Withering Flowers


The story is simple yet complicated. A story that might interest others whilst others might not be interested at all. The story of how faith brings two different yet similar people together. A story about promises, honesty, lies and the truth...


Her red plum lips formed a sweet smile whilst her eyes formed as crescent shape. Her laugh echoing in his mind as he recalls the memories he made with her. His head leaning against the train window as he closes his eyes while listening to the melody coming from his purple headphones.

A sigh escaped his lips as his phone interrupts his deep thoughts. He took his phone out of his front pockets and stared at the message in front of him.

His eyes enlarges, his breathing got quicker and his heart was pounding on his chest trying to break through.

"Hyung, I saw her. She's here!"





"They say a flower can't grow without a little rain, but isn't it true that too much rain kills the flower?"


"My sadness is neither beautiful nor poetic."


"It's bad manners to say 'I love you' with a mouthful of lies."



All credits go to exo'clusive for the amazing poster!



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