Wrong House?

Wrong House?

Someone rang her doorbell and she went to answer it. When she opened it she saw a pair of slim legs, the bottom of a jacket and a HUGE bouquet of flowers held by a pair of large, well-shaped hands.

Blinking, she shook her head. “I’m sorry, you have the wrong house”, and started to shut the door.

He started to stutter and he lowered the flowers so that she could see his face. “W…wait. I’m not mistaken, Meaghanne.”

She leaned against the door frame, her hands gripped it tight to keep from passing out as she realized who it was.

“OH…..my JJ”, she gasped, in complete shock. She just stared at him and he grabbed her hand slowly. “Shhh, calm down.” She looked at her hand in his and spoke softly, “Took you long enough, I’ve been waiting for you to show up at my house.” Her heart raced as she looked down and realized that she was still in her Pj's, an old t-shirt and a pair of leggings. She looked at him as he spoke with a smile on his face.

“It took me a long time to gather my courage……sorry for taking so long, my love”, the look on his face is sheepish and his has a half smile on his lips. She looked behind him to see if anyone saw them and then she pulled him in and closed the door and pushed him towards the couch.

“You stay here…….I’m…..um….going to change!” She ran for her bedroom and shut the door as he winked at her. He laughed at her reaction and ed his jacket and sat on the couch to wait.

In her room, she looked at all her clothes and ended up changing into another pair of leggings and the shirt with him on it and sat on her bed and smoked nervously. In the living room, he had gotten tired of waiting and went to look for her. He walked to the bedroom and door and called out, “Baby?”

Without a second thought she answered, “I’m in here.”

He opened the door and walked into the room and hopped on the bed beside her. “Found ya, baby”.

She looked at him, her heart thumped in her chest like a drum as she realized that he was on her bed, in her room. She could only whisper as she stared at him next to her, “hi.”

“Smoking is bad, sweetie,” he winked at her as he took her cigarette from her and looked at her. She stared at her cigarette, between his lips and wondered if they were as soft as they looked. He put the cigarette out and bit his lips as he stood and pulled her up. “I'm hungry, got anything to eat?”

As her heart raced in her chest she stammered, “Um…..I can……um make you breakfast?” She led him to the kitchen and told him to sit, “I’ll get you some coffee.”

She turned to pour it as he watched her, his eyes on her back made her hands shake. “”, she muttered as some of it spilt and he jumped up to make sure she was okay. “Baby, are you okay?”, and hugged her from behind.

She jumped, her heart leaping and almost dropped the coffee pot. “Mr. Park! You scared me.”

He looked to make sure that she wasn’t burnt and frowned at her,” I was just worried, I’m glad you didn’t spill any coffee on yourself.” He picks her up suddenly and carries her out of the kitchen, “You know what”, and he took her to the living room and set her on the couch. Once she was on the couch, she blushed, “You’re making me nervous.”

“Just sit here, okay? I’ll manage myself, mind if I rummage through your fridge?” He smiled a dazzling smile and she nodded and he went back to the kitchen.

She tucked her legs under her and grabbed a blanket and covered up. She hates that she is nervous around him, he may be who he is but he is still just a man. She could imagine one of her friends arguing that he is a god, not just a man and the thought made her shake her head and laugh softly, she began to relax. In the kitchen, he cleaned up the spill and poured two cups of coffee and brought them back to the living room and handed one to her. “I put cream and sugar in it.” She took it from him and took a sip, nervous again. He sat beside her and asks if she is still nervous. She only nodded, not looking up from her coffee. He took a sip of his coffee and sighed, put his cup down and took hers and set it on the table also.

He turned to her, “Please look at me.” She looked at him and her heart started to race again. “Yes?” She whispered, she wished he hadn’t taken her cup, she hands shook and she didn’t want him to see that. “I’m…..I’m sorry. I just well…..I can’t believe you are here”, she giggled softly.

He looked into her eyes and whispered,”This is where I belong, in your arms, drowning in your eyes.”

“How are you real, Park ChoongJae”, she reached out and gently touched his face, “everything about you is….”, she leaned against him, her head rested on his chest.

her back gently he leaned against her,”I’m real, you don’t have to worry”, he whispered in her ear, “and now that I’m here, I’m not thinking of going away at all.”

She sat up in bed, her heart raced and she was breathing hard.

“Dang it! Why do I keep having that dream?” She glanced at the poster of him on the wall by her bed and giggled, “Oh yeah, that’s why.”


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Chapter 1: A dream? Hahahaha.. I just looking around your story and found this one. It's cute. I should find a big poster of him. XD
Chapter 1: Whaat, just a dream? T_T
It was so cute, I know I would be nervous myself around ChoongJae ~