Closing Shop

The Boy at the Corner Table

"Two weeks?!"

"Yep, it's been two weeks.  Can you believe it?"

Jaeseop shook his head, taking a small sip of his Americano.  "No, that's why I said something about it, Mustard Nose!"

Mina rolled her eyes.  She, too, couldn't believe that they had been aquainted with each other for two whole weeks.  She stood up from his usual booth and walked over to Jaeseop's side, sitting next to him and giving a big grin.  "So, does this call for a celebration?"

He scoffed.  "Two weeks and you already wanna throw a party about it?"

"I'm not asking to throw a party!" she replied, tieing her apron back on, "I just thought it'd be nice to go out for once.  I mean, you have cancelled on me four times."  She tried reminding him of the days they were going to spend time together at the local amusement park, but he had cancelled due to 'important work meetings'.  Then he tried making it up to her for lunch, but bailed again on a 'sudden road trip'.  Mina had no clue what he was up to, but she also thought it was none of her business to into his life with only knowing him for a few weeks.  "Maybe we can do something when I get out tonight."

"Well, that sounds good."  He picked up his cell phone and checked the time.  "Hey, don't you have to get back to work soon?"

She leaned over and checked the time herself.  "I've got five minutes."

He smiled, when suddenly his eyes veered from Mina to San Jook standing in the hallway, leaning on the utility closet's door and looking pale.  "Is he okay?" he asked, pointing to San Jook.

Mina got up and ran to San Jook.  "San Jook-ssi, are you alright?"  She wrapped his arm around her neck and led him to the nearest chair, sitting him down.  San Jook nodded, then shrugged.

"I just don't feel good."  He rested his head on his hands, leaning against the counter.  "I woke up this morning feeling a little dizzy, but I need to close tonight, so I came anyways.  And then I started seeing double and-"

"Well, what're you doing here?!"  Mina ran into the kitchen and grabbed their newest busboy, Young Jae.  She dragged him out into the cafe and pointed to San Jook.  "Young Jae, can you take him home?  He's not feeling well and he's refusing to go himself."

"Mina, I would, but I have a lot of dishes to do back there."

"I'll do them for you and I'll let you go a half-hour early.  Deal?"

Young Jae nodded and grabbed his jacket from the coat rack, then started toward his sick manager.  San Jook shook his head as Young Jae came closer to him.  "I can't go home!  Who's gonna close the shop?!"

"I will, you stubborn old man!"

"What about those-"

"I'll be fine," she smiled, looking at Young Jae, "Take him home and make him get some rest.  Oh, and make sure you get him some hot soup and medicine on the way."

Young Jae nodded.  "You got it.  I'll be back."  He grabbed San Jook and slung him over his shoulder.

"Put me down!" San Jook yelled, "Put me down or I'll fire you!"

"You wouldn't do that to your one and only busboy!"  They exited the restaurant, hearing San Jook yelling from the outside.  Mina walked back to Jaeseop's booth and smiled.  "Well, that's all taken care of!"

He smiled, though trying to hide his concern.  "I see that, but what was he talking about with 'those' before you cut him off?"

She shrugged.  "Oh, just some guys that try to come around when we're closing up."  She then sat next to him and explained to him what happened on some nights. She had told him there were a group of guys that tried to come around and buy coffee when the store closed.  Since San Jook and Tae Woo, the only other strong male there, closed almost every night, the guys really didn't bother them up to that point.  "It's really nothing," she replied.  "They just come to the shop a little late.  Plus, they're real nice about it when we tell them to leave."

Jaeseop shook his head.  "I'm still speculating a little bit.  It seems fishy."  He grabbed one of Mina's pens from her apron and a napkin from under his coffee.  Etching down some numbers, he said, "I'm gonna be at a meeting tonight, but if you need anything, let me know and I'll head right up."

She shook her head.  "Jaeseop, I think I'll be fine."

"But if anything happens," he replied, pushing the napkin closer to her, "Promise me that you'll call me."

"Nothing is gonna-"

"You gotta promise Mina."

She chuckled.  "And what if I don't?"

"Remember that celebration we were gonna have?"

Her eyes got big.  "Don't tell me you're gonna cancel on that, too!"

