Officially Meeting

The Coldest Summer




Key was in his office talking on the phone with Gina. "Yes. If Thursday afternoon works for you then I will mark it down in my calender. Okay, bye." After ending the phone call he put his smartphone away into his pocket.

Taeyeon was sitting across from him. "Do you think it is okay if I give the demo to you and you bring it over to them?"

"You don't want to go? I thought you like her." Key was slightly surprised. "So why did you agree to write her a song?"

"Because she asked and I was abel to do it." Taeyeon didn't move a mucle in his face.

"Ah-hah," Key laughed, "Okay, I will not go any further with this conversation." The manager knew better than to corner the singer.




When Tiffany saw that only Key appeared at the meeting she was disappointed, but she did not let that disturb her. After playing the demo a few times and listened to Key's explanation of the song, she went into the recording room to try out a few lines. Everything was fine until Taeyeon suddenly show up.

An employee led Taeyeon into the recording studio.

Quietly, Taeyeon approached Key, Gina, and the other producers there.

"Why did you decided to come?" Key asked quietly.

"Because I want to take the song back." Taeyeon's answer made Key turned to him quickly.

'What?" Key appeared to be a little dumbfounded.

Gina was listening into their conversation even though she's trying to focus on Tiffany's singing. And the singer was doing well with the song until she saw that Taeyeon was on the other side of the glass. Her singing began to goes out of rhythm and off key.

Realizing that she is struggling, one of the producers the microphone to speak with Tiffany. "Let's take a quick break."

"They already listened to the demo and they said they like the song." Key tried to keep his voice as quiet and calm.

"I think there's another song more suitabel for her." Taeyeon continued to reason with his manager.

"But you told me this song was fine, and now you want to take it back?" Key asked again, whispering.

"Yes." Taeyeon sounded as polite as ever.


Tiffany, fustrated with herself, puts down her headphones and walk out.

Slightly embarassed, Key turned to Gina and explain to her what the situation is now. It was an embarassment for him to have to take the song back.

Meanwhile, Tiffany and Taeyeon were chatting on the side.

"I don't know what was happening to me. This is so rare of me." Tiffany adjusted her bangs and aligned it to one side.

"Maybe getting something to eat will make you feel better." Taeyeon suggested. He glanced at Key and Gina. The two seemed to be passionated in their conversation, and that made Taeyeon felt unsteady. He didn't mean to put his manager in such a tough spot.

"Okay," Tiffany tried to conceal her smile when Taeyeon asked her out to lunch. "There's a restaurant down the street. I eat there often. The food is promising."

"Sure, I'll follow you."







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jjsooyoung #1
Chapter 8: please update.....
84 streak #2
Chapter 8: tiff if you love him the you need to show it .. cuz he have been hurt so many times i think judging the word tae said " she's not the first" huhuhu taeny pleasee update again
Chapter 8: Why does he can't love someone? Its an inevitable or choice that he wants to because he was afraid to be hurt. Maybe he has disease or sickness.
84 streak #4
Chapter 7: tae pleasee chase heer :( ... you love her you just dont want to admit it . update aagain
84 streak #5
Chapter 7: tae pleasee chase heer :( ... you love her you just dont want to admit it . update aagain
84 streak #6
Chapter 6: yahhh fany ah dont think too much .. tae isnt playing with you lol .. maybe it would be better if you visit him kekek ..: or tae pleaseee apologized you have hurted a ladys feelings update again merry christmas
84 streak #7
Chapter 4: interesting kekeke update again xD
So taymeyeon is a cold one here. Hmmmm that's interesting. Update please!! :)))))))