Dangerous: Russian Roulette



I stepped into Club Xenos, examining my surroundings with curiosity and slight fear. It was dark. All I saw were flashes of light and loud, drunk people. The music was loud and booming. This was the type of place that I would avoid at all costs. As Taefung instructed, I was wearing something that was different from what I would usually wear. It was a black dress with black heels. I wore a leather jacket over the outfit. A drunk man came stumbling towards me. I heard him say,

“Hey girl, come party with me.”

“No.” I stated firmly, scanning the room for someone I recognize.

“C’mon! Don’t be a baby!” He shouted.

He reached his hand out and tried to grab my wrist. Fortunately, he was stopped by one of Taefung’s tall minions. I looked up at him and said,


He didn’t say anything in reply, but he just nodded. He began walking towards a rather secluded hallway in the club. I’m guessing I should follow him. I just hope I don’t make the wrong choice. The hallway was lined with girls in revealing outfits. I tried not to make any eye contact with them, but I could feel their burning glares. We stopped at a room with large, double doors. The minion opened it and I stepped inside. The entire place was dark except for a bright light shining on a single table. I could see Taefung and his other minion. The one who brought me here took his place next to Taefung. I could see two other figures, sitting on the opposite side of each other. I can’t quite recognize them though. However, after my eyes got adjusted, I finally saw their identities. I gasped,

“Ghun?! Haewon?!”

Ghun was my childhood friend. Just recently, he had confessed his love for me. I turned him down, but he was persistent about his feelings. Haewon, on the other hand, was a gangster who saved me from some thugs. We became good friends, surprisingly. Haewon had a gentle face, but he was a fierce fighter.

“Cho Hee?! Why the hell did you bring her here, Taefung?” Ghun exclaimed.

“She’s the prize, isn’t she?” Taefung smirked.

Prize? What the heck is he talking about? A feeling of doom overcame me. Could Ghun, Haewon, and I be part of one of his games? Taefung tossed a glance at me and ordered,

“Go stand behind Zin or Sulhu.”

I nodded and went behind the one who brought me into the room, whatever his name was.

“Oh. I see you’re fond of Zin.” Taefung teased.

I shook my head rapidly. I could see Ghun and Haewon glare at Taefung.

“Sulhu, my briefcase.” Taefung said.

The other minion put a small, silver briefcase on the table. Taefung leaned back in his chair and explained to me,

“So, Ghun and Haewon, if you didn’t know already, are in love with you.”

I gasped. I knew about Ghun, but was completely oblivious about Haewon. He continued,

“They’ve been getting into a lot of street fights over you. These street fights often take place on my territory. I’m rather tired of it. So, we’ll settle it my way. The winner will get you.”

I absolutely, positively disapproved of this. I opened my mouth to say something, but Taefung looked at me and asked,

“Are there any problems?”

He was smiling at me, but something sinister was in his eyes. I immediately closed my mouth and shook my head.

“Good. Today, we’ll be playing one of my favorite games.” He announced.

Taefung slowly opened the briefcase, revealing a revolver gun. My eyes widened and my heart rate increased.

“Russian roulette.” He said.

Taefung took out the revolver and set it on the table. He smiled at Ghun and said,

“You start.”

I could see the nervousness in his face. I fear for the lives of my friends. Ghun picked up the revolver and spun the cylinder. Haewon watched, a confident smirk on his face. I’ve never seen him in this light. Ghun placed the revolver on the table and pushed it over to Haewon. Haewon picked it up and placed it to his head. I clenched my fists. The smirk never left his face as he pulled the trigger...


I could see Zin smirk at Sulhu over Haewon’s success. Did they make a bet over who would win? I felt a bead of sweat trickle down my face. Ghun’s turn. He took the revolver, his hands trembling in fear. I prayed to God over and over, muttering the prayers under my breath. He pulled the trigger and...

Nothing again.

I put a hand over my heart. This was getting extremely dangerous. I didn’t want to lose either one of them. Ghun let out a sigh of relief and passed it over to Haewon once more. It went on for three more times. Back and forth. Neither one of them had a bullet through their brain...yet.

It was Ghun’s turn again. He looked terribly nervous and scared as he held the revolver close to him. The expression on his face almost tells me that he knows he’s going to die.

‘No...no!’ I thought, clenching my fists till my knuckles turned white.

Ghun slowly put the revolver to his head. My whole body was trembling with immense fear. It took him longer than usual to pull the trigger. He just sat there, with that same look on his face...


He pointed the revolver at Haewon! I could see the fire of hate that was burning in his eyes. Just then, Haewon also pulled out a gun! They were pointing at each other. My two best friends...either one of them is going to die. I let out a scream and buried my face in my hands. I could feel salty tears fall out of my eyes. Bang! I heard a loud gunshot...

I wouldn’t dare to look up. 

Author's Note:

I hope you all enjoyed this oneshot! I left it with an open ending so you can imagine what could've happened. > w <

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frzl82593 #1
got goosebumps when read it >///< nice fic! lol
eLiSey #2
SEQUL!! keke:) X-5 <3
Even though it was really short, it was really intense, and I really did like it.<br />
I find it highly amusing that this is a one "shot"<br />
<br />
I like it though~ However, it could have used a bit more description, both within the setting, and the character's emotions and actions. Other than that, I liked it :D
I almost die x_x
woah....that was intense! >.< thanks for the oneshot author^^
infinitelychullie #7
So excited for the next part *.*