
Love or Friendship

 Junhyung and Hara has been getting really close lately. They met up often to eat (as friends) and always asked each other if they wanted to hang out. One night Onew called Hara while she and Junhyung were out eating.

"Hello, Hara?" 

"Oh. Onew, how's the tour?"

"It's an amazing experience for all of us. I heard from Key that you were sick?"

"Yes, but I'm okay now. Actually Junhyung has been helping me a lot. Wait, how did Key know I was sick?"

"I think Nicole told him. Since when were you and Junhyung friends? Has he replaced me since I'm gone?"

"He helped me when I was sick and no, he hasn't replaced you. You are still my best friend." Hara answered with a giggle

"Okay, I trust you. Well I have to go, tell everyone I said HI."

They exchanged their goodbyes and hung up the phone.

"Who was that?" asked Junhyung.

"Oh. Onew, the one in SHINee. My best friend."

"Yeah, I remember you telling me. Wait, you haven't answered my question yet" said Junhyung

"Oh yeah, my favorite place in the world would have to be this park by Grand Mall, that was my favorite park when I was a little girl. I always felt safe there. I remember once I got lost in the mall, I didn't know where to go, so I went there. My mother finally found me there. It has been my "safe place" ever since. Where is your favorite place?" asked Hara.

"I like..."

Before he could answer, Hara's phone rang again. It was her father.

"Hello? Dad?"

"Hara you need to come to the hospital right away. Your grandmother just had a heart attack and your mother fainted because of your grandmother."

Hara got very anxious and asked Junhyung if he could take her to the hospital. 

When they got there, it was too late. Her grandmother was already gone. Hara slowly walked through the door and into the room next to her grandmother. 

"Grandma, it's Hara. It's your granddaugter."

Just then, Hara fell to the ground and started crying so hard; the amount of tears would make the oceans look small. Junhyung ran to her and slowly helped her up. Hara's father told Junhyung to help her outside to the waiting rooms. The doctor came in and put the sheet over Hara's grandmother. Hara ran to her father, and both of them stood there crying. Praying that Hara's grandmother would be happy in the afterlife. 

Later that afternoon, Hara's mother woke up. When she heard the news of her mother passing away, she couldn't speak. She turned completely frozen and didn't talk or eat. It was getting late so Hara's father told Hara to go home and rest. 

"It's okay Hara. I'll take care of your mother. Get some rest and if you have time, come visit her. I'm sure she'll be fine after a good night's sleep. Oh, and who is your friend?"

"He's my friend, his name is Junhyung. We've been hanging out recently" sniffed Hara.

"Okay, go say goodnight to your mother. And Junhyung, I want to talk to you."

Hara went into the hospital room while Junhyung and Hara's father talk.

"Young man, thank you for taking care of her today. Can I ask you a favor? I need you to take care of Hara when the both of you go back. She is very emotional like her mother. There will be a good chance where she'll fall ill." said Hara's father.

"Of course I will take care of her. You can count on me" replied Junhyung.

"Alright, take Hara home. She must be really tired. And thank you again."

On the way from the hospital, Hara fell asleep in the passenger sit. This was the first time Junhyung started to have feelings for her. She looked so innocent and pure while sleeping. He remembered her crying for granmother and worriness for her mother. He admired how much she loved her family. At that moment, he vowed to never hurt her and will also protect her know matter what.

The next morning Hara got a phone call from her father again. He said he was getting very worried about Hara's mother. She barely slept that night and isn't eating anything. Hara tried to call Junhyung, but his phone was off. She tried again and again, texting him and leaving voicemails, but still nothing. She didn't know what to do. She doesn't have a car to drive herself there, and it was to early for bus fairs. Since she knew the way, she decided to walk. The weather man said it was going to be cold at night only, not during the day. So she started walking. Hara walked and walked. It seemed like it was hours since she left. 

Junhyung just finished his schedule for the day and went back to his dorm to get his phone. He flipped open his phone and saw sixteen missed calls, four text messages, and two voicemails. All the messages and missed calls were from Hara and in one of the voicemails, Hara begged Junhyung to call her back. She said it was urgent and needed a car ride very badly. Junhyung started to get very nervous and anxious. He shoved his phone in this pocket and ran out the door. He knocked on Hara's dorm but nobody answered. He went through every block, down every street calling her name over and over again. A few hours had past by and Junhyung was getting very worried. He can picture Hara sitting in the cold, crying to herself.

