VIXX Halloween short story challenge - cancelled due to lack of interest/entries

Because of the extreme short notice of the challenge, and the resulting lack of entries so far, I've decided to change the deadline to the 5th of November (Guy Fawkes Day for those Brits amongst us. hehehe). Just as long as they're in by the morning (European time/CET (GMT +1), this time), it's fine with me. I've edited my latest blog post to reflect this change, and thought I'd update it here too so everyone's aware of it.

Thanks, and I hope this makes it easier for people to get something in by then. Even those working on NaNo, like I will be. (eeps. Should be right now, in fact. Oops... *looks shifty* Not my own challenge non-entry LOL) It is still a short story challenge, after all. :D

Good luck. <3



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