 story?thank youu keke
Chapter 2: Waaah!!! this chapter is so coool!!!!!!!~
Please do this as a story author-nim!
It's so Daebakk~