
the issue of babies and (terrible) moodswings

“Don’t ing touch me.” The older male hisses under his breath before he goes out of the bathroom and closes the door loudly in front of the younger’s face. 

“Kyungsoo, I swear-” Jongin flinches at the force in which the older slams the door before he opens the door himself, adrenaline running through his veins as he feels completely fed up by the treatment he’s been getting from his boyfriend for the past few days. Approaching the agitated man who was walking away from their bedroom, Jongin’s heavy yet rapid footsteps catches up with the other male as he grabs onto the older’s shoulder, roughly pulling him back to face him only to be faced by an angry face that is slightly blotched with bright red.

Kyungsoo grabs onto the younger’s arm that had spun him around and roughly throws it away before he yells and charges towards him, pushing him away. 

“I said don’t ing touch me!” Kyungsoo yells loudly before he pulls himself back and raises a glare at Jongin, his eyes b with slight tears. "Don’t talk to me. Don’t look at me. You might as well stop breathing for my sanity.” Kyungsoo hisses before he leaves Jongin standing in the middle of their shared flat, astonished and pissed off as he runs his hand through his hair. Jongin takes a deep breath and massages his scalp from the very dull migraine that was caused from taking 4 soju shots given to him by his friends during the company dinner.

Jongin graduated Seoul National University with a Summa laude granted at International Relations degree and his boyfriend graduated SNU with a second honours on his Medical Anthropology degree. They had met in the library when Jongin was studying for his finals while Kyungsoo happened to be trying to patch up his thesis. They had gotten along well, as Jongin remembers quite accurately how beautiful the older male had looked with his slightly disheveled hair and the slipping glasses hanging on his nose bridge as he crashes beside Jongin’s seat. Jongin remembered watching the older from the corner of his eyes before letting out a soft chuckle as he starts small talk with the male as he reads through his papers, the older male smiles cheekily and blushes responding to the younger as he rearranges himself. 

The routine of the small talks becomes almost daily during Jongin’s exam week but, after Jongin’s exams ended they had gotten so close that the younger decided to ask the older out for a coffee date and from then on they’ve hit off, Jongin attending Kyungsoo’s graduation and basically moving in together after Jongin had graduated. They’ve been living together for a year and they’ve had small petty arguments which ended with sweet cuddle sessions and apologies but only these past few weeks, Kyungsoo has been acting rather sensitive and agitated at him which finally struck a cord at Jongin’s patience towards the older male.

“IT WAS JUST A ING TOOTHPASTE CAP!” Jongin yells loudly at his boyfriend in anger, who was at the kitchen mumbling curses towards himself before he turns around to face the younger and sees the older male’s face contort in disbelief. Jongin watches as the older male’s eyes start to tear up and his heart constricts slightly at the sight but his mind is persistent that his boyfriend was just pulling the waterworks to make him feel like when he hasn’t done anything wrong. 

“DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY ING BACTERIA CAN GATHER IN A CAP. DO YOU WANT ME TO DIE?” Kyungsoo yells loudly in frustration and goes towards his boyfriend and covers his face, sharply taking a breath before he curls his fists and stomps the ground with his foot. 

“You’re being ing unreasonable! WHO DIES OVER A BACTERIA!” Jongin yells back at the older male, his face morphing from disbelief at what his partner is saying. Jongin couldn’t take the man seriously and snorts, causing the older male to feel more inferior and agitated at the younger.

“LOTS OF PEOPLE!” Kyungsoo screams loudly as he looks at Jongin, frustrated with the younger before he changes the subject completely and feels his tears running down his cheeks. Kyungsoo wipes his tears away furiously and interrogates the younger lad.

“The company dinner, you’ve gone to these dinners for at least 4 times these recent weeks. Why? I asked you to come home at least early, but you always come. home. late. AND LAST NIGHT. YOU CAME HOME DRUNK. I can’t be with you right now. I CAN’T LIVE HERE!” Kyungsoo screams yet again and runs to their room to pack his clothes in a rush and goes out of the room with his duffel bag, blocking the younger’s every reply as he pushes past the younger standing the middle of the living room to go towards the door.

“WHO DOESN’T DRINK IN A COMPANY DINNER, KYUNGSOO. YOU’RE EXAGGERATING! LAST NIGHT WAS THE FIRST TIME I’VE EVER CAME BACK DRUNK!” Jongin replies in a loud yell that he’s definitely certain that the neighbours could hear and feels his blood boil when the male goes out of his sight and into their room. 

Jongin watches as Kyungsoo exits the room with a duffel bag in disbelief and pushes past him before he exits the house, "Oh? I see alright. Go. Leave. See if I would give a single !” 