He slowly nodded his head.  "I gotta make sure you're okay!  I can't lose my friend after two weeks!"

She scoffed.  "Fine Jaeseop," she said, "I promise I'll call if I need anything."

"Good, now that's better!"  He grabbed his coffee and stood up, then checked the time again on his cell phone.  "By the way, your break ended seven minutes ago."

She leaned over and saw the time on his phone, then grabbed the napkin and stuffed it into her apron pocket.  She tied her hair back up in her signature Cafe Modeul ponytail and smiled.  "Thanks, Jaeseop.  So, I'll talk to you soon?"

"Yeah," he replied, "and remember, if you need anything, let me know."

Mina walked with him to the door, asking, "And why do you keep insisting this?"

"Let's just say that when I think someone's decent, I want them to stay around for a while."

10 o' clock finally struck on the wall clock above the entrance.  "Time to lock up!"  Ji-yoon walked over to the front door and locked it, then flipped the neon 'Open' sign off.  Like Mina promised, Young Jae slipped out a half hour early, leaving Ji-yoon and Mina to close that night.  Ji-yoon, seeming tired and antsy to leave, groaned, "I really hope this doesn't take long."

"Oh, I know what you mean."  She walked over to the supply closet and rolled out a mop and bucket.  "I got plans tonight, so I need to be out soon!"

Ji-yoon smiled weakly.  "Really?  Anything special?"

"No, I hope not!  I gotta be back here first thing tomorrow!"  Though her relationship with Jaeseop had blossomed, Mina's relationship with Ji-yoon was iffy to her.  They'd sit down together for dinner once in a while and hang out at Mina's apartment, like they used to, but when Jaeseop came around, Ji-yoon turned envious and quiet.  Even the aura around her became tense.  Mina noticed that the only times Ji-yoon would have a normal conversation with her anymore would be when they were alone, closing the coffee shop and taking the taxi home.

Mina tossed a washcloth to Ji-yoon.  "You do tables and I'll mop?"

Ji-yoon nodded.  "Sounds good."  She walked to the kitchen to dampen her washcloth, while Mina prepared her bucket.  She heard Ji-yoon talking from the kitchen, but couldn't hear her well.  "What was that?"

"I said, who did you make plans with tonight?"

Oh, crap.  Do I tell her?  Should I make someone up?  But what if she gets mad?!  Ugh, I hate having a best friend on the rits!  She pondered for a moment when she finally made up her mind, taking a deep breath before answering.  "Uhh... Jaeseop.  But we're not gonna do anything interesting."

She heard Ji-yoon groan from the kitchen.  "What is it?" Mina asked.

"Oh," she replied, sounding a little tense, "I just... dropped some water on the floor."

Mina ran into the kitchen with her dry mop.  As she walked in, she saw Ji-yoon sopping wet.  "Oh no!  Go into the bathroom.  San Jook always keeps a few bath towels and a hairdryer in there so we can dry off."

"Thanks," she said, forcing a smile and heading for the bathroom.  Mina grabbed her mop and started cleaning up Ji-yoon's mess, hearing the hairdryer kicking on.  Silly girl, she thought, Wonder what the mess was all about.

When she finished cleaning the huge puddle, she walked back into the cafe area and put her mop back into her bucket, cleaning it off to wash the floor.  Suddenly, she heard the hairdryer shut off and a door slam from the back.  Mina quickly walked into the kitchen, calling her name.  "Are you alright?  Ji-yoon, why aren't you answering me?"  She walked farther back into the hallway, passing San Jook's office and the small break room, which was more like a closet with a table and refrigerator than anything, and realized one thing in the back corner:  the bathroom door was open and the light was still on.  She ran towards the bathroom, seeing that Ji-yoon was gone.  Mina put both of her hands on her head.  You better have been kidnapped, Ji-yoon, or I'm seriously gonna kill you.

Mina pulled out her phone from her pocket and called Ji-yoon.  As the phone rang, she heard someone pick up.  "Hello?"

"Ji-yoon!" she screamed, "Why the hell did you just-"

Suddenly, she heard laughing on the other end.  "Just kidding!  This is Ji-yoon's voicemail box.  Leave a message after the beep.  BEEP!"  There was a slight pause, causing Mina to become angrier.  "Kidding again!  Here comes the real beep!  Bye!"