"It's my fault Hara is lost. If I had remembered to bring my phone with my today this would have never happened. If I can't find Hara, I will hate myself forever." Junhyung told this to himself over and over again. Suddenly, he remembered Hara telling him a place she would always go as a "safe palce" he tried to remember.


"My favorite place in the world would have to be the park by Grand Mall..... It has been my "safe place" ever since.

Junhyung ran as fast as he could to Grand Mall. Across the street he could see somebody sitting on the swing set crying. He realized it was Hara. 

He ran to her and called out "Hara! Hara! Are you alright?"

Hara looked up and realized it was Junhyung. She ran to him as fast as she could.

"Where were you? I couldn't get a hold you! I tried going by myself, I thought I knew where I was going, but I got lost."

Hara started to cry very hard and dropped to the ground. Junhyung sat down next to her and comforted her.

"It's alright, I'm here now."

Junhyung didn't know what else to do. So he sat there hugging her and kissed her on the forehead . He repeated his kind and comforting words. They sat there like that for a while, until finally Hara told him she wanted to go home. She told him to call her father to see if her mother was alright, and to apologize for not coming over. Junhyung used Hara's cell phone to call her father. He told him everything that happened and what Hara wanted him to say. Hara's father said it was alright. Her mother was finally sleeping and to just come tomorrow.

"Junhyung, thank you again for taking care of Hara. I owe you."

"No sir, I promised I would take care of her and I will. No need to owe me. I'm going to take Hara home now, goodnight sir."

Hara got on to Junhyung's back and they walked home. Hara fell asleep on the way. When they finally got to Hara's dorm, Junhyung knocked on the door but nobody answered. He woke up Hara and asked her for the key. She said she left it inside when she left the dorm. Junhyung decided to let Hara sleep in his dorm until the KARA members came back. Junhyung knocked on his dorm door and Yoseob answered the door. When he walked him, everyone was in the living room. 

"Close the door would you Yoseob? I'm going to let Hara sleep in my bedroom until the KARA members come back"

Yoseob closed the door and looked at the other B2ST members, who were looking back at him, eveyone looked confused and a little worried. 

Junhyung slowly and carefully took off Hara's shoes and gently put her down his bed. He felt Hara's head and realized she had a fever. He quietly closed the dorr and walked down the hall to the living room. 

"Hyung, why did you have Hara on your back? And why is she sleeping here?" asked KiKwang.

"Long story short, she is sick and upset and doesn't have the keys to her dorm. Plus the other KARA members aren't home, so she is going to stay here until they come back or in the morning if she doesn't wake up in time. I thinkk I'm going to sleep on the floor next to the bed tonight. Hara is sick and I want to make sure she'll be okay." answered Junhyung

He walked into the kitchen and grabbed a large bowl from the dishwasher. He filled it with water, grabbed a towel from underneath the sink, and walked back towards his room. When he got to his room, he felt Hara's forehead again and she still had a fever. So he grabbed a chair and started soaking the towel with water and placed it on Hara's head. After a while he started getting sleepy, so he placed a few blankets on the floor and took the other pillow on the bed. He would wake up every twenty minutes to make sure Hara's fever was going down, and when it finally did, he fell fast asleep.

The next mroning, Hara woke up. She slowly opened her eyes. She could feel the heaviness upon her eyes and felt how swollen they were from crying. She got up very slowly and looked around her and noticed a bowl of water and towel on the drawer next to the bed. She also saw blankets and pillows on the floor.

"This must have been where Junhyung slept last night" Hara thought to herself.

Hara quickly got up to get her cell phone from her bag and noticed a post-note on her bag. 

It read: "Hara, sorry I couldn't stay there and take care of you. The guys and I have a schedule today and woke be back until after dinner. I made some soup and left it on the kitchen table. Eat it and rest there for as long as you want. The KARA members should be back already. Just don't forget to lock the door when you leave." Signed ~Junhyung.

Hara stood there in amazement. 

