Fixed Star

Fixed Star


"One... Two... Three..." I counted silently as I closed my eyes and relaxed into the warm  bath I was having. I let out a big sigh as I submerged myself deeper into the bathtub.
Suddenly, all the flashbacks came back.
I don't want to remember anything.
I don't want to.
You were sitting there, casually on the couch. Of course, you were waiting for your dear boyfriend for 2 years, Lee Howon, otherwise known as Hoya.
You smiled to yourself as you looked through the thousands of selcas you took together.
You didn't want anything to end. You loved him, he loved you. Perfect right?
Just then, Hoya entered the apartment you shared.
You shook away all the bad thoughts and smiled at him, as he swooped over to peck your cheek.
"Oppa~" You giggled as he hugged you tightly.
"Aigoo, I missed my lovely Seo Hee~ Sooooo much." he said cutely.
You just laughed and gave him a warm hug back.
He excused himself to shower just as Dongwoo replied you.
"Ani! I'm sure it was him! Look!" he sent a picture along with it.
Your eyes widened, Hoya was really holding hands with a girl.
You felt tears stream down your cheeks, but you just wiped it off as Hoya called out to you.
'Pabo...' you thought as you rushed over to Hoya, who was waiting for you.
"N-Nae Oppa?" you managed to say steadily.
He just smiled and led you towards the bed. 
You sat there, confused.
"Seo Hee... I have something to say." he started, fiddling with his fingers.
You tilted your head, pretending to not know anything.
"I ,with my family, are moving to Japan." he said.
Your eyes widened again.
"H-How long are you going to be there?" You asked, your eyes watering.
Hoya cupped your cheeks and kissed you tenderly.
"A year, at the most." he replied after breaking the kiss.
You looked back up at him, surprised at the duration of the move.
"That's why... I want to treat you right." He said before kissing you once again.
You didn't hesitate to wrap your arms around him and deepen the kiss.
He wrapped his arms around your waist and made you lie down on the bed, where both of you kissed hungrily, never wanting to leave each other.
You moaned as he moved down from your lips to your neck.
Everything was perfect.
"I love you..." you whispered as you trailed your long, slender fingers along his back.
He smiled and kissed your nose. Before giving you another kiss, on the lips.
{I don't do , so I won't continue this part. XD}
The next morning, you woke up to see yourself snuggled in Hoya's arms, who looked like a baby sleeping soundly.
You smiled and gave him a peck on the cheek, before grabbing your clothes and having a shower.
Hoya woke up only a few moments after you, and rubbed his eyes sleepily.
His phone buzzed as he looked over at it.
"Howon-ah, it's time to go. -Umma" the text read.
He sighed, as he heard water flowing from the bathroom.
He rubbed his temples before getting dressed. He had already packed his stuff, and he left it at his mother's house, so you wouldn't know.
He wrote a note for you and placed in on the bed alongside a white rose from who knows where.
"Saranghae, Seo Hee... Mianhae." He said as he left the apartment.
For good.
When you came out of the shower, the first thing you saw was the rose and note.
You slowly read the note outloud.
"Seo Hee ah, 
It's Hoya. A.K.A Hobaby or Hogod. Ehe. About the Japan move, I'm not staying there for a year, but actually for the rest of my life.
Nomu Mianhae [So Sorry] that I lied to you.
By the time you read this, I'll probably already be in the aeroplane, going to Japan.
I can't say where I am, I want you to move on.
I still love you. Please remember that.
Please don't try to contact me either. Even Infinite don't know where I am, so don't you try little missy. Hahaha.
I'll miss you.
I'm sorry we won't be able to grow old an wrinkly together.
I've deactivated my e-mail and I'm changing my mobile.
I'm sorry, really.
Stay smiling, arra?
I'll know if you frown or you become emotional!
I will know!
I know... that the rest of Infinite will support you, so don't you worry.
They care for you. You know?
But of course, I care more. ;P Well, the paper's running out so...
Tears streamed down your cheeks as you muffled out your sobs. "O-O-Oppa..." you uttered softly, as it was muffled out by your uncontrolable sobs.
As if on cue, someone barged into your house.
"Seo Hee!" Dong Woo yelled as he looked up and down for you.
He then heard you sobbing louder, so he walked slowly to the bedroom, where he saw you clutching the rose and note in your hands.
He rushed over to you, and hugged you tightly as you cried into his arms.
"Seo Hee-ah... Don't cry. Hoya wouldn't like it if you cry, right?" he tried consoling you.
You just sobbed louder at the mention of Hoya's name.
Dong Woo your head softly, as you let go of the rose and note.
What you didn't notice was the note at the back.
"Oh, and... Dong Woo likes you. I trust him with you. Love him too, arraseo?" was what the note read.
Dong Woo looked at you, before wiping the tears off your face.
"Hoya hyung... He loved you, you know? So much. I don't want to see you cry, okay?" He said, trying to make you smile by doing his signature dinosaur laugh.
You tried smiling, but you ended up still breaking down in front of him.
"Y-you must think I'm a crybaby." you asked softly, hearing him chuckle.
He tilted your chin up, before saying sincerely, "I know it's hard to forget a person, so I don't think you're a crybaby."
You smiled softly.
What you didn't notice was then Dong Woo had left his phone standing on the bed, a red light blinking as it recorded something.
Someone had video called.
The caller...
With his bloodshot eyes, he ended the call.
Before sobbing uncontrollably.
He had arrived in Japan.
He was the one asking for that video call.
He trusted Dong Woo.
Yes, he did.
Another sad one. ;AA;
Sorreh. ^^
I'm better doing one-shots on songs. XD
I think it's more straight-forward as compared to the other one?
I danna. *^*
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omgikwangmin #1
DAMN, DAMN, DAMN... F***!!!! I was listening to Wish You Were Here by Avril Lavigne... And Oh, Em, Gee, is it sad.... :(
zatieywookie #2
sad T__T