"Why the hell did you just leave like that?!"  Mina walked over to one of the tables and sat down, placing one of her hands on her forehead.  "Ji, I don't know what you're angry about, why, or even if you're angry.  But whatever I did, I'm sorry, okay?  Is that what you're looking for?  An apology?  Maybe..." She stood up, suddenly realizing something.  "Is this about Jaeseop?  I mean, if you want him, you can go ahead and have him!  I mean, I don't like him like that or anything, if that's what you're thinking!  He and I are just friends, I promise!"  There was a sudden tapping at the glass.  She turned around, seeing the six hooded guys that usually came by.  Oh, hey, creeps!  Just on time when I just got ditched by my closing partner!  "Hey, I gotta go, but seriously.  I wish you would've stayed."  She turned back at the boys, who were yelling uncontrollably outside, "I really need you right now."

Mina ended her call, then calmly walked over to the door, unlocked it, and opened it a tiny bit, only showing an eye and her nose from the small peephole.  "Can I help you?"

One of the guys came up to the door and placed his hand on the woodwork outside.  "We really need coffee right now.  Can we come in?"

She smiled, trying to hide the slight fear she had of them.  "No, I'm sorry.  We closed about twenty minutes ago."

"But the lights are on.  And it's not like you're gonna get in trouble or anything."

Mina shook her head.  "I can't, sir.  It's too late.  There's a coffee shop up the road, and-"

A second guy showed up, pushing the first one into the door.  Mina pushed onto the door to keep it closed, the man's body weight weighing more than she could handle.  "We don't wanna go up the street.  We want to come here and hang out."

"Sir," she said, straining on the door, "You really need to go.  I'm closing up and-"

"Wait... you're closing up?"  A third man peered over the second one's shoulder.

CRAP.  THEY FIGURED ME OUT.  Bad Mina, bad!  Stop being so obvious and learn how to lie, for God's sake!  "Uhh... I gotta... go clean some... paper plates."  She leaned into the door with all her might, shutting it in the faces of three men who were trying to burst in.  She locked every lock on the door and ran into the kitchen, hearing the guys yell profanities outside and trying to get in.  She pulled out her phone from her apron pocket and pulled up her work contacts.

Ji-yoon?  No, she's an idiot.  
Tae Woo?  Probably sleeping like a log by now.
San Jook?  No.  That sick jerk.
Young Jae?  Still a minor.  I can't let that little one get beat up!
I'll call the other waitress!  But wait... what's her name?!
All that leaves me is... my neighbor, my dad, and the landlord.  Oh, and 87 people from high school that I don't talk to anymore.  Waste of space.

She put her phone back into her apron, almost feeling hopeless, when she heard a crinkling inside her pocket.  She stuck her hand back in and pulled out not just her phone, but that napkin Jaeseop gave her earlier.  Oh, thank the Lord!

She unfolded the napkin, revealing the blue inked etchings that were Jaeseop's phone number.  She typed his number into her phone as quickly as she could.  Mina then felt a single tear fall on her cheek, scared of all the things that could happen if her call didn't go through.  "Please answer," she pleaded aloud, "Just please answer!"

She suddenly heard music in the background and a door shutting.  "Hello?"


He sounded confused.  "Yeah, who's this?"

She sniffled, trying to sound clearer.  "Who's your favorite waitress in all of Seoul?"

"Mina?!"  She heard his feet shuffling and people talking.  From the sounds of it, he ran out of the building and into a silent place.  "What's going on?"

She sniffled again.  "Remember those guys I told you about?  The nice ones?  Well, I guess they're only nice when the boys are around."

"I'm on my way, okay?"  She listened to his car door slam and the engine rev up, the tires screeching off onto the road.  She went to end the call, when suddenly, she heard Jaeseop yell, "Don't hang up!"  She put the reciever up to her ear again.

"Why?  I'm in the kitchen and-"

"I want you to stay on the line with me."

Mina, shocked, replied, "I'm fine.  I'll be-"

"That's what you said earlier, and look what happened!" he said with a chuckle.

For the rest of the time, until he got there, it was complete silence, only the occasional 'You doing okay?' with her immediate response.  Eventually, she heard him speed into the parking lot and get out of the car.  "Let me call you back."  He hung up the phone abruptly, so Mina crept from the kitchen and behind the bar, peering out the now-cracked window.  Jaeseop was outside, yelling at the guys.

