Chapter One

Melodious Nocturne

Demyx lay quietly in his room awaiting his next mission. Demyx sighed and in one swift movement of his hands his trusty Sitar appeared in a cluster of bubbles, landing gently in his grasp as he began to pluck away on the strings. The castle was especially lonely these days with the amount of missions all the members had been receiving, though even if one of the members had time to spare they would find some excuse to not stay in his company too long. No one gave him the time of day anymore, so he found secluding himself in his room with his instrument happening more often as the days passed.  It’s been just over a year since Roxas had been taken from them, a year since he and Axel last spoke with each other. Demyx tried to clear those thoughts from his head by concentrating solely on the instrument in his hands. He at first began to hum along softly to the tune he was playing until words found their way to his lips.

Where has that old friend gone
Lost in a February song
Tell him it won't be long
Till he opens his eyes, opens his eyes
Where is that simple day
Before colors broke into shades
And how did I ever fade
Into this life, into this life

And I never want to let you down
Forgive me if I slip away
When all that I've known is lost and found
I promise you I, I'll come back to you one day-

Demyx was interrupted by a sudden knock on the other side of his door. “Great”, he muttered with sarcasm, his sitar turning into another cluster of bubbles. “Another mission.” He grudgingly got off his bed and walked across his room to the door. Demyx was surprised by the unexpected visit from the Nobody on the other side of the door.

"Axel," Demyx greeted cautiously, staring curiously at the redhead in front of him.

"Superior wants to see us," Axel stated, nervously scratching the back of his head.

Demyx was about question the order but quickly decided against it and only nodded. Axel was quick to turn around and open a portal of darkness with a wave of his hand. Demyx silently followed his old friend through the portal and soon arrived in the pure white throne room where they were met by the impatient glare of their Superior, Xemnas.

"You're late, as usual," Xemnas said with a tint of annoyance. Xemnas glared at them for a moment longer before asking, "Do you know who Number Thirteen really is?" Demyx felt the air leave him at the mention of the Organization member and dared a glance at the redhead beside him. He didn’t miss the tenseness that appeared in Axels’ posture.

"Roxas," Axel said, no hint of emotion apparent in his voice.

"Yes, Roxas. Number Thirteen, The Key of Destiny,” Xemnas continued, causing Demyx to feel weary for where this conversation was heading. “There exists a boy pure of heart, and Roxas is this boys’ Nobody. If he is to rejoin with the boy, we may no longer wield the power needed in order to fulfill our sole mission; our access to Kingdom Hearts may be at stake.”

“I don’t understand how that affects us, Roxas has been missing for a year and we’ve yet to hear anything of his whereabouts,” Demyx questioned, the subject touching a sore spot for both he and Axel.

“His location has been found by Xaldin. He is in a world called Twilight Town,” Xemnas informed them. Demyx noticed Axels’ jade eyes grow wide with shock which he was sure matched his own expression. “We must prevent Roxas from ever seeing this boy, this Sora; that's where you two come in. Your mission is to keep a watch over him and make sure he never finds out his true identity. His memories have been erased and he won’t remember anything about his time here in the Organization. Bring him back to us if you can, if not," the Superior trailed off with a purposeful glare, leaving the rest for them to decipher. Both Demyx and Axel nodded in understanding before being dismissed and exiting the throne room. Once out of earshot of Xemnas, Demyx grabbed a hold of Axels’ arm and turned him around.

"What’s really going on? Why did Superior pair us for this mission?" Demyx asked, glaring suspiciously at the Nobody in front of him. Xemnas knew that both he and Axel hadn't been paired on a mission purposefully since their last one had failed miserably.

"The Superior only informed me to retrieve you and to appear for a meeting. I didn’t know we were being sent on a mission together," Axel responded, his thoughts still occupied by the sudden information of Roxas they just received. Demyx glared at him for a moment longer before deciding he was telling the truth. Axel was about to open a portal for them until he noticed the contortions of emotion displaying on his blonde haired partners face.

"What’s wrong, Dem?" Axel asked, reaching out for him only for Demyx to step out of his reach and turn his back on him. “What’s going on? Why are you acting like this?” Axel asked, hurt coating his expression as his outstretched arm dropped back to his side.

“Don’t act like you actually care,” Demyx said coldly, waving a hand in the air and opening a dark portal for them to continue on their mission.

“Of course I care!” Axel argued, his declaration causing Demyx to turn on him suddenly.

