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Nari woke up when her alarm blared and groaned. She didn't feel like going to school. Ha! She didn't feel like getting out of bed. Her bed was nice and cozy and maybe if she closed her eyes and pretended she hadn't heard her alarm, she could fall back asleep. Go back to her nice dream that had gotten interrupted. But....

If wishes were horses......she'd heard that saying somewhere but couldn't remember where and when.

Her slight moving around had also alerted her to the fact that her entire body was throbbing. She also had a killer headache. 

Thank you, sink, she thought disgustedly. And Sahna.....that horrid girl. She couldn't fathom why a teacher hadn't stepped in and stopped her bullying. After all, she wasn't the only student she bullied and beat up. Nearly everyone in the school knew what she did and how she acted.

Yet, they did nothing.

Nari couldn't understand it.

She forced herself to sit up and groaned at the pain that action caused. Sahna and her group had gotten her good. None of the other beatings had hurt this much.

She raised her hand to push back her hair and caught sight of her bandaged left wrist. Her cuts must have broken open because the bandage was red with blood.

She swallowed as nausea churned in her stomach. Which was funny. Here she physically hurt herself and yet seeing a bloody bandage made her sick. She chuckled humorlessly. 

She dressed and then went into the bathroom to make herself presentable. She put a new bandage on her wrist before using makeup to cover any visible bruises on her face. It wouldn't do if any teachers saw them. She would get grilled about where they came from but as soon as she even so much as whispered Sahna's name, they would grow quiet and stop acting worried. 

Well, before that they would insist she tell them where she really got the injuries from and when she insisted they came from Sahna, they would try to brush it off. 

The teaching staff really deserved medals for Worst Role Models. 

What was it about Sahna that had everyone scared to go near her? Nari was just thankful she was a senior and would hopefully be gone after this year.

She exited the bathroom and headed downstairs. Her mother had left some rice for her but she could only stomach a few spoonfuls.

Grabbing her bag, she put on her shoes and left the apartment.

Seeing she was running a little behind, she jogged to the bus stop and waited for it to arrive. When it did, she squeezed on with everyone else and caught ahold of a handle to balance with.

She saw several people throwing her glances and she ducked her head. Apparently her makeup job wasn't good enough. Either that or they thought she looked really tired or something. Whatever. Today their stares weren't bothering her as much as th

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Finally an update!!! I'm so sorry for the long delay! Comments are very much appreciated and help with keeping me focused on a story!! :)


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hinamori12 #1
Chapter 6: Please continue the story!
hinamori12 #2
Chapter 6: Please continue the story!
I'm in love wit the story!!❤
Suga_Kookie_Jin #3
Chapter 6: I am looking foreword to the next chapter which I am sure will be great!
Chapter 3: I'm sure the next chapter will be amazing!!! Hwaiting! You can do it Author-nim! You have all my encouragement and support!
Thank you Aidemstarz for you hard work and effort. I really liked the plotline since it's so addicting to read. I never felt bored reading this story. Thank you Aurthor-nim!!! Please keep on writing amazing stories!❤
wonderdream #6
Chapter 6: It is an amazing story. Thank for writing this:)
Chapter 6: You have no idea how much I would love to punch Sahna.