
Junmyeon Wants A Plushie Too

As a kid, Junmyeon has a lot of questions in his mind. He’s curious about almost everything, from the hardest to the simplest things. Like, why rainbow has seven colours? How those dragons in the TV show that he watched able to breathe fire? Why he needs to drink milk when he clearly told his Omma that he doesn’t like it? And to this particular question, his mother always answers with “You want to be taller than Yifan, don’t you?” Which he always replies with an eager “yes!”

One question that always lingers around his mind is how does it feel to have a plushie? Is it fun? Will he dreams fun things if he hugs a plushie before he goes to sleep? He always asks his Appa to buy him one but his Appa said that plushies are for girls, not for boys. He wants to say that Yifan and Yixing also own a plushie each but his Appa already went back to his work.

Junmyeon always envies Yifan for having a cute alpaca plushie. He even named the plushie, Ace. Yifan said his Papa bought the plushie when he went for a business trip to Shanghai. Yifan even let Junmyeon to hold his Ace sometimes. Ace is very fluffy and Junmyeon likes fluffy things. Once, he fell asleep while hugging Ace (that makes Yifan jealous…of his own plushie).

Junmyeon loves to see Yifan’s happy face whenever the said boy hugs Ace.

When Yixing came, Junmyeon never expect that Yixing is the type of boy who likes and owns a plushie too. So, when Yixing brought his plushie to school (because he claimed that his plushie wanted to come too), Junmyeon was so excited. His plushie however, looks weird. It looks like a horse but it has a horn on its head. Yixing said that it is a unicorn plushie. Junmyeon puts his curiosity about the animal aside and touch the plushie. It is not as fluffy as Yifan’s Ace but it’s cute. The yellow horn and colourful tail make it looks beautiful. He even showed it to Yifan (and failed to notice the grim expression on the latter’s face).

“Omma, why can’t I have plushie?” asked Junmyeon while he’s helping his Omma at the kitchen.

Mrs Kim smiles at her son before answering “you heard your Appa, right? Plushies are for girls and you have a lot other toys, Myeonie.”

“But, why Yifan and Yixing can have plushies? Do you know how cute they are omma? Ace even has this cool pirate hat. Do you know alpaca omma? Ace is an alpaca and Yifan loves it so much. And YuYu is a unicorn. It’s very beautiful. It has yellow horn and colourful tail. I want something like that too!” Junmyeon is rambling and his eyes start to water. 

Mrs Kim immediately hugs the little boy and rubs his back softly. She realizes that Junmyeon really wanted a plushie of his own. His everyday stories basically consist of his friends’ plushies. About how cute they are and how great it is if he too, own one. She pulls away from her son when he stops crying. Mrs Kim thumbs Junmyeon’s chubby cheeks and smile. “Alright Junmyeon, I’ll talk to appa about it. Even if he doesn’t allow you to have one, I’ll buy it for you secretly. How do you like the sound of it?”

Junmyeon’s eyes widen. “Really omma? You’ll tell appa? For real?”

“Yes, Junmyeon.”

“Yeay! Thank you omma. I love you so so much!” Junmyeon said with his arms spread open widely. He gives his Omma a kiss before he runs off to his room.

It’s been two weeks since Junmyeon’s conversation with his mother about the plushie, but Junmyeon still get nothing. He goes to school that day feeling a bit irritated at his parents. He hides his face in his red scarf so they don’t have to ask him about his sulky face. Before that, he used his breakfast time to show his irritation. He eats his breakfast silently and shoves as much food as he can into his mouth. His parents smile at his antics, knowing the reason why he puts such act. Mrs Kim quietly takes his picture before she continues eating her breakfast.

Arriving at his class, Junmyeon spots Yixing at the reading corner. He puts his bag on his chair before he makes his way towards Yixing.


Yixing looks up from his reading and gives Junmyeon a small smile.

“Where’s YuYu?”

“Mama wants to clean it today.”

“Yixing…” Junmyeon speaks again with his soft voice. He waits for Yixing to look up from his reading again before he asks “Do you love YuYu?”

“Of course I love it,” said Yixing with an expression that shows no emotion at all.

Junmyeon puffs his chubby cheeks before asking again “Why do you name it YuYu?”

“Because it’s a unicorn, that’s why its name is YuYu” Yixing replies with no hesitation, at all.

Junmyeon tilted his head to the side, confusion written all over his face with Yixing’s answer. He didn’t understand it, but he’ll take it.

Silence engulfing the room. Yixing is still reading his book although most of the time he’s just space out and staring at nothing. Junmyeon peeks at the book that Yixing is reading and it’s a book about unicorn. It makes him curious, so he asks again “Do you love unicorn, Yixing?”

