
And It Is You

Just a short update! ♥



“Why did Daddy call you and not me? I’m his daughter, not you,” I complained childishly, throwing myself onto his fluffy king-sized bed. Chanyeol laughed at me as he took off his tie and hung his jacket on the coat hanger. “You were in class when he called, so he called me instead,” he explained. “But still! He could at least drop me a text or something,” I continued to whine, rolling around the bed aimlessly. Chanyeol shook his head more in affection than in disapproval as he said, “I’ll shower first, hm?” “Hm,” I hummed back and hugged one of his bolsters. It smelled so much like him I couldn’t help to smile as I closed my eyes in bliss.

I was awaken by a gentle knock on the door. I groaned as I looked at the bathroom door, silently praying Chanyeol would be the one to answer whoever outside so I didn’t have to get out of the bed, but he wasn’t done, so I had to reluctantly pull myself up. “Oh, Young Miss Sera,” a young maid whom I usually addressed as Yeonhwa greeted me in a mild surprise. “I didn’t see you coming earlier,” she said, her chin tucked in a polite bow. “Yeah, I just arrived. Is there anything I can help you with?” I asked groggily, my head wished it was still lying comfortably on the stacks of white pillows not far behind me. “Oh, yes. The food is here, Young Miss,” she lifted her hands up a little so as to show me the food she carried on the tray. “Pizza? I don’t remember orde―” my sentence halted as a damp palm plastered itself on the small of my back, pushing any coherent thoughts I had out of my head.

“Thank you, Yeonhwa,” Chanyeol butted in. “You can put it on the coffee table there,” he opened his bedroom door a little wider for the maid to come in, but made no effort to move aside to let me breathe. I stood in between the wooden door and my giant best friend who smelled like fresh mint and all things heavenly. Someone save me, I wanted to shout. My heart flipped at the way he ruffled his hair with the towel on his other hand. He looked so cool it was almost punishable by law to look that good without even trying. My head was too preoccupied his handsomeness that I didn’t even notice Yeonhwa had left the room. Only when Chanyeol slithered his hand around, the one on my back, and squeezed my waist a little did I look up and get a grip of myself. I had to gulp at the soft adoration in his eyes as he looked down at me. “I got us seafood pizza with extra cheese and no pineapple,” he smiled. Throwing away all my nervousness, I beamed back at him, feeling very grateful for his thoughtfulness to order my favorite. “You’re the best,” I proclaimed joyfully and squeezed both of his cheeks.

We spent the rest of the afternoon flipping through channels after channels, but there was nothing interesting on the TV, so we just let it run in the background as we talked about anything and everything under the sun. Conversations with Chanyeol always came naturally and sometimes we could just be by each other’s side, feeling each other’s presence, and do our own thing. It was always comfortable to be next to him: no forced talk, no awkward silence. “Yeol, I think Daddy’s disappointed in me,” I stated ever so suddenly. We were talking about a disturbing advertisement a moment ago and to say Chanyeol was surprised at the abrupt change of topic was an understatement. “What? Why?” he asked, taking a big bite off his pizza as he looked at me. “I mean, I can barely cook. Who’s going to take care of his restaurants once he’s too old to do so?” I asked. My brows were furrowed together as my brain thought hard of the answer to the question. “I know he always says he doesn’t mind me not taking over, but those restaurants are like his own children. He cares for every one of them as much as cares for me. It will be very hard for him to hand it over to just anyone,” I sighed, sulking. “What do I do?” I half whined, slumping on my seat. “Well…” he started after gulping down the food in his mouth. “I think uncle’s been thinking very hard about it too, but I don’t think he’s disappointed in you. He’s always been liberal in directing you toward your dreams so you shouldn’t be worried about him secretly wishing you were more like him or something like that,” he explained thoughtfully. “He loves you the way you are, Se,” he reached out to caress my cheek with his thumb. His skin felt rough against mine, but it brought strange calmness to the brewing storm in my heart. Daddy was the only I got after Mommy committed suicide ten years ago. I appreciated every single thing he had done for me, although sometimes it meant he would be spending much of his time in the kitchen, fixing up a new dish or something, but I didn’t want to complain. I couldn’t because although I had lost a mother, he too had lost a wife, a life partner, the love of his life, yet he attended my wound as if he were alright. “You can always talk to him about this though,” he cupped my chin and turned my head gently so I was looking at his eyes this time. “Tell him how it bothers you to see him stressed over his successor. Tell him you care and tell him how much you love him. He’ll understand, hm?” he nudged my cheek with his nose and my heart skipped a beat when his breath tickled my lips. His thumb was still drawing soothing circles over my jaw and I didn’t know when or how he had come so close to where I was, but I could feel his knees brushing against mine. My eyes fluttered from his eyes to his lips before I hastily brought them back to his eyes. We breathed in the same air and there was a ghost of smile on his lips. Then he kissed me. He kissed me gently, sincerely, and although it was short, the sweetness lingered. His sweetness lingered and I wanted more.

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Hi. I really like your story. Please accept my friend request 😘😘
Lonelyxscars #2
hi! i really like all of your u have any other stories that i can read to? bcse when i clicked on ur profile it doesn’t show your works hehe
mitaki2 #3
Chapter 7: Reading this again I love it so much
that Chanyeol pic hunts me every nite❣
this is seriously adorable. however, i strongly disliked the receptionist, her attitude is absolutely terrible. then, i honestly don't know how i feel about the sera. she's a nice person and knows how to deal with relationships, but every time she says "daddy" or "mommy" it just makes me cringe and i'm sorry. anyways, thank you for writing!
Chapter 7: I have my good imagination for this story and their friendship to couple is good nothing rush or too slow but the last scene why chanyeol only said i, you not i love you too. Is is a trend? But i like this couple.
mitaki2 #7
Chapter 7: This is so cute I can’t handle !!! Love it
Chapter 7: This is a very good stress reliever!
Chapter 7: All this fluff omg!!!!