
My Angel!

Donghae's POV

   "Ppali! Ppali!" I screamed at my car while driving into the dorms. I am with this stranger who I saw lying unconscious on the ground when I felt like walking in the park. Damn! I will NEVER walk at parks anymore! At first, I thought that she was just sleeping but then, she started to moan. I hesitantly walk towards her when I saw that she was holding her right arm that was full of blood. I began panicking and decided to call for help. But then, her moans become louder. That time, I carefully lift her into my arms to carry her into my car. And so, here I am, driving into SJ’s dorm with terror. Why? It’s because I do not know if my hyungs and dongsaengs will like my decision of bringing this girl. But come on. This girl is dying (well, I know it’s just a cut on the arm, still......). You understand me, right? I am not heartless to leave her alone. What if someone saw her and do bad things like  mistreating and hurting her or worse her! OMO! Donghae! You really are hanging around with Eunhyuk a lot! ><

    You might be wondering where the other members are. Well, it’s January 1 which means its New Year. Lee Soo Man, SME’s president, decided to have a New Year’s celebration. I only joined the celebration for about 2hours since my ex was there with her new boyfriend. Haist. Anyways...

    We arrived at our dorms. I hurriedly open the car’s door and lift her up in case there are paparazzis around. I pin the code and swiftly open the door. I put her down into the sofa and went to the bathroom to get the medicine kit. I kneeled in front of her and looked at her face. Even though her face tells me that she is hurting ‘cause of her wound, her angelic face was still visibly shown. I slowly touched her cheeks, but then heard her grumble incoherent words.

   I opened the medicine kit, and just when I decided to put the medicine liquid on the cotton, the door opened and I heard the monkey's irritating voice, “DONGHAE-YAH!!! YAH! WHO IS SHE??”


Heechul’s POV

   Argh! I’m so tired! Going to that party was really a blast! I pity Hae since he can’t stand any longer to stay there. Well. If that was me, I really do not care if I saw my ex having a great time with her new boyfriend. Unlike Hae, I am the Mighty Kim Heechul who is being wanted by many. That brat! I shall teach him a lesson! I don’t have a dongsaeng who should be too much affected by that love thingy. Whatta jerk!

   We were in the elevator when I overheard Eunhyuk asking Teuk-hyung if Hae was already at the dorm. Well, I bet he is at his room, sulking. Teuk-hyung opened the doors and almost fell when that monkey boy pushed him while calling for his lover. Eunhyuk is such a gay! Even though I kiss boys, that was just for fan service. Unlike that monkey, who loves to hug and kiss his wifey on the cheeks. Ewww! I was at the edge of shouting, when I heard the monkey shout, “Who is she?”

   The other members ran and encircled at the sofa. I pushed Ryeowook and Sungmin away, for me to see what is happening. I then saw a girl, wearing a white sleeveless dress, sleeping on the sofa. She looks so pale yet so beautiful. I looked at the faces of the members, and saw that their mouths are hanging open. These jerks controlled by their hormones!

   I then shouted, “Yah! You fish! Who told you to bring a girl here? You know that we are all prohibited to bring any woman here! Do you wanna die?!” You can tell by Hae’s face that he is so afraid. Serves you right Fish!

   Just as when Hae opened his mouth to answer, we heard the girl moan, and gently opened her eyes.

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Nice story & description! Keep up the good work - Yuki
coming-on #2
hae is my angel
hmm looks very interesting ^^
hmm looks very interesting ^^
Interesting!<br />
Can't wait for your next update!!!