

Hi guys imma be skipping to after a few months later, where teh tournament takes place, in a short while. I"ll try to add in more woou minstal moments after this. Hi guys im kinda updating fast now. New charcater btw! TOP. Sorry for his fans though because hes gonna be the root to all evil. Minahe. But  please keep on reading. Subscribe and comment if you like my story. They make me really happy, and i get more inspiration to update faster :D yes


Wooyoung and IU had arrived back at the mansion after the fight, and IU was currently still ignoring Wooyoung. When the car stopped, she walked right past Wooyoung who opened the door for her, and went into the mansion, straight towards her room. She was just about to close the door and lock it, but Wooyoung had managed to slip right into her room. Angered and annoyed, she flung her door back open and went to the living room, ready to just sleep on the couch. But of course, Wooyoung had again followed her out to the couch. 


I want food. Go make me some.Im hungry.

Go make it yourself, im not your maid anymore. Did you forget?

I never allowed you to quit, meaning as of right now, your still my maid.

You can't make me do anything. Im not going to listen to your orders anymore. Im going to start living my life. 

What do i have to do to prevent you from wanting to leave me?

Nothing. There is absolutely nothing you can do to make me willingly stay. The only reason im here right now, it because you threatened to me. How can you do that to me. I was your childhood friend, and your ex maid. 

I can do anything i want. I dont have to listen to you. And dont think about leaving my side anymore because no matter what you say or do, it wont happen. By this point, Wooyoung was getting really annoyed because no matter what he did, IU still kept saying she was going to leave him, which he would stop from happening at all costs. 

Say whatever you want, but i wont lsiten no more. Starting tomorrow i would be attending school, and no longer stay here with the identity of being your maid. 

What if i dont allow you to go to school?

Then i would kill myself. Right in front of you. Right now. Then she bent over and picked up the knife beside the tray of fruits and layed it on her wrist, and looked back at Wooyoung who now had a scared expression on his. No matter how much he didn't want IU to go to school, meet new friends, especially guys, he didnt want to have IU killing herself. There was nothing he could do but to accept it.

Put the knife down. I allow you to go to school. But if you dont come home right after school, i would kill anyone you met at school, weather its ure friends or teachers.

I know you. You wont do that. But fine i accept. I would come home right away after school, unless i meet new friends and i decide to hang out with them.

Then you better notify me first. I'll buy you a phone tomorrow and you can start going to school next week after ive arranged everything.

Deal. I want to go to sleep now, so move. Wooyoung stepped to the side, letting her pass and watched as IU walked into her room and closed the door. 


IU had started going to school, and met new friends like Jiyeon Joon Thunder Minwoo. They hung out everyday and it made Wooyoung furious to see IU always with them especially the 3 guys. He could tell both Thunder and Minwoo liked IU and IU would blush alot when theyre around. She would always be giggling and playfully hitting them, but the minute IU stepped into the mansion annd see Wooyoung, she would give him the cold shoulder. Ignoring everything he asked and said until he threatens her by dropping her out of the school. But even after all this, IU still loved Wooyoung, After a few more days, Wooyoung decided to go to school also, just to keep an eye on IU. Sometimes he would witness a guy confessing his love to IU and when IU had rejected them, Wooyoung would go to the guuy and make sure he never seen them near IU again. He so wanted to do that to the guys IU hung out with, but he knew IU would hate him for life if he did. To numb his feelings for IU, he would hang out with a different girl everyday. He didn't know that this was the reason why iu was ignoring him so much. She hated seeing him with a different girl everyday and living up to his reputation of being a player. 

As for Minho and Krystal, they would argue like any other day, and whenever Minho asked about Krystal's feelings toward him, she would just pretend she didn't hear him and change the topic. Minho started to wonder if Krystal liked him at all, but even if she didn't he would make her fall for him. Everyday, Minho would follow Krystal around again, forgettting about the promise he made 2 months ago at the stoarge room. He thought Krystal also forgot about him saying he would never appear in her life again and so he never brought it up. But Krystal had always remembered, she just didn't bring it up either because she liked having Minho around with her.


It was finally time for the Tournament and there were tons of people there, trying to get their name on the top fighter's list. Taeyeon, Krystal, Minho, Wooyoung and IU were also there. IU doesn't have anything to do with this tournament but Wooyoung had dragged her along, beacuse he didn't know what IU would be doing if he wasn't with her. He didn't like the thought of her going out late at night to hang out with her friends again.

After a few more minutes of preparation, the tournament was finally starting. The referee was now on stage, waiting for the contestants to come out. One by one they all came out, Leeteuk being one of them, and then walked back down. Two after two would step off the line when they heard their naems and go back on stage again preparing to fight their lives out. Soon it was Leeteuk's turn and his enemy was a guy named Dongmin. Dongmin attacked first, trying to land a punch on Leeteuk's face, but Leeteuk had easily dodged it. He bent his back letting the punch fly past him and when the Dongmin had passed him a little, Leeteuk elbowed Dongnim right on the spine, causing him to fall over in pain. The fight was already over and Leeteuk could only think that Dongnim was too much of an easy target. The fights kept continuing and it was now time to pick out a winner. It was the last fiight. Leeteuk vs. TOP. Before they start fighting, TOP started a conversation.