“Yes!” Yixing shows his book to Junmyeon before he continues, “you see this horn? It can heal people, like a doctor. And some unicorns can fly. You see these wings? I want to ride a unicorn someday so I can fly around the world.” Yixing explains with his cheerful voice. It’s like the word ‘unicorn’ works as a switch to turn him like that.

“Is that why you love YuYu? Because it’s a unicorn?” asked Junmyeon.

Yixing nods enthusiastically that Junmyeon thought Yixing’s head is about to fall off its place. And Junmyeon wonders why Yixing likes unicorn so much. 

Yifan enters the class after that. He beams when he sees Junmyeon and greets him “good morning Myeonie!”

“Good morning Yifan!”

“Will you come to my house later, Myeonie?”

Junmyeon gives his cutest smile (in Yifan’s eyes) before he answers, “of course! I miss Ace so much!”

Yifan smiles but it falters when Junmyeon asked Yixing if he wants to join them.

“No. YuYu needs me. He must be cold after my Mama clean it,” Yixing replies, much to Yifan’s delight.

Later that day when they leave for Yifan’s house, Yifan almost squeal at Junmyeon’s cuteness. With his long black jacket and his red scarf covering half of his face, he looks really squishy. Apparently, not only Yifan who’s almost squeal at the cute sight of Junmyeon, but his mother too. She wastes no time in taking Junmyeon’s picture which cause Yifan to whine because he wants to be in the picture too. Mrs Wu then asks Yifan to stand next to Junmyeon so she can take their picture together. Yifan puts his left arm around Junmyeon’s shoulder which causes the small boy to turn his face to look at Yifan. And that’s when a perfect picture of Yifan and Junmyeon was taken.

Mrs Wu then serves them the mango pudding that they both really like. Yifan then drags Junmyeon to his room to show him his new colouring book.

The first thing that Junmyeon sees is Ace on Yifan’s bed. He runs toward the bed, take Ace into his arm and hug it. “I miss you Ace!” Junmyeon says while kissing the plushie. Yifan’s mouth slightly agape at that and he wishes that he’s Ace now (Yifan you ert little kid).

“You really miss him Junmyeon?” asked Yifan.

“Yes! Ace makes me want to have a plushie too.”

Yifan makes his way to the bed and sit on the edge of the bed. “You can ask your Appa to get you one right?”

Junmyeon looks up from the alpaca plushie, a small pout forms on his face. “Appa said plushies are for girls. But omma promised me that she will talk to him. But it’s been two weeks. I’m sure Appa refused to get one for me.” Junmyeon said with a hint of sadness.

Yifan wants to do nothing but to hug his small friend. But Junmyeon keep hugging Ace, so he just sit there, watching him.

“Why do you like plushie, Yifan?” Junmyeon asks.

“Emmm…because it keeps me company. I hug Ace before I sleep or when I’m sad. I let Ace sit with me when I do my homework.”

“Why Ace?”

“Hmm?” Yifan tilted his head in confusion.

“I mean, why you named it Ace?”

Yifan remains silent for a few moments. Now that Junmyeon asked him, he himself actually wonders why he named his alpaca plushie, Ace. He taps his chin with his index finger, thinking for an answer to Junmyeon’s question. Sadly, he can’t think of anything, not when his eyes trained on Junmyeon playing with Ace.

“I don’t know. I guess because ‘Ace’ sounds cool,” he finally gave his answer.

“What do you think I should name my plushie if I ever own one, Yifan?”

Yifan thinks again. It seems like all he did today is thinking and he’s quite tired. But it’s Junmyeon, so he’s just go with it.

“What about JunJun? Or Myeonie Jr?”

“That sounds nice, Yifan! But I can only use those names if I ever get a plushie.” Junmyeon pouts again.

“Don’t be sad Myeonie. Christmas is in three days, maybe they’ll get one for you,” and Junmyeon beams at that.

“Come on. Let’s play something. And I want to show you my new colouring book.” Yifan drags Junmyeon toward his writing table and show Junmyeon his new colouring book. Yifan is determine to make Junmyeon happy, so he decided to draw a plushie for Junmyeon.

After an hour of playing and doing some colouring, Junmyeon starts to feel sleepy. He goes to Yifan’s bed, hugs Ace and lay down. He fell asleep after a few minutes.

Yifan who still absorb in his drawing lifts up his head when he noticed that Junmyeon is not with him. He looks around his room only to see Junmyeon sleeping cutely on his bed. His body was curled up, right hand is hugging Ace and his left thumb is on the lips. This is Junmyeon’s habit that Yifan thinks only he knows about it.

Yifan immediately runs out of his room to see his Mama. “Mama! I want the camera!”