Kyungsoo turns around and yells with tears running down his face, “I HATE YOU.” 

The older male shuts the door with force causing the sound to echo throughout the house. Jongin only felt anger in his blood and the sight of his boyfriend’s tears didn’t falter his anger.

“THE FEELING IS ING MUTUAL!” Jongin screams at the shut door before he yells at himself and heads towards his room to take a cold shower. Sweaty and angry from the argument he had with his boyfriend.


“Hey. I heard you and Kyungsoo got into a little domestic.” Jongin picked up his phone and listens to the older male try to talk him out of his anger towards his boyfriend who had ran away to their closest friends' apartment which was around 30 minutes away from their house. Jongin could still feel his agitation towards his boyfriend and becomes persistent, he felt used and treated unfairly by the older as his mind tries to rationalize. 

“I’m not fetching him. He can come here himself. I’m not letting him treat me this way.” He replies as he feels completely exploited by his boyfriend who wouldn’t stop nagging and whining to him the whole week with his sensitive and pissy attitude.

“Jongin, I think you really need to calmly talk with Kyungsoo. Like, there’s a whole misunderstanding behind this whole petty argument,” Baekhyun replies as he tries to coax the younger into coming to his and Chanyeol’s apartment to handle the waterworks of his boyfriend, Do Kyungsoo.

“Hyung! I got yelled at for leaving the ing toothpaste cap off! He told me to stop breathing for god’s sake! This was the first time I came back home drunk! First ing time,” Jongin whines and clenches his fist in annoyance and grinds his molars together, annoyed at the way the older male tries to coax and sympathize with his boyfriend who was clearly more unreasonable in this whole argument.

“Jongin-” Baekhyun tries to intercept again to try and convince the emotionally driven man over the phone, only to be yelled by the younger male and rudely cut off. 


“Jongi—“ The younger male end the call and throws his phone down onto his sofa, before he rubs his temple in frustration and runs his fingers through his hair in annoyance, taking deep breaths to calm himself down before he hears the ringing of his phone again. Reaching out for the phone, he swipes the answer button and places the phone onto his ear to speak towards the older male, “Yeol, I swear if you’re trying to convince me the same thing your boyf-" before he was cut through his words mid sentence.

“You better get your ing here asap. I’m not joking, Kim. You’re gonna be ing regretting those words you just said once you realize how deep this is. You’re both idiots. So get your ing here right now," Baekhyun speaks roughly and unnerved causing, Jongin to feel slightly alert at the tone that the older is using and fidgets slightly in his seat.

Jongin heard the line shut and he feels his blood run cold and rushes to his feet, his heart doing somersaults as he grabs his keys and locks the house before he enters his car and rushes towards the apartment where his friends were staying ignoring some of the traffic rules. 

He goes into the apartment hesitantly, seeing only Baekhyun on the kitchen counter who dashes towards him and smacks him on the head and drags him towards his and Chanyeol’s bedroom to hear heartbreaking sobs that made Jongin want to take all his words back towards the older male.

“I don’t wanna be a single dad. Hyung, he’s been going to so many company dinners. What if he found a smarter co-worker that he likes? Have you seen how pretty and smart his co-workers were? I went to one of their company dinners and it was horrible, I went there with jeans, sneakers and a pull over. His female co-workers gave me these stinky eyes. Hyung, I’m scared he got home drunk yesterday. He said he didn’t care about me anymore. I don’t want him to leave me. I’m so scare-“ Kyungsoo rambled towards the older male as tears welled up and pours down his cheeks, his vision completely blurred before a rush of familiar footsteps enter the room and he was pulled into a tight embrace that had him bawling out loud, the familiar scent filling his nostrils causing his heart to expand in affection and slight relief. “Jongin! I’m sorry, I was mean. I didn’t mean to be mean. Don’t leave me, I love you. Don’t leave me to be a single father!”

Jongin felt tears gathering up in his eyes as he listens to the older male’s worries and fears as he tries to look back at the number of times the company has held dinners with Kyungsoo left alone at the house to eat dinner by himself. Jongin remembers clearly the day when Kyungsoo had attended the company dinner with his casual clothes thoroughly excluded by his outfit as he picks on his jeans nervously. Jongin thought the male was just being shy as he usually is when it came to strangers or new people, realizing the older male’s real thoughts and feelings Jongin starts to berate himself for not realizing his boyfriend’s discomfort. 

The younger enters the room seeing the older male’s swollen and moist eyes before he pulls the older to his embrace. Hearing the older male’s pleas and shushes him softly as he holds the older male tightly, “Don’t apologize, we were both wrong. I lost my temper when I shouldn’t have. Don’t cry, Soo. I love you too.” 

