Dream intertwined with reality


Author: Sunshine Drizzle

** I OWN NOTHING of this fanfic, all credit goes to the rightful owner/writer/author

** I re-post it here due to #Winglin.net site closed down

** No plagiarism intended

** Purely sharing to all readers and fans


Original owner/ writer/ author

http://www.winglin.net/fanfic/dreamsreality/ (by Sunshine Drizzle)



“Dream or reality?”

In the clamoring world of reality, two opposite people have their fates intertwined through dreams. Gui Gui, a 19 years old college student, often dreams about a guy she had never met. They actually talk with each other in the dream, but whenever they ask for each other’s names and any information that can start their communication, there will be something to hinder. It was like fate only gave them the opportunity to know each other by dream, no more, no less. He was perfect, she thought. He was actually too perfect for her. Through the guy she never knew, her quest of finding a special someone had fade. Her only problem is how to find the guy in her dreams. Will she find him, or is she just stuck in her foolish dreams?


Yan Ya Lun (Aaron Yan) - HIM. The guy in Gui Gui's dream.

Gui Gui (Ghost) - HER. The girl in Aaron's dream.

Other cast:

Yang Cheng Lin (Rainie Yang) - Gui Gui's best friend.

Goh Kiat Chun (Wu Chun) - the hottest guy in Gui Gui's school.


This is the first ever one-shot story of Sunshine Drizzle staff. Please support us! We hope you'll enjoy the story as much as we did writing it. :)

This one-shot is dedicated to GuiLun fans. This is once a Mikiel story but we changed it. We have another plot alloted for Mike and Ariel so watch out! :)


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