Baekhyun's Best Mistake

Baekhyun's Best Mistake
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This wasn't the first time 27 year old Byun Baekhyun found himself at home on a Friday night. To be honest, he couldn't remember the last time he went out, had a drink or partied till 2 am. Instead he was cuddling on the couch with the fireplace on keeping him and his three year old daughter warm as he read her her favourite bedtime story.

It wasn't like he wants to go out anyways. He feels content being at home, taking care of his sweet angel. Unlike the rest of his college buddies, Baekhyun's life flipped upside down the day he found out he had gotten a girl pregnant. He had gone from playboy to single father in under 3 years thanks to all his partying. All it took was one night with some pretty girl Baekhyun barely said a word too to get him here. To think if he had been more careful and used protection. If he had been more careful, then he wouldn't be where he was today. But this was Baekhyun's best mistake.

"Appa, why did Cinderella run away from the prince?" Minhee asks, raising her small finger at the illustration of Cinderella running down the palace steps away from the prince.

"Well, because she was afraid that he wouldn't love her."

Minhee turns to her father with a sad look on her face. "But why Appa. Why he no love her?"

A sigh escapes Baekhyun's lips as he tries to think of a way to explain the story to Minhee. She was always so curious about everything and as she got older Baekhyun can only dread the day when she becomes curious about herself. 

"Cinderella just assumed sweetie, because she was so used to people saying no one would like her. When the prince said that he liked her she realized that she wasn't her real self. So she was scared that the prince would find her unattractive when he learned the truth."

"The truth?" Minhee whispers. Baekhyun pulls his daughter close and nuzzles his nose in her hair. As much as he loved having these moments with Minhee, it always became so sentimental. It amazes him how they went from reading a fairytale to talking about love and accepting someone, flaws and all. He knows his daughter understands well enough to see how lonely he had gotten over the years. But Baekhyun couldn't risk bringing someone into his life if they couldn't accept his flaws; and Minhee was no flaw at all.

"Appa, are you afraid?" Minhee sits up in Baekhyun's lap. She stares at her father, curiosity glossing over her eyes.

Baekhyun raises a brow, "Afraid of what sweetie? I got you, don't I? Can't you protect your handsome Appa from anything?"

She giggles, only to shake her head. "I'll always protect Appa, but Appa needs a prince too."

"A prince? Don't you mean princess?" Baekhyun questions the little girl. He's more than surprised by his daughters words. Who would've known that she noticed all these little things?

"No! Because I Appa's princess, right?" She whines cutely. Baekhyun only wishes he had his phone with him so he could record this. Too bad it was currently up in his room.

"Of course. You'll always be Appa's princess." Minhee smiles before snuggling into Baekhyun's chest and instantly falling into a slumber.

"Appa needs a queen." 

As Baekhyun stares down at his daughter he can't help but think about what she said. As much as Baekhyun feels lonely at times, he knows that it's just temporary. It was only human to feel like that. But how can he ever feel lonely when he gets to spend the rest of his life making Minhee smile?


A bittersweet feeling overtakes Baekhyun once Monday rolls around. Monday means work which also means dropping Minhee off at daycare. If Baekhyun could he would definitely bring Minhee to work but last time he checked that wasn't allowed.

He looks down as he walks hand in hand with Minhee to her daycare. As they get closer to the doors Minhee tugs on her fathers hand urging him to move faster.

"What's the hurry Minhee?" Baekhyun scoops said girl so she's perched on his hip.

"Ms Park said there's gonna be a new kid at daycare today! I wonder what he's gonna be like!" 

"Well I hope that the two of you can become friends." Baekhyun places Minhee back to the ground once they reach the front doors of the daycare. 

"Appa' got to leave now sweetie. Please behave and have fun, okay?"

Minhee nods before giving her father a kiss farewell on his cheek and dashes in to play with her friends. 

With a sigh Baekhyun takes on more glance at his daughter before walking back to his car. 
On the way back he hears crying which he immediately thinks it's Minhee but when he turns to his left he sees a little boy crying into his mothers arms. 

"But I'm scared Omma. I don't like it here." He whimpers against her blazer coat. Baekhyun could only imagine if he was in her position that he would gladly ask for help so he heads over to them.   <

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Chapter 1: omo this is beautiful ;;
Chapter 1: Awwww I really liked this! It was so sweet :3 it made me smile!
OMGGGGGGGG thank you so much!! I'm sure that I will love this story ❤ Baek is my forever bias!