Im going to help my gang avenge you.

I dont even know your gang. What can i possibly do to them?

They tried robbing you once, but you got saved by that girl *pointing at Taeyeon* And when they tried to get revenge on her,  you intervened. 

Last time i checked you werent their leader. It was someone more scrawny looking.

Im their new leader and I'll make sure to take Taeyeon's territory from her. She looks like a lot of fun too, then his lips.

Leeteuk was startled at his sudden words and then became mad when he had processed what TOP just said. 

Tch. You won't be able to do anything to me or her. So just forget about it. I'll make sure you regret everything you just said right on this stage.And he launched at TOP. But TOP  was just too fast for him. TOP had managed to counter every single one of Leeteuk's attacks and leeteuk was now panting hard and sweat can be seen all over his face, but TOP didn't even break a sweat yet. He just gave an evil laugh, looking at Leeteuk, thinking he is s patheti. Then bent down over to whisper into Leeteuk's ears. 

Once you lose, im going to make that girl mine, even if it means by force, and im going to taint her so badly. The inner fire Leeteuk had since the beginning of this match turned into a volcano that just erupted. He was too angry now for words, thinking of what TOP would do to Taeyeon. He took a quick glance at Taeyeon, who just looked away from his face with an annoyed expression. He's not going to lose. If he won Taeyeon would be his to keep. Before TOP could finish another sentence, Leeteuk threw a surprise punch at TOP's stomach, causing him to arch over in pain. Leeteuk then threw TOP onto his back and started punching his face endlessly, with a murderous look on his face. The audience, including Taeyeon stared at him in shock and the referee had to pull Leeteuk off TOP when he realized TOP had already fainted from the endless beating. The referee threw Leeteuk's arms up, signifying that he was the champion of this tournament. But that didn't mean he was the top fighter yet. He still hadn't fought the real top fighters on the list. Taeyeon, Minho, Wooyoung, and Krystal. When they were called out, Minho had refused to fight Leeteuk since Leeteuk was now part of his gang. Wooyoung rejected after hearing Minho said that, and Krystal said no too because MINho wasn't going to fight him. The only one left now was Taeyeon. She wasn't going to back down though. She needed to keep her reputation and she wanted to beat Leeteuk up for his actions towards her. Taeyeon was now on stage, ready to punce any second now, eyeing Leeteuk intently. Leeeteuk didn't know waht to do at this point. He thought all he needed to do was win this tournament to get onto top fighters list. He didn't know he would have to fight one of them. He could only try to dodge all the attacks Taeyeon made, because he didn't want ot hurt her. Not that he thought he could. Taeyeon suddenly shouted at him though because she hated when her opponents weren't taking her seriously. 

If I win, the bet is off. Hearing that, Leeteuk started to attack and returned Taeyeons attacks. He's not going to lose this chance to make her his afterall he had to gone through to get here. But he also didn't want to hurt her, so all he could do was try to pin Taeyeon onto the floor, where she wouldnt be able to attack him any longer. When he found the correct timing, he swung his legs 360, swiping Taeyeon off her feet and onto her back. Leeteuk took this chance to get on top of her, pinning her hands down, and put his body werght onto Taeyeon's legs, so she wouldn't be able to kick him. After a few more mintures of useless struggle, the referee declared Leeteuk as the winner, since Taeyeon stil couldn't get herself out of his grasp. The moment the champion was announced, Leeteuk looked at Taeyeon with a smirk on his face, showing everyone his dimpled smile. The girls were now fawning over him, since he had just become one of the top fighters and started chanting his name. Taeyeon had to admit, she was kinda jealous. She didn't like all these girls fawning over Leeteuk who was now her boyfriend. What  belong to her, she made sure no one else tried to take away. She walked over to Leeteuk, glaring att him, but then stood on tiptoes and peck his lips. 

Congradulation. Yeobu. Leeteuk was bewildred at first because Taeyeon was the one who made the first move and even called him darling,but then grinned from ear to ear realizing Taeyeon had just kissed him. In front of all these people too. He looked down at her and pulled her in for another kiss for the public. Whistling, booing and congradulations can be heard throughout the crowd, but Leeteuk can care less at this point. Taeyeon didn't try to break the kiss, and instead respoinded to it. She wanted to show those girls Leeteuk was hers. They finally broke the kiss, needing to gasp for air and stared into each others eyes not processing what just happened.  

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Chapter 17: Great story!!! Gonna read ur sequel~~ ;)
The same name as 1D's Gotta be you but totally different plot!!
MilkyCouple4ever #3
Freek ur story is awesome read it twice!!!
wy0430 #4
isnt the pic minho not leeteuk?
MinStal <3~
wooyoungiu16 #6
niCE eNDinG!! lOVE iT!! haah :D
MILKYcouple321 #7
Great ending!!
nerdscandy #9
Aww I can't believe this is the end :(
But at least there's a sequel!!!
update soon ^-^.......