After a few minutes of cuddling on their friend’s bed, Jongin pulls away from the hug to examine his boyfriend’s swollen face. 

“Hey. Listen, I love you. I didn’t mean to say those words,” Jongin reassures the smaller man and caresses his cheeks before planting a soft kiss onto his eyelids earning a soft hum. 

“I love you too, Jongin,” Kyungsoo replies his voice slightly hoarse from all the screaming and the crying, the past few hours. 

Jongin smiles as he watches his boyfriend’s relaxed face before he leans into his lips to press a soft chaste kiss before he pulls them both off the bed and out of the bedroom to meet two very relaxed faces asleep on their couches. Deciding not to disturb the peaceful duo, Jongin and Kyungsoo exit the apartment quietly as they head back towards their own flat.

Kyungsoo and Jongin approaches the front of their house before Kyungsoo notices the basket placed in front of their door. Jongin following the older’s gaze quickly stops the car on the side of the road and pulls on the breaks. 

“Don’t tell me that what I think it is,” Kyungsoo mutters lowly before he pulls off his seat-belt and opens the door, jogging towards the front door to be greeted by an incredulous sight of a baby wrapped in warm clothes. He crouches to the ground to take the letter placed on the baby’s belly.

Hello, first I would like to apologize. I’m extremely sorry. I’m a high school student who lived around this neighbourhood and by the time, you received this I’ll be on my way to the countryside, I know this is so dirty of me by leaving you such a burden. I’ve seen you both interact around the neighbourhood and I can be rest assured that you will take care of my son well. I’m so sorry yet again. I know you won’t have the heart to throw this bundle away, I’m sorry for burdening you. 

Kyungsoo crumples the letter and shuts his eyes as ruffles his hair in frustration because the person who wrote the letter was right. There was no way he would be able to throw away this child on his porch, opening his eyes as he watches the child move and stretch in the basket, his tiny hands spreading wide. Unable to resist, the older slips in his forefinger into the baby’s palms. The baby grabs hold of Kyungsoo’s finger tightly. Kyungsoo feels his heart bloom in adoration for the fascinating little creature on their doorstep. 

Kyungsoo realizes that he has another problem to be worried about as he remembers about the child growing in his body, his insecurities start to rise up as he realizes that Jongin hasn’t caught onto the fact that his boyfriend is pregnant with his child. Annoyed from his boyfriend’s ignorance, he takes the baby out of the basket, earning a soft whine from the baby which he smiles warmly and coos at. 

Jongin gets down from the car and heads towards Kyungsoo who held onto the baby, wrapped with thick layers of cloth. Jongin watches the two from afar in adoration before he was faced with an annoyed glare from Kyungsoo which made him feel like nothing was resolved, “I’m not gonna give him up for adoption. I’m keeping him whether you like it or not.” Jongin sighs and looks at the male in defeat before he nods and let the older do as he pleases. 

“I’m serious. I’m keeping him. You can leave me but, I’m going to keep him with me.” 

Jongin nods as he acknowledges Kyungsoo’s claim. “Alright, Kyungsoo. I won’t leave you.” Jongin replies as he walks towards the older male. He watches as Kyungsoo purses his lips, as if holding something back from him. Jongin felt slightly uncomfortable looking at his boyfriend contemplate. Jongin finally stands in front of the older male and sees him raise his head before he hears the next few words that made him stop and give a confused look at the male. 

“G-great. You’ve got two children to anticipate for,” Kyungsoo stutters slightly as he tries to reply nonchalantly in front of the younger male. The older felt his palms sweating before he looks up at his boyfriend who looked at him in bewilderment as if he’s questioning Kyungsoo whether he was being serious or not. Kyungsoo sees his lover’s lips part and his words stuck in his throat and repeats his statement, straight and blunt to the point. 

“I’m pregnant with your child,” Kyungsoo spoke loudly as he looks at Jongin with slight regret from the reveal. Noticing the lack of response, his insecurities build up different scenarios of Jongin leaving him and the older fidgets in his spot. 

Sensing the mood, the baby in his arms starts to wail loudly, causing the older to immediately jump into action. 

“-- I mean. Not now, baby. Your timing is completely off.” Jongin hears the older mutter softly under his breath before he sees the male start to sway the bundle in his arms, holding it a little bit closer. Jongin felt the beauty of his partner and slowly absorbs the idea of having two bundles of joy in his life, before he smiles warmly.

“I don’t mind. As long as it’s with you,” Jongin speaks softly and cups his boyfriend’s jaw to pull him into a soft but meaningful kiss before parting. 