Mrs Wu looks at Yifan before she asks, “Why do you need the camera?”

“Junmyeon is sleeping so cutely Mama. I want to take his picture. Hurry Mama! Before he wakes up!” Yifan jumps excitedly and dash to his room as soon as he gets the camera.

Yifan tries not to make any sounds. He searches for the right angle to snap Junmyeon’s picture. When he’s done, he quickly runs out again to return the camera to his Mama while grinning. Now he’s considering about whether he should show the picture to Junmyeon or not.

Later that night, before he goes to sleep, Junmyeon makes a wish, hoping that his parents will get him a plushie as his Christmas gift.

It’s Christmas Eve. Junmyeon is all jumpy and excited for Christmas. He runs around the house, helping his Omma preparing food for their Christmas dinner and helps his Appa decorating the Christmas tree and the whole house. Later at dinner, Junmyeon is being all chatty and his parents seem to know the reason why. Junmyeon even tells his Appa what he gets for Yifan and Yixing. A blue scarf for Yifan and purple scarf for Yixing.

Because Junmyeon is so restless and excited, his parents decided to give him his Christmas gift right after midnight. Junmyeon was surprised to receive his gift earlier than previous year.

“Can I open it now, Appa?”

“Of course you can open it now. You’re being all excited tonight and we thought you can have your gift earlier,” said Mr Kim.

Junmyeon unwraps the gift and open the box. His eyes went big when he saw a Pororo plushie sitting in the box. He takes it out and stares at it. “This is so cute! Thank you omma, thank you appa!” He runs to his parents and give each of them a kiss and a hug. He goes to sleep with a wide smile attached on his face.

The next morning, Junmyeon wakes up to delicious breakfast made by his omma. He then helps her to prepare for lunch. Junmyeon runs to his room to get the gifts for his best friends and put them under the Christmas tree. Yifan and Yixing are coming over later for lunch and he’s excited for it.

“Are you done Junmyeon?” asked his mother.

“Yes, omma. I’ve put their gifts under the Christmas tree.”

“Good. Why don’t you go upstairs and change your clothes. You know what to wear right?”

“Okay omma,” and he runs to his room to change to his new clothes.

Half an hour later, Mrs Kim tells him to come down as Yixing and his parents already arrived.

“Merry Christmas XingXing!” Junmyeon said while hugging Yixing.

“Merry Christmas Junmyeon. Here’s a gift for you.”

“For me? Thank you Yixing. Can I open it now?”

Mrs Kim shakes her head and smile that beautiful smile of hers. “Let’s wait until after lunch Junmyeon.”

Junmyeon grins and he puts the gift from Yixing under the Christmas tree. After he gave Yixing his gift, Yifan and his parents arrive.

Just like how greeted Yixing just now, Junmyeon hugs Yifan and wish him Merry Christmas. Yifan has the tendency to blush and immediately shove his gift for Junmyeon. Junmyeon smiles and pulls Yifan’s hand toward the Christmas tree where Yixing is already sitting there. Both Yifan and Yixing greet each other Merry Christmas and Junmyeon shows his gift for Yifan.

“Let’s open it together later,” Junmyeon said as Yifan puts down his gift alongside other gifts.

Lunch was a great affair. The three families talk a lot and the three kids eat as much as they can. After lunch, Junmyeon drags both his best friends to open their Christmas gifts. Junmyeon demands for Yifan and Yixing to open what he got for them first. Yifan immediately wear his blue scarf after telling Junmyeon how soft the scarf is. Yixing thanked Junmyeon before he, too, wears the scarf. 

(Yifan is slightly disappointed that he basically receives the same gift like Yixing when he hopes that Junmyeon will give him something special)

“Now, it’s your turn to open my gift Myeonie,” said Yifan as he takes the gift and hand it to Junmyeon. 

“No, Yifan. I wanna open Yixing’s gift because he’s here first,” Junmyeon failed to notice Yifan’s pout and Yixing’s small smile.

Junmyeon carefully unwrap Yixing’s gift only to get his jaw dropped when he saw a cat plushie inside the box. He screams while taking out the plushie. He hugs Yixing after that (and successfully makes Yifan jealous).

“Thank you Yixing. Can I call it Mr Gru?”

“Yes, you can call it whatever you want,” Yixing finally gives his true smile, where his dimple shows, knowing that Junmyeon likes his gift.

“Junmyeon….my gift…” Yifan whines from the side.

“Of course Yifan!” Junmyeon beams and take his gift from Yifan’s hand. He unties the red ribbon and put it aside. He opens the gift box and his jaw dropped for the second time. His eyes grow as big as his Pororo’s eyes. Inside the box is a big fluffy bunny plushie. He takes it out and stares at it in awe. He hugs the bunny plushie in his small arms and kisses it. 

