[New Year Special] The Sixth Year (one-shot)


Author: Terminator

** I OWN NOTHING of this fanfic, all credit goes to the rightful owner/writer/author

** I re-post it here due to #Winglin.net site closed down

** No plagiarism intended

** Purely sharing to all readers and fans


Original owner/ writer/ author



“Happy New Year! I’ve brought you your favourite – M&Ms!” Gui Gui greeted cheerfully as the door opened, revealing a handsome figure from behind the door.

“What are you here for?” Answering her was a cold, wintry voice, but still unable to dampen her New Year mood.

“To be the first person you see in the New Year of 2005!” Gui Gui said in her ever-enthusiastic tone, handed over the chocolates, gave a sweet smile, and then left.

That was the first year...

And what happens in the sixth year?

Gui Gui
Arron Yan

Guest Appearances:
Rainie Yang

In the 2009 new year special - The Sixth Year.

A/N: This story is quite rush :D Only finished it today morining. Will post later at night!
Happy New Year!
Other fanfic:

Thanks to Jollin from and-designs.blogspot.com for the AWESOME poster!! 
It Rocks!!! 
31 December 2008


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