"How dare you say such things!" Demyx shouted angrily, causing Axel to take a step back from the sudden outburst. "You don't know how to care! You don't even know how it is to feel!" Demyx took in a deep breath, calming his rage before lowering his voice dangerously. “You only remember what it's like. You don't care, we don't exist. You've told me yourself." Axel now realized why Demyx was so sensitive about him being concerned of his welfare. He had been so cruel to his friend in the past but he was too much of a coward to even search him out and apologize. He had thought at the time that he deserved to be alone after what he’d done, but now realized all the time he spent avoiding Demyx that he’d only left him undeservedly alone.

"Look," Axel sighed, trying to find the right words to say but his emotions were running too high to think of anything to say that would rectify the situation. Demyx looked at the ground, not wanting Axel to see the pain that was clearly written on his face from having to relive those emotions again. Seeing that they were not going to be able to resolve anything right now, Axel began walking towards the portal that Demyx had previously opened. "Come on, we'd best get going," Axel said quietly, allowing Demyx to pass him as they both silently walked into the darkness.

When Demyx walked out of the comforting darkness, he found himself in a dense wood. Rays of morning sunlight shone through the high tree tops, illuminating a narrow pathway in between the population of trees. Demyx decided to explore their surroundings and became curious as to where the path led. The duo cautiously made their way down the dim dirt way, blending with the shadows. When the path finally came to an end, the Nobodies found themselves in a clearing that was occupied by a massive mansion. Broken tombstones lie about the front lawn with vines creeping up the stone walls making it appear old and unused. The building was surrounded by a high stone wall and in its center was a rusted gate locked tight to keep people out…or in.

“Should we go in?” Axel inquired, about ready to go up to the gate and inspect the lock until a portal of darkness appeared by the gates entrance.

“I don’t recall Xemnas saying another member would be joining us,” Demyx said suspiciously, earning a nod of agreement from Axel. The two Nobodies swiftly made their way back into the shadows of the trees and watched curiously as a figure exited the portal before them. The first thing they noticed was that he was dressed exactly like the Organization members but could tell that he definitely did not belong with them.

"Axel, look!" Demyx exclaimed quietly, his memory being triggered by what the man in front them was holding. “That Keyblade!” Axel laid his eyes on the weapon the stranger was holding and the same thought registered in his mind as well.

“It’s him!” Axel growled, small flames forming around his hands until his pair of Chakrams appeared in his grasp. “Stay here,” Axel ordered, “I’ll handle this.”

“Wait, Axel!” Demyx protested, but it was already too late. Axel had taken off quicker than anticipated and was making a direct bee line for the man in front of the mansion. Demyx knew that this man was no doubt the same one that kidnapped Roxas for he was wielding the same exact Keyblade that had knocked the two of them unconscious a year ago. Demyx anxiously watched as Axels’ surprise attack captured the man off guard as one of the Chakrams knocked the Keyblade from his grasp. Axel was quick to throw the other Chakram, aiming directly for their enemy’s head. Unfortunately, the man in black regained his composure in enough time to call his Keyblade back into his possession and block the attack. Axels’ weapon landed harmlessly on the ground by his feet. Before Axel could attack again, the man took a few steps back and vanished into the still open portal behind him. Axel wasted no time charging in after the man, the portal immediately closing after him.

Demyx took a moment to gather his racing thoughts before sighing heavily. He knew there was no way for him to follow after them, unknowing as to where that portal had led. Axel knew where he could find him, so he decided to continue the mission at hand on his own and search for any signs of Roxas. As he further examined the outer skirts of the mansion, his thoughts kept trailing back to the redhead. It definitely felt awkward being around Axel again, especially after not speaking to each other for nearly a year; Axel had no idea just how much his words that night had affected Demyx. After dwelling on the subject and asking questions to a couple of the higher ranking Organization members, he realized just how true Axels’ words were. He didn't have a heart; therefore, he wasn't truly alive. He was an empty shell; a Nobody. He mattered to no one and didn't have a heart in order for someone to matter to him. Coming to terms with that new reality, Demyx had closed his emotions off from the world and took to the company of his music.

Demyx sighed again and leaned against the cracking bricks of the mansions’ stone wall. He closed his eyes, needing a moment to take control over his ever constant battle of emotions. A few minutes passed by as Demyx calmed his racing mind and just enjoyed the feel of the suns’ warmth on his exposed face. A stir of nearby brush disturbed the quaint peace surrounding the mansion, causing Demyx to relinquish his state of calm and be on alert for any potential unwanted company. As his gaze traveled over the woods in front of him he saw no immediate threat, but the sounds of hurried footsteps could be heard in the distance. Demyx began making his way back into the woods, deciding to further explore the sounds he was hearing.

