Paper Cranes

Today...For You
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For the past few days since the Nami’s incident, Jaebum didn’t come to school. Jisoo knew why and didn’t fault him. She knew that he probably had to stay by Nami’s side. Although it hurt a bit, she took it as her own fault for not pacifying Nami before replying. School went on as normal for Jisoo, with just a few gossips here and there regarding Nami and her, but gossips were just that, gossips. She didn’t let it get to her, until she came face to face with a very familiar face in the hallway. 


“Jennie?” She mouthed when she saw her cousin, Kim Jennie, in front of her with a small smile and a light bow. She had forgotten about Jennie, had forgotten that she had to give Jaebum back to her. Which now she refused to. 


Jennie felt awkward. She didn’t want to come back to South Korea. She wanted to stay in Hong Kong. She was accustomed to the weather there, or rather, she didn’t want to come face to face with Jisoo. She didn’t expect Jisoo to be in this school. She would never forgive herself for what she did, and she didn’t know how to explain it to Jisoo that she did not mean to, that she was forced to, but would Jisoo believe her?


Even before the two cousins could start their conversation, the Principal came to take Jisoo away to have a talk. 


It was a blow to Jisoo when she found that it was her last day in school. She was withdrawn from school by her mom. She didn’t even get to properly say goodbye to her classmates, and didn’t get a proper greeting with Jennie. She went home with a heavy heart, questioning her mom’s decision without any heads up. Even more strange was that dad didn’t come pick her up, she had to take the bus home. 


“Umma, Umma.” Jisoo called as soon as she got through the front door, but there was no one in the living room, yet there were voices from Appa’s study that she rushed to. She wanted to talk to her mom about her withdrawal from school, but she stopped when she heard their loud voices. “Umma, Appa?” She whispered to herself when she overheard their quarreling. 


“From the beginning I didn’t like the idea of you coming back to the company! I didn’t like the idea of Jisoo attending that school! And now you’re bringing your little brother back?” Heeyeon started.


“He is family!” Kihyung replied. 


“He set you up! And almost killed you!” 


“I wasn’t careful, it was partially my fault for that set up. And that was just a car accident!” 


“A car accident? What a coincidence that a car accident happened on the day of a corporate announcement of you being the new General Manager. What a coincidence that right after, that family disappeared! Is that not enough evidence?” 


“You’re being ridiculous. He understood that he was wrong, so he went oversea to get more investments, and he came back with a few, that showed that he has mature!” 


Jisoo gasped. She couldn’t contain her heartbeats when she heard her parents loud retorts to each other. She thought her parents had always been loving but there they were screaming at each other. 


“Being ridiculous?! Okay, I am ridiculous! I admit it, but I don’t like it here! I’ve decided! Jisoo and I will go live with Appa! You stay here and do whatever you want for your family. I can’t take this anymore.”


“What do you want me to do? Give up everything!? I can’t just give up everything!” 


“I don’t ask you to! Which is why I am leaving! We are going to have to separate if you don’t want to leave with me.” 


Jisoo cried and felt her heart stopped. She gasped for air. One hand clutching onto her heart and the other onto the door knob before she blanked out and collapsed. 


When her parents heard the loud noise, they looked to the door and rushed out because they knew who it was. 


“Jisoo!” They shouted. 




Jaebum decided to take a day break and came to school so he could see Jisoo since she didn’t answer her phone and that worried him. When he came back, he saw Kim Jennie eating lunch by herself on the staircases when he tried to make his way to the piano room. 


“What are you doing here?” He asked. 


Jennie looked away, “I don’t know anybody in the dining hall.” 


“Your old friends?” Jaebum asked. 


“They don’t know me anymore.” Jennie replied with a gulp afterward. 


Jaebum cleared his throat and moved along. 


“I’m sorry.” Jennie said, stopping him, “I left without telling you.” 


“It’s okay. I’m over it.” 


“I…I don’t like you.” Jennie then said. 


“I know.” 


“I never have any feelings toward you.” 


“I know.” 


“I didn’t write those letters.” She confessed.


Jaebum smiled and replied, “I know.” And he rushed to the piano room. 


It was a short exchanged, but it somehow made Jennie feel a little better. Now she had to confess to Jisoo, yet after that first meeting, she didn’t see Jisoo again and she didn’t dare to go to their house. Her mom forbade her to. 



Not long after, Jennie saw Jaebum rushing down the stairs again. This time he rushed to the dining hall. 


“Where’s Jisoo?” He asked when he couldn’t see Jisoo sitting with her friends. Inhye, Sohee, Eunhee and Minki was taken aback by him, but at the same time they stuttered, they too didn’t know where she was. Jaebum glared at them and asked again, “Where is she?”


“She’s…” Inhye started, “She hasn’t been in school for the past few days.” 


Jaebum clicked his tongue in annoyance and left. He then went to her house, but when he was there, nobody was there to answer the gate. It worried him, could she and her whole family left without telling him? He really wanted to see her, he needed to see her. At least just to see her smile and a hug would relieve his worry. How could she not be home? Is she still angry at me?  There must’ve been some great misunderstandings. Perhaps like last time she didn’t want to see my face. He thought to himself while ringing the bell, hoping for a reply. He was at a loss, but he waited there, even if it was pouring down, he would wait. He really wanted to see her. 




It was Jisoo’s fourth day in the hospital, check ups are still happening due to her sudden collapse. All she could do was staying in her room and looking out of the window to see the rain pouring down. For the past few days she didn’t do much but just going back and forth on her thoughts on all the events that happened. “It seems like I can’t keep my promise for long.” She thought that all those events was a sign for her to let go. That she and Im Jaebum were not meant to be. Nami’s collapse, Jennie’s return, and her parents divorce and her moving, and he’s moving. Jisoo knew that it was only right to tell him about her moving. But she also thought of just leave and let him figure it out by himself. The latter seemed a little cruel considering that that was what Jennie did. When she checked her phone, it was exploded with text messages and missed calls. It was all the same messages, asking about her whereabouts. Out of all the friends, she only replied to Jooyoung. 