“Do you like it, Myeonie?” Yifan nervously asks.

“I love it FanFan!” Thank you so much!”

Yifan is ready for a hug from Junmyeon but he gets nothing as the said boy is busy hugging his new plushies. Yixing snickers from his side and Yifan glares at him.

“What should we name it, Yifan?” asked Junmyeon.

“Hmmm…what about Mr Bunny?” Yifan had been thinking about the perfect name for the plushie since he bought it yesterday. 

“Mr Bunny is lame,” Yifan snaps his head to Yixing with an annoyed face. Yixing sticks out his tongue instead.

“Since when Yixing became this naughty?” Yifan thought.

“I have an idea Junmyeon,” said Yixing.

“Really? What is it?”


Yifan definitely against the idea because it’s his gift and he’s the one who should name it. And he’s pretty sure Junmyeon won’t like the name.

“I love it!” Junmyeon exclaimed excitedly. And now Yifan wants to poke Yixing in the eyes.

Junmyeon smiles at the bunny and cutely say his name, “Bubu,”

Or maybe Yifan should thank Yixing (which he won’t) because the way Junmyeon pronounce ‘Bubu’ is so cute with those pouty lips of his.

The three of them then have their picture taken with their gifts. Junmyeon even gets his red scarf so that he will match his best friends.

Yifan eventually gets his hug from Junmyeon when he’s about to leave. This time, it was him who sticks his tongue out to Yixing. Yixing can only roll his eyes.

Later that night, Junmyeon arranges his plushies neatly. Bubu and Mr Gru on his bed while Pororo on his writing table. His Appa is jealous and that earns him a slap on his arm, courtesy of his mother. “That is entirely your fault because Pororo is lame,” Junmyeon grins at both of his parents, before wishing them good night.

He hugs Bubu and Mr Gru but he unconsciously letting go of Mr Gru and hugs Bubu tighter. It continues for the next few nights until he finally hugs Bubu only. He sleeps with his right hand hugging Bubu and his left thumb on his lips. 

“I’m sorry Mr Gru, I can only hug one of you. But don’t worry; you will sit right next to my head, okay?”

Yes, Junmyeon got a liking towards Bubu more than Mr Gru. But he makes sure that Mr Gru is always with him too.

Junmyeon always wonders, would he dream nice things if he hugs a plushie while sleeping. He got the answer after a few nights. He dreams that he, Yifan and Yixing will grow up together and be the best of friends. Then, many nights after that, he dreams about a knight in shining armor saves a princess from an evil troll.














A/N: hello everyone! I finally post this story. Sorry for the lateness. I hope you enjoy this.

I never ask this but can you guys please leave your comment? I want to know what you think about this story or this AU. Thank you  ^_^

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Chapter 1: Already died from all fluffiness!!!><
Chapter 1: Im dying from cuteness and fluffiness. I love plushies too!! :))
commonly #3
this is beyond adorable
freakin love the ending
HunieMineNahLuluis #4
Chapter 1: Owh may how rude i am to forget about this cute fluffy Fanfic and i can see U myonie getting close and closer to Yifan (like just hold Yifan gift) and Yifan just fall to hard for Joon, ughhh Ur fanfic just scream CUTENESS
HunieMineNahLuluis #5
Chapter 1: Evil troll? That Mean Kim Jongdae right? Kekeke
Chapter 1: This was super adorable I love reading when they are kids >< lol troll just reminds me of Chen so much lol
Gyu2su #7
Chapter 1: Waaaa ADORABLE :3 I'm already weak for adult Junmyeon, so a kid Myeon is too much for my poor heart to take >.<
Chapter 1: the only bunny plushie that comes to my mind is myeon bbang :')
seriously! from the top to bottom, i couldnt stop squealing!
yifan and yixing thou lol
just imagine junmyeon saying 'bubu' omg yifan is right he shouldnt hate on yixing because just imagine junmyeon's lips when he pronounces 'bubu' OMG! SO CUTE IM-
this was really cute!
hoping to have more xD
2449 streak #9
Chapter 1: SO CUTEEEEEEEE! as i said before, kid aus are easy to love!!!

it's cute coz Jun wanted a plushie so much that everybody got him one! HAHAHAHA
crying at too generic Pororo plushie from parents!!! well every child in Korea can have a Pororo plushie so I think he treasured the more "personal" ones than that...

and it's cute how in the end, Jun eventually just hugged Bubu... THE BUNNY PLUSHIE OF COURSE!!! THE ONE FROM YIFAN OF COURSE!!! Merry Christmas for Jun indeed :)))

lol at Yixing and Yifan's psych war over Jun! HAHAHAHAHA