
Save me (if you can)


'Why? why? why?'


Why did Baekhyun have to get kidnapped on the day that he and Chanyeol were meant to be having dinner with Byun Hyunwoo- Baekhyun's father and also known as The Dragon of Seoul. For good reason too because the man was ruthless and a skilled killer who would destroy anyone if they ever hurt his family, especially his son and Chanyeol would like to live for just a few more years. Now don't get him wrong, Chanyeol would have preferred if Baekhyun didn't get kidnapped...ever but as the son of Asia's largest gang, happens and his innocent boyfriend had to pay for it. Chanyeol, himself runs a well known underground syndicate or as he likes to call it 'Exo' and he has decent skills when it comes to murder and crime but he has never rescued someone in less than 4 hours but that's all he has and if Baekhyun's father finds out that his son has been kidnapped, he'll surely have Chanyeol's head on a platter served as the main course for his next banquet. 

"Well ."


4.00pm KST ,3.5 hours before dinner

" I'm dead, I'm so dead. He's going to kill me and hang my head up on his trophy board. What am I going to do, how will-"

"Maybe if you stop bambling on like a fool, we might actually have a chance of ing rescuing Baekhyun before 7:30" 

Kai- Chanyeol's left hand man- cut him in. Currently, all the 11 members of Exo were present in Chanyeol's lavish penthouse apartment right in the heart pf Gangnam and usually he would brag about the 12 million stolen painting he got as a present from the Louvre Museum but today his heart isn't in it. How can it be? Afterall, the love of his life has just been kidnapped (for the nth time) and he's got a dinner with his potential father in law in less than 4 hours! 

"You're right. We immediately need to track Baekhyun's phone and see where his last location takes us. Yixing, get on it pronto!" Chanyeol barks an order and almost instantly, a brown haired man wearing glasses and supporting a cute dimple pulls out his laptop and starts typing away furiously. 

Chanyeol hangs his head in worry. Afterall, his baby has been kidnapped and what if he's scared? or worse, hurt? I'll never forgive myself if-

A firm hand lands on his shoulder and he lifts his head up to see his right hand man- Kris- giving him a reassuring look. 

"Don't worry Yeol, you and I both know that Baekhyun is used to this. He's strong, he won't let them hurt him." His right hand man and close friend whispers, patting his shoulder in comfort.

"I know but I can't stop thinking about how I could've been there to save him, Kris! I mean, I was literally only gone to the toilet for 2 minutes and the next thing I know, he's gone. Vanished. It's like he wasn't even there in the first place." Chanyeol all but cries. No matter how many times Baekhyun gets kidnapped, Chanyeol will worry just as much as the first time afterall, he is the love of his life and living without him seems like a foreign concept to Chanyeol. 

"You couldn't help it even if you tried; it's not your fault. And trust me, all of us will do everything we can to find him" Kris gives him one last pat and then walks off, probably to discuss different plans to infiltrate whoever kidnapped Baekhyun. 


4.30pm KST, 3 hours before dinner

"I finally found it!" Yixing's cry of joy makes Chanyeol lose his attention on the gun that he was polishing (it was going to get used well tonight, he could feel it). 

"Where is he?" He asks Yixing who ushers him to come closer to the laptop placed on his lap. In a short time, every member of Exo was crowding around the device when Yixing points to a red dot on a zoomed out map of Incheon. 

"There. they're keeping him in an old shop- most likely a warehouse- or atleast that's what his signal is showing. By the way, Baekyhun should really delete some of the photos he has in his phone, they kept hindering me from finding his location." 

"Well what are we waiting for guys? Lets go kick some !" Sehun, the youngest member shouts whooping around with his close range magnum black pistol held high in his hand. 

"No. Don't be stupid. We need a plan and we need one that will work fast because I don't fancy being killed tonight." Chanyeol shot Sehun a glare which really meant 'I'll be kicking your if you don't behave'

"Good idea, i think we should have team A; Minseok, Luhan and Sehun act as decoys and-"

Soon enough, every member of Exo was deeply engrossed in listening to Kris and Chanyeol devise the plans that they'll be using. All of them were bloodthirsty not because Baekhyun was the boyfriend of their boss- Chanyeol but because Baekhyun was their friend. He was someone who managed to melt the cold hearts of all 11 members of Exo with his jokes and constant smiles and none of them were ready to lose him any time soon.


4.45pm KST 2 hours 45 minutes before dinner

"Tao, do you have the guns ready?" Chanyeol inquired.

"Aye, would never leave the house without them and you know that." The feline-like man replied with a smirk as he tucked a small handgun in the cuff of his neatly ironed ebony suit.

It was true. None of the Exo members would leave the house without taking their guns-albeit however small they are- because they knew the risk of walking into the open with nothing to fight back with. 

"Great. Let's actually kick some now!" And with that, each member pooled into one of the 4 Veyron Bugattis standing inside the apartment parking lot based on their teams.

Chanyeol was with Kris and Kai and their job would be to retrieve Baekhyun from the warehouse, whereas Minseok, Luhan and Sehun would act as decoys by firing a few harmless shots and eventually, leading most of the people outside. This would allow Jongdae, Yixing and Tao to stay at outside, getting rid of anyone who tried to enter the warehouse. Meanwhile, Joonmyeon and Kyungsoo would follow Chanyeol, Kris and Kai and keeping a look out for any hidden enemies. 