"Junhyung is a great guy. I think I'm starting to fall in love with him" Hara thought.



From then on, Hara and Junhyung started dating. They went everywhere together and always tried to meet up after their schedules. They were magically in love. Everything was going very smoothly, until one day......


Junhyung has recently found out that he will be doing a special stage with Hyunah. The song they will be performing is "Troublemaker." This song is very intense, and has a kiss scene it in. Junhyung's company said it will help support 4Minute and B2ST. Later on that night, Junhyung wanted to meet up with Hara to tell her about the special stage.

"Oh.... Is there really a kiss scene?" Hara asked.

"Yeah, I mean it's only one kiss, and it's not like it means anything. It will help support us and their group" Junhyung answered.

"Umm, I guess it's okay then. I trust you."

The weekend of the concert came, and Hara was backstage with Junhyung. Accompanying him until he had to go on stage.

"Hara, can you get me some water? I need to go get ready" asked Junhyung.

"Oh, sure."

Hara left Junhyung's dressing room and walked down the hall. She accidently bumped into Hyunah.

"Oh, I'm sorry Hyunah. I didn't see you. Are you excited for the special stage?" asked Hara.

"I guess..... Actually, I really excited! Hara, your one of my good friends. I need to tell you something."

"What is it?"

Hyunah quieted down her voice.

"I'm super, super excited for the performance. I actually have always liked Junhyung. Tonight is the night I will win him over. I will kiss him like there is no tomorrow."

Hara stood so still. She looked at Hyunah and waited for her to say she was kidding. But Hyunah stood there and looked at Hara.

"What? What's wrong Hara? Why are you looking at me funny?"

Hara wasn't sure of what to say. So she pretended to play along.

"I thought he has a girlfriend. How wlll you win him over? Hara asked.

"No he doesn't. I am sure. Well, I'm positive. I've only been gone for a few weeks. It's not like anything could have changed. I re...."

Just then, Hyunah and Junhyung was called onto the stage. Hyunah was so excited, that she quickly said bye to Hara and ran to the stage area. Everything went so fast. Hara didn't know what to do. She all of s sudden started running to Junhyung's dressing room to tell him about Hyunah. When she got there, he had already left.

"It's okay Hara, clam down. You trust Junhyung, and everything will be alright. Just calm down" Hara said to herself.

When the performance was at scene of the kiss, Hyunah did what she said she would. She kissed him again and again. Junhyung kept pushing but Hyunah wouldn't let him. The scene was over and so was the performance. While Junhyung and Hyunah was coming down the stage Junhyung started yelling at Hyunah.

"What is wrong with you? That kiss was suppose to be only two seconds long!"

"What? I thought you would like it. Honestly Junhyung, I really like you. I know I'm being a little straight forward. But I have to get this out. Do you want to go out with me?"

"GO OUT WITH YOU?!!?!!?!!? I'm going out with Hara. Don't you know that?"

"WHAT!! You and Hara?"

"Yes. Me and Hara. We love each other very much and I don't know whether or not that kiss would effect our relatinship. If Hara misunderstands because of you, I will NEVER forgive you. Even though you're like a sister to me."

"So that's all I was? A sister?"

Hyunah felt very embarassed and hurt. She felt like dropping to the floor and crying. But she couldn't let anyone, even Junhyung, see her lose her pride. So she bowed slightly and walked back to her dressing room.





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Baeka94 #1
Wow ! Hara..Poor you..:( Don't be sad Hara.He still luv you.^^
hara_ya #2
wth~ hyuna kiss junhyung infront of audience..<br />
she sure daring!!<br />
cant wait for next update~
kyeopta_meserio #3
update soon! i really love it but i wish you would add hyosung for gikwang and someone for doojoon. i still want junhara :))
korean_girl #4
update soon<br />
i'm so despo right now
bumsso109 #6
Hahaha.Thanks so much! I hope you guys will enjoy each chapter and don't forget to tell your friends! :D
hara_ya #7
ohohohoho..<br />
so thats how their interaction begin~<br />
do update..ur stry really interesting..hihi
Baeka94 #8
I can't wait...XD
hara_ya #9
like2~ this is 1st time doojoonXhara are pired although they are bff..