It only took him a few minutes before he was stopped midstride as several black shadows scurried across the pathway a few feet away. He recognized them to be a form of heartless known as Novashadows. These creatures had taken on human form but lacked the features a person would possess. They had beady yellow eyes, ragged antennae, razor sharp claws, and were the color of the midnight sky. Though they were no threat to him, he knew it always meant trouble when the heartless were around. Demyx summoned a few lesser Nobodies known as Dancers and sent them to follow the heartless that were only crawling deeper into the forest and out of his view.  He pulled up his hood and cautiously followed them down the narrow pathway, intently searching for any lurking danger. As if on cue, he heard a nearby cry of pain that sent him into a sprint to find the source. Within moments he came upon a crowd of Heartless and Nobodies who were surrounding their target. Upon closer inspection, he realized that the target was a young girl, probably no older than eighteen. She was a petite girl, wearing only a simple yellow summer dress that suggested no threat of an enemy which placed her as one of the many victims of the Heartless. She appeared to be struggling with keeping consciousness as she peered at him with green cat-like eyes through her coffee brown bangs. He didn’t understand why the sight in front of him affected him so, but the next thing he knew was Arpeggio finding its way into his grasp as he began to battle the numbers of Heartless and Nobodies that had attacked the fallen girl.


Melody decided she immensely enjoyed the peace and quiet that made up Twilight Town. She had just spent the past week visiting her long-time friends, Kairi and Selphie, over in Destiny Islands when they had suggested that she check out this cute little town before she headed back home to Hollow Bastion. Melody took her time exploring a few of the shops in the market square and striking up conversations with the owners. They offered information on the history of the town itself and also a few of its secret wonders. One shop owner in particular had mentioned she visit a tourist attraction of theirs that happened to be an abandoned mansion that was located just outside the cities skirts. Being the ever so curious girl that she was, she decided to take them up on the offer and began her short journey through the woods where the shop owner had directed she go.

Melody took her time down the narrow pathway, enjoying the morning sun that was peeking through the branches above her and the happy chirping of birds fluttering nearby. She forgot how nice it was just to sit back and relax once in a while and decided that she’d have to try to take the time and enjoy life more often. Unfortunately, her brief moment of tranquility was ruined by a strange creature that suddenly appeared and was currently blocking the path in front of her. Melody realized too late that there was no means of escape for her as several more creatures slithered into view and surrounded her.

“Well, that was short lived,” Melody muttered while summoning her Keyblade, Spellbinder, as she recognized the creatures to be Heartless. She didn't have much time to assess her enemies before one of the creatures lunged at her. She swung her Keyblade and was able to avoid the hit but noticed how her counter attack had done barley any damage at all. The Novashadow was back on its feet in seconds and this time, to her dismay, his friends joined in the fight. It had been almost a year since she had last fought these creatures and she was finding that she may be slightly out of practice. Fighting in a dress sure didn't help her situation either.

Melody was able to get a couple more swings in until one of the creatures attacked her from behind, knocking the air out of her and sending her to her knees. As she tried to regain her breath, she noticed several more creatures appear around her. These were unlike any of the Heartless that she had seen before. These creatures could almost pass for human due to wearing a pair of magenta pants, matching top, and a matching hat that covered any facial features. Their skin tone, though, was an eerie shade of white which made them appear almost transparent. Melody was so transfixed by these new creatures that she was taken by surprise when one of them reached out for her. She didn’t have time to react as it wrapped its clammy hand around her wrist and flung her with brute force into a nearby tree. She cried out in pain as her head collided with the ragged bark of the tree before falling gracelessly to the ground, Spellbinder vanishing from her grasp. She struggled to sit up and found some difficulty in focusing on her enemies. Melody felt a bit of fear grip her heart as she realized she was completely surrounded.

Not only was she outnumbered, but she was also left weak and defenseless from that last attack. Her eyes then landed on a figure emerging from the shadows behind the Heartless. She didn’t recognize it as a Heartless or one of the new ethereal creatures. In fact, it appeared to be more human than anything. The stranger was dressed from head to toe in black, a hooded cloak covering any of their features. She saw a weapon appear in their hand a moment later and watched as they effortlessly defeated her surrounding enemies until it was only the two of them left. Melody was able to decipher that this strange was in fact a male due to small grunts he had emmited during his battle with the Heartless. She didn’t know what to make of this new character, unsure of whether he was friend or foe as she cautiously kept her gaze on him.

