Christmas Eve


Kevin met a girl named, Taeyeon on Christmas eve.


Kevin had always lived by himself when he was only 5. his parents died because of a car crash, he was the only one who survived. but since he had no more parents and even had no relatives, he would live alone. 

in order to live, he had to steal money from people all the time, but he never gets caught.

he lived on the streets with just a piece of cloth to cover him up when it rains or when he feels cold. with the thought of him living alone has always caused Kevin to feel lonely and depressed. But.. his depression stopped until he met Taeyeon. 


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09SONE09 #1
Chapter 1: Short But Sweet.
Haha, that was short but still sweet.
Taeyeon and Kevin...:)
I like it! ^^
whoa! interesting new couple :))<br />
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Taeyeon and Kevin both like an angel^^