Jongin looks at the way his boyfriend’s tears roll down his cheeks and wipes them away, releasing a warm soft chuckle before ushering his boyfriend into the house to provide warm clothing for their baby during the cold winter weather of Seoul. 

4 Years Later 

“Papa! I missed you!” The little boy runs towards the older man and jumps onto him, a smile etched upon his face. Jongin hoists his son up to his hips and peppers his face with kisses, missing his child for the past few weeks from one of his trips back to Britain as an honorary speaker in one of the prestigious universities, St. Andrews, doing a lecture towards students studying their degree on International Relations. He turns his gaze away from his son and watches as his husband approaches, smiles warmly as he sees the little princess in his spouse’s arms. 

“Welcome back, Jongin.” 

Jongin smiles at the greeting before he leans into Kyungsoo’s lips for a short kiss and parts looking at the smaller girl being held by Kyungsoo. settled comfortably on his hips. He smiles watching his daughter hide her face on the crook of his husband’s neck and chuckles softly before he leans in and sneaks in a soft peck on her ears.

“Papa, Daddy made cupcakes with Insoo and Sookyung again today! You need to try them!” Jongin raises his eyebrows and looks at Kyungsoo who looks at him apologetically and sighs. Jongin looks at his son and smiles, nodding as he chuckles watching his daughter raise her head away from her daddy’s neck and talks excitedly about the star sprinkles she placed on her cupcakes. Jongin chuckles and smiles at his family as his spouse enters the conversation, his children were having. 

“You can’t eat them all, Sookyung. You too, Insoo. We just had your molars fixed!” Kyungsoo scolds the children softly as he walks alongside Jongin who still held his son on his hips, hearing the soft whines from the children. Jongin looks at his husband in adoration, getting caught in the action and earning a soft grin from the man that made him blush in self-consciousness. 

After fastening the seat belts of the children in their baby seats, Kyungsoo and Jongin shuts the door and looks at each other briefly, before Jongin wraps his arms around Kyungsoo’s waist and leans into his lips for a longing kis,s breaking it apart with a smirk across his face causing his husband to blush profusely at his husband’s undeniably attractive looks. 

“You owe me a round tonight.” Kyungsoo mutters softly, looking at his husbands lips before he raises his eyes to look at the younger man. 

The younger leans in for a soft peck before smiling warmly, “Did you miss me that much, baby?” he teases softly.

“Yeah, I ate at least 15 batches of cupcakes. I think it’s fair to say that you at least owe me a round.” Kyungsoo speaks back teasingly, earning a hearty laugh from his husband who opens the door of the car and enters, watching his children at the back talking to each other about how they wanted to give some of their cupcakes away to the children in the orphanage that Kyungsoo and Jongin sometimes brought them to to celebrate their birthdays.

Jongin definitely felt content with his family, he had asked Kyungsoo to marry him a few weeks after the older male had told him that he’s carrying his child. Jongin didn’t feel rushed into the wedding or forced into the wedding, he knew he loves Kyungsoo with his whole being. 

Both of them took care of the baby boy that had been placed in front of their doorstep, bringing him to the hospital to get his medical checkups and registered him as their child under the name of Kim Insoo. 

Kyungsoo and Jongin had small bickers due to Kyungsoo’s continues whines and nagging that fed Jongin up at certain moments but soon resolved with both apologizing and Insoo giggling at their faces. 

Jongin remembered when Kyungsoo woke him with tears running down his face and soft sobs due to the intense contractions he felt from their baby. Jongin rushed to his feet and dialed Chanyeol and Baekhyun to take care of Insoo, who was still asleep. Leaving the house to bring Kyungsoo to the ER, before he watches his husband being wheeled into the OR. After a few hours, he was ushered into a room where his husband was peacefully asleep. Before he was woken, the baby was wheeled into the room, and Jongin won’t lie, he cried pretty hard when the female nurse handed him the bundle of joy. 

Driving the car with the children strapped in the backseat asleep, Kyungsoo looks at his husband who sat beside him before he speaks softly, “What are you thinking about, Jongin?” His spouse turns his head from the scenery and looks at him, speaking warmly and chuckling.

“How beautiful my life became with you in it,” Jongin replies cheekily, earning an eye roll and a soft smile from the older male as they drove back home finding warm solace in each other.

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Chapter 1: Àaaaaaaaaaa this is so freaking cute
Chapter 1: Awwwwwwwww I think I got diabetes ><
Chapter 1: Aww, this is cute ;u; Especially the ending!! I could feel the love exuding from both of them *^*
Loving this!!!
erunino09 #5
Chapter 1: yup, those hormone the cause of kyungsoo gone berserk :/
really.. pms and pregnancy.. are scary..