Haven Roleplay || Facebook-based AU Roleplay || Fantasy Roleplay || Newly Opened || Lots of Idols available!



a facebook roleplay

3 years ago, a powerful witch created a hidden city for non-humans. She cast a spell on it to hide it from humans and give magical beings the chance to live freely without being hunted or shunned. Despite the city being for all magical creatures, occasionally humans join it too, but they are seen as the lowest in the hierarchy.

All ualities & genders allowed


magical city au themed


rules and guidelines


First and foremost, be welcoming. I cannot stress this enough. There is nothing worse than joining a roleplay and not having anyone greet you. 

There will be no OOC drama. IC drama is allowed, as long as it doesn’t affect too many people and get too out of hand.

No godmodding or metagaming. You only control your own muse, and your muse only knows what they have been told/have witnessed.

Certain triggering topics are allowed, however those will have to have a warning at the top of the post so that people can avoid them. Keep these to a minimum though. Roleplays are supposed to be environments for people to be comfortable in.

No permanent death (they can be brought back to life). Strictly no suicide.

Unless your character is texting, please avoid using emoticons and abbreviations.

We allow para, semi-para, and action. Don’t just reply with one-liners though, especially not when the other person is putting a lot of thought into their replies.

After ten days of inactivity, you will receive a message from an admin. If you fail to reply within three days, you will be removed from the roleplay. Put your favorite fairytale in the application.

Activity is not updating your profile picture or roleplaying in PM. Generally, keep roleplaying in PM to a minimum.

Hiatuses last for up to a month, semi-hiatuses for up to two.

If you are going on hiatus or leaving the roleplay, please inform an admin.

You may have up to three characters, but they cannot be from the same group (you can’t be both Solji and LE from EXID). For the third character, you will have to speak with an admin beforehand.

If you are unsure about something, upset about someone, or have any other type of problem, please speak to an admin. We’re here to make your roleplaying experience an enjoyable one.





Read through all of the info provided to you Make sure the character you’re applying for is available

Reservations last for three days (72 hours)

After being accepted, you have two days (48 hours) to make your account

Add the admin(s) and wait to be accepted and announced before adding anyone else

|| OOC ||

|| IC ||
Name + group/occupation:
Short bio (optional but recommended):

more info


As more and more people move, more and more businesses open and the city has become fully independent. here are some already existing businesses where you can find a job (or be the owner), or if you’d like to open your own you can write that in your application. You may of course also have a job that isn’t on this list and doesn’t relate to any of these businesses (e.x. writer).

We also have a list of creatures that you can apply as here. If you’d like to be a creature that is not listed here, just shoot us a message and give us some detail about them.

Finally, here is some more info about the city's hierarchy system. Despite there being a hierarchy system and certain stereotypes about different magical beings, this doesn’t mean that all demons are the same or all mermaids are the same, or that different creatures can’t have higher-ranking jobs. These are simply stereotypes which may or may not be true.



all listed are taken, italicized are reserved, underlined are admins

BTS: Suga
initial'L: yuuki

actors: fan bingbing


name wishes for lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
name wishes for etc.


name & name // 00/00/00 // status
name & name // date // status


update 10/10/2016: now accepting applications!



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