Chanyeol was confident. Their plan was basically foolproof afterall, this kidnapping was definitely the doing of a foetus gang who thought it was okay to kidnap the son of the leader of the biggest chain gang in Asia, therefore, none of them expected there to be more than 20 people guarding the warehouse. 

"We will definitely get Baekhyun before 7:30. Don't you worry boss." Kai smiled at Chanyeol who was feeling much better now that they had their tactic and lead to get Baekhyun back.

"I just hope he's okay."


5.05pm KST, 2 hours 25 minutes before dinner

Something was wrong.

The warehouse was eerily quiet and not a single guard could be seen standing outside the warehouse. Chanyeol ushered Sehun, Minseok and Luhan forward with a wave of his hand and gave them a nod, signalling the time for the decoy. With a devilish grin, the trio raised their guns in the air and fired two shots each. Nothing. Not a single soul came running out brandishing a gun. 

"Yixing are you sure you got the right place?" Chanyeol asked worriedly becaude what if Yixing was wrong and he got the wrong place and now they're losing the time that they-

"I'm positive. This is where the signal of his phone was but there's a possibility they could've made taken him here first and then somwehre else and in the process, Baekhyun might have dropped his phone here." Yixing cut him in, glancing at the warehouse.

Chanyeol raked a hand through his dark locks in frustration. Every minute lost was a minute they could have spent finding Baekhyun and that's all he cares about right now. It doesn't matter whether Byun Hyunwoo will kill him or not for not protecting his son but Chanyeol will find his Baekhyun before any harm comes upon him.

"I think we should look inside." Jongdae offers, tilting his head towards the crumbling building.

Kyungsoo looks confused for a second and then asks "But what if it's a trap?"

"But what if it's Baekhyun in there?" Tao retorts back, causing Kyungsoo and the others to nod in agreement. "it's your call now boss."

"I agree. This is a risk we have to take and we will stick to the original plan. Kai and Kris, follow me." Chanyeol loads his AK47 and adjusts the tie on his bullet proof suit. 


5:15pm KST, 2 hours 15 minutes before dinner

They've been walking around for 10 minutes now and yet none of them can see anyone in sight and Chanyeol is starting to believe that Yixing was wrong and that this isn't where Baekhyun is being held captive. The interior of the warehouse is despondant- grey, cracking walls that leak droplets of water once every few minutes. The air around them smells musty and every once in a while, a rat scurries past them- startling the trio.

But there was no sign of Baekhyun. None at all


5:30pm KST, 2 hours before dinner

Chanyeol is ready to give up. It's been 25 minutes since they've entered the warehouse and there's no sign at all of Baekhyun or anyone for that matter. This was such a ing waste He thinks to himself angrily, kicking the wall on his left in frustration.

"Maybe we should go back? Whaddya say Chanyeol?" Kai questions, opening a random door and closing it once he realises that there's no Baekhyun inside the room. 

"Kai is right. We're only wasting time by staying here longer." Kris says, sending a worrying glance to his boss who just nods with slumped shoulders and a tired face. 

"I'm sure we'll find him Yeol, don't worry." Even though Kris is a merciless killer who has stained himself with blood more times than he has with water, Chanyeol is grateful for his presence. It comforts him whenever he's in need of a friend.

He nods and they start walking back where they came from; Chanyeol rings Kyungsoo to tell him and Joonmyeon to turn back when Kai calls his name.

"Boss, you might want to look at this-"

"Not now Kai, I'm on the phone with Kyungsoo." He replies half-heartedly

"No, you definitely need to see this" Kris walks past Chanyeol towards the door that Kai is standing next to and gasps. "I don't know how we missed this..." Sighing, Chanyeol walks towards the duo with his phone clutched in his hand.

"Fine, what's so special about the..." and he trails off because on the other side of the door there's Baekhyun wearing a white suit and looking unharmed and happy. Around him, white and baby blue balloons are strewn and hung across the huge room (which is more like a hall). Alongside Baekhyun, there's Hyunwoo looking proudly at his son and beckoning Chanyeol to come forward. But it is Baekhyun who walks towards him and settles down on one knee.

"Baekhyun what are you doing? I thought you were kidnapped? What is this pl-"

He's cut off for the nth time today but this time by his own boyfriend.

"Will you marry me?" And Baekhyuns opens his palm to reveal a ring with a large diamond attatched to its centre. "I know that technically you should be asking me this but you were taking so long." Baekhyun whines "and so I decided to do it instead because I can't think of anyone else I'd want to spend my life with."


5:34pm KS, 1 hour 56 minutes before dinner

Chanyeol smiles at Baekhyun.

"I would love to."

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Chapter 1: Awwww that was so cute~ and funny hahahaha
Beauty_xoxo #2
Chapter 1: Awwwww...what just happened?!
That was adorable :')
kashycat #3
It was really cute ^.^
Chapter 1: Wwwoooaahhhh didnt expected that!!! Its great. Plzz do a sequel!
This was great! You should make a sequel
Chapter 1: This is really cute :) Sequel please!
taliamariasila #7
Chapter 1: it's so cute
i want sequel