After slaying the last of the Heartless his attention had turned towards her. Melody instinctively shrunk under his gaze, still weary of his intentions. He stared at her momentarily before his weapon erupted into a cluster of bubbles and he turned to begin walking in the opposite direction. This action definitely surprised Melody and made her realize he was no immediate threat to her at the moment. She tried struggling to her feet, finding much difficulty in doing so.

"Wait!" she called out, causing him to stop midstride and peer over his shoulder at her. She was finally able to stand on her feet but only with the support of the tree next to her. “Thank you,” she said quietly, “for saving me.” He nodded in acknowledgment before once again making to walk away.

"Please, don't go!" she exclaimed, sounding a little more desperate than she would have liked to. He made no sign of stopping, so Melody made her protesting feet carry her towards him.


Demyx ignored the girls’ plea, not wanting to get too close to her in fear of becoming more involved than he already was. He didn’t understand what had come over him other the incessant feeling of the need to protect her. He didn’t even know her, so why even care about her safety? There it was again, that word; care. He wasn’t supposed to feel such things, so why was it that his emotions were constantly betraying him.

His brooding was interrupted by the girls’ voice that was surprisingly closer than he had anticipated it would be. He turned around only to find her a few steps away from him, obviously still recovering from her encounter with the Heartless but making an effort to follow him anyway.

“What?” he asked in confusion, not quite catching what she had just said to him.

“What is your name?” she asked, peering up at him curiously with those emerald eyes.

“What is yours?” he countered, not comfortable with revealing such information to this strange girl.

“Melody,” she stated, continuing to look at him expectantly. She clearly wanted a name in return for her own. She had asked for his first after all. He momentarily contemplated telling her his true name before coming up with an idea.

“Number Nine.” It wasn’t his real name of course, but it was the title he went by so it would have to be enough to sate her curiosity.

“Oh.” The expression on the girls face from his response almost made him laugh. She obviously did not like the name nor did she probably believe it to be his. Not that it mattered anyway. Its’ not like she needed to know his name, they weren’t friends or anything. With that thought, Demyx again began making his way into the clearing where the mansion sat. He heard the girl following not too far behind. She was persistent, he’d give her that much. He was disappointed to find that Axel had yet to return when he arrived at the mansions’ gates.

“Did you need something?” Demyx asked, his voice full of irritation as he suddenly turned to face the girl that continued to follow him. She took a nervous step away from him, his harshness causing worry to seep into her expression.

“They might come back,” she stated quietly, glancing at the woods surrounding them. It didn’t take him long to realize she was referring to the Heartless and the Nobodies. The Nobodies he had sent after her. He then realized that they were most likely the cause of most of her pain and immediately regretted his earlier decision to summon them. “And there goes you emotions betraying you again,” he thought exasperatedly, dismissing the uncomfortable feeling in his chest as he ignored his conscience.

“And how is that my problem?” he asked, once again turning his back on her. He didn’t miss the small gasp behind him from his cold response.

“Please, just let me go with you,” he heard her beg and felt something tug at his sleeve. He glanced over his shoulder at the girl to see her staring at him with wide eyes, having reached out and grasped onto the sleeve of his cloak in a poor attempt to keep him from leaving her. Demyx contemplated her words, wondering if she was truly safe here if he were to leave her alone. After all, he did defeat the Heartless but that didn’t mean they wouldn’t be back. They actually may prove to be more persistent than the girl in front of him. He wondered yet again why this girls’ safety was nagging at him so much.

"Sorry, I already have a melody for my song," he instead responded, pulling his arm out of her small grasp and stepping out of her reach.

"But the Heartless…" her voice trailed off, sounding slightly panic stricken.  Demyx began to think maybe him leaving her might be the wrong thing to do. She obviously wasn’t fully recovered and walking appeared to be using most of her remaining strength. Then again, he saw no noticeable injuries that might suggest she was too vulnerable to defend herself.

"Unfortunately for you, I too don't have a heart," he spoke through gritted teeth, attempting to maintain some control over the constant battle that was him feeling when he was supposed to feel nothing. Let her believe him to be cruel and heartless. It’d be better than him getting more involved in her life and possibility building a friendship with each other. He had to go now or her presence would continue to mess with his head. With a wave of his hand, a dark portal appeared before him and he wasted no time stepping into the dark haze. If only he had stayed a moment longer, he would have seen the many dark shadows creeping out of the woods behind them.


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