"You need to learn how to treat a lady right!"
"We just wanted some coffee, and the girl wouldn't give us any."
"Did you hear her say they were closed?!  Are you deaf?!  And look what you did to their windows!  Why would you break them over a cup of coffee?!"
"We all want coffee real bad!"
"Go up the street.  I mean, Itaewon isn't as great as Modeul, but they're still great."
"But we want to be here."
"Whatever, but I'm telling you this:  you're not getting in."

She saw Jaeseop slowly walk away.  Her phone then vibrated, revealing a text from Jaeseop's unsaved number.

Back door, right?

Mina quickly replied to him.

Yeah.  Door's locked, though.  I'll let you in.

Mina walked over to the door and unlocked it, cracking it open and seeing a man in dark clothes with his hands in his pockets approach the door.  She stuck her head out the door and whispered, "Jaeseop?  Is that you?"

The man ran up to the door, the light revealing his face.  Jaeseop ran through the door and immediately embraced Mina.  She nuzzled into his chest, suddenly letting out a few tears.  She was happy he came to help.  She was thankful of him, for just being a true friend and sticking to his word.

"So, this is an odd way to pick up a friend from work, huh?"  He smiled, putting his hands on Mina's cheeks and wiping her tears away with his thumbs.  "Why are you crying?  Are you hurt?"

"No," she smiled, "I'm just thankful."  She ran back into him and hugged him again.

"Woah, there!" he chuckled, lightly hugging her back, "If you squeeze me any harder, I might not be able to drive!"  Mina let go of him and took a step back, suddenly realizing her delay of closing up.

"I gotta still clean up, yet!"  She started running around the kitchen  I gotta mop the floor and clean the counters off and-"

"Don't worry about it," he smiled, "I'll go empty out your bucket.  Just grab your stuff so we can go."  Jaeseop walked into the cafe and grabbed her bucket, then walked back into the kitchen and dumped it into the sink.  Mina walked into the breakroom and grabbed her jacket and purse, then locked the door on her way out.  He then ran to Mina and grabbed her hand.  "Let's go!"

She chuckled, running alongside him.  They ran out the door, locking it behind them, and snuck towards the car.  They quickly got in, started the car, and drove off as fast as they could.  The guys watched Mina and Jaeseop drive off, but were too slow to catch up.

Jaeseop looked in his mirrors and laughed at the guys, who were trying to catch them.  He turned to Mina and smiled.  "You doing okay?"

Shaking off the tension, she shyly smiled.  "Yeah, I'm okay."

"Good.  Now that that fiasco's over, where would you like to go?"

"Go?" she asked in disbelief.

"Yeah, my treat.  After all, I did promise you a celebration."

As always, comment, subscribe, and share!

Oh, and did you see a very noticable change?  A new poster and background!  Thanks again, SKID_11 of Ahjussi and Chicken Graphics Shops for making the beautiful poster and background!

Until next time,


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Chapter 7: Omg !! What Jaeseop gonna show to her !!!
jaeseopsanae #2
Chapter 7: I LOVE IT <3 So happy to have found a really good Jaeseop fic~!!^^
how adorable <3
Mina is forever such a lucky duck though~
Update again soon~!
msawkward #4
this chapter was so sweet and cute! i cant wait to see what you have planned next~
lol Mina's so dense >.<
I can believe she doesn't recognize him~
And yes, your poster is absolutely lovely <3
Update again soon~!
msawkward #6
the new poster is nice! :D and oamdklasmldaksldmakslckmasldklaskm lKDMLAKDMLAKMDLKAMDLAKDMLKAMDLK AMLDKA JAESEOP... LDKAMLDMKLADKA I CAN'T. I need the next chapter! xD butbut don't rush/stress hahahaha can't wait for more!
AHAHHA omg so he is already famous, she is a ukiss and she doesn't even regocnize him or kevin omg XD I can't wait till the next chapter!
msawkward #8
the poster is cute! :D and this chapter, with those six guys, was kinda scary haha yay aj to the rescue~♥ but... what happened to Jiyoon... D: can't wait for more!