Jisoo-ya, where are you the past days? Are you alright? Unnie have something to tell you. - Jooyoung from 1 day ago. 


I am…in the hospital. - Jisoo 


!!! Why? Are you alright? - Jooyoung immediately replied. 


Before Jisoo could reply back, she received a call from Jooyoung. 


“Unnie.” Jisoo’s voice was soft and weakened. 


“Yah, what happened?” Jooyoung asked. 


“Mm…it was nothing serious. I collapsed. Still in the hospital. I’m fine, but there are still some checkups to be done.” Jisoo responded. 


“Yah…Jisoo-ya…” Jooyoung sighed, “Which hospital? I want to see you.” 


“Please don’t tell others.” Jisoo requested before giving her the name of the hospital when she agreed that she won’t tell anyone, until Jisoo recovered. 




Jaebum coughed, got a little cold from staying out in the rain for too long, but right afterward he came back to the hospital to look after Nami. His personal doctor, also his older cousin, Joongki, did a check up on him and advised for him to also stay in the hospital and get his own room. 


“It’s just a cold.” Jaebum uttered. 


“It is just a cold, but you don’t look well. What’s wrong?” Joongki asked. 


Jaebum looked away as he took his medication. 


“Nami’s condition got a little worst, and she now refused the surgery.” Joongki thought that he was worrying over Nami, but in Jaebum’s mind was all Jisoo. 


“I don’t care. She has gotten too spoiled. She doesn’t even care about her life.” He was clearly pissed that she used her life to threaten Jisoo just for him, it was something that he really hated. 


“Jaebum?” Joongki asked when he saw how serious he was and not a word of care toward Nami, “What’s wrong?” 


Jaebum looked away and pressed his lips, holding back his frustration and worries, “She doesn’t want to see me.” 


“Na–Someone special?” Joongki asked and Jaebum nodded. “You were in the rain because you wanted to see her?” Jaebum nodded again. 


“I was waiting for her dad to come home, to see if he could help. I thought she locked herself in the house and not answering my call. She didn’t attend school either.” He said with nervousness in his voice, “I…I’m very worried, I’m afraid she might leave without telling me.” 


Joongki observed Jaebum’s expression carefully before he smirked and smiled, “Aish, so our Jaebum is deeply in love.” Jaebum shot him a glare in embarrassment, but Joongki laughed, “It’s okay. I’m sure it’s nothing that serious. Maybe after a day or two, she’ll call you. Girls are very soft hearted, they don’t stay angry for long.” 


“You don’t understand. This girl’s heart is so soft that she would leave me if someone uses an illness as a bait–“ 


“Ahh~~” Joongki exhaled aloud in realization, “So this is why you don’t care for Nami… So this has to do with Nami.” Jaebum felt nauseous all of a sudden and just wanted to sleep. He groaned and laid his head down on the sofa’s armrest and Joongki ruffled his hair, “Yah, you’re a patient, don’t stay in the lobby. Hyung will book you a room.” 


“Whatever.” Jaebum murmured, falling into a sleep. 




After Jooyoung visit, it became boring and quiet again, but Jisoo requested her mom to bring her her box of chocolate and the container where she kept the little strip of papers. She didn’t dare to ask her to bring the box of letters because she didn’t want to read them, not at the moment. 


Sitting on her bed, she opened each chocolate pieces, she didn’t eat them but read the strip and started to laugh to herself. “Give me a kiss on the neck…so erted. But I never get to do it.” She made small comments on all of them, “Call me oppa…” She laughed, “Oppa…” Jisoo then stopped and put them away then climbed out of bed, decided to go take a little walk. 



Jaebum woke up to see himself in a private hospital room and rolled his eyes, “How fancy, it was just a cold.” However he suddenly felt very hot with a headache. His cold had turned into a fever. When he found his throat to be a bit dry, he got up and went to find something to drink. He was also a little shock that Nami wasn’t there, seeing how she would be everywhere he would be, especially if he was found sick. “She’s probably sleeping right now.” He talked to himself, “I guess this is better, no need to make my headache worsen–“ He paused when he saw her picking up some drinks from the vending machine and walking away. Even from her side profile, he could tell, he was sure that it was her, Jisoo. He stood there for a moment in shock. Why she was in the hospital?  He followed. With each step behind h

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I went back to check the last chapter and noticed it got cut off? That's weird, I have to draft it now.


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RosesyidaDEF7 #1
Chapter 17: Heummm hearttouched
RosesyidaDEF7 #2
Chapter 15: Ikr!!! Jaebeom adam's apple kills you🙈😨
RosesyidaDEF7 #3
Chapter 15: Omg jisooo 😆😆 you really that innoncent?
RosesyidaDEF7 #4
Chapter 14: Interesting gahahshsghss🤣
RosesyidaDEF7 #5
Chapter 13: Owww you guys are getting bolder

Mark looking for jooyoung for what? He is into her?
RosesyidaDEF7 #6
Chapter 12: OH my to THE GOD
RosesyidaDEF7 #7
Chapter 11: Yess my thought was true
Jisooo was low profile right
RosesyidaDEF7 #8
Chapter 8: I got nostalgic a drama but which one
RosesyidaDEF7 #9
Chapter 8: I got nostalgic a drama but which one
RosesyidaDEF7 #10
Chapter 7: Ikr,, jaebeom is so annoyed sometime but all what he is doing are so precious