Surprise or surprised?

Long Distance Relationship.

Hey, I might have missed out on some grammar mistakes. And also! Although im chinese, my chinese isnt that great. Sorry about those! 

Amature writting style. Please understand.





3 years have passed ever since your parents had sent you overseas to study and hide you from the angry fans. 


You and Kris havent got married but still engaged and pretty much still in love. In 2014 Kris left exo and you took a year off from school to accompany him as much as you could. It was as tough time seeing your lover handle hardships but you were proud of him. Both of you were badly hurt from all the rumors going around but you two stayed strong throughout for each other. 


He didn't want you to postpone your studies and sent you back to getting your diploma the following year. 

Currently it has been the 2nd year studying in a foreign country, in a long distance relationship. Its tough but during every holidays you took this advantage to meet kris at countries he's at, be it in Paris or China. New Fans in China knew of your existence but whenever you were in pictures posted on media or posted by Yifan, only half of your face was shown. 


Having a long distance relationship is real tough. But it makes us cherish our time together even more. 

Kris is in Beijing with the LORD crew and since it was revision week you decided to surprise him in his hotel room when he returned. 





"Biao Ge!" You greeted him excitedly on the phone.You've reached Beijing airport around 10pm and called Kris's cousin and manager. 

Biao Ge - Cousin


"Ah?! B-" 


"Shh!! It's a secret I didn't tell him I'm coming" you stopped him before he could say your name. 


"I see ahahah. Do u have someone to get you? " 


"No I don't but I can grab a cab! Where are you guys staying at? And could you make arrangements so I could enter?" 


"Of course! We're staying at ___ . Let me come and get you." He offered 


" no its okay. You two have a busy day. I'll grab a cab. See you later Biao Ge!" You said your goodbyes. 




"Bella here!" Biao Ge spotted you at the hotel lobby urging you to head over. 


"Biao Ge!  Heyyyy" you two hugged and he helped you with your luggage. 


"Wah you've grown prettier, who are you trying to impress?" he smirked, joking around like he usually does. 


"Stoppp. Why aren't you with Yifan?" 


"He's at the after party and I don't particularly like the club vibe." He made a face. 


"Club??????" You raised your brows. *oh great* you thought. 


"Here it is. I take it you're tired from the long flight so I'll see you for breakfast okay?" 


"Okay, see you tomorrow and thank you! " you said goodnight before he opened the hotel door and rou rou came running to the door. 


"ROU ROUUU. I missed you awww" rou rou was giving your major kicks attack and whining wanting you to pet him. 


"How are you my baby" you spoke to rourou in your embarrassing baby voice. 


After play time you took your time washing up in the toilet and as usual you reached into your fiance's luggage and stole a shirt to wear. 

By the time it was midnight you grew sleepy and fell asleep on the bed with rourou between your legs. 




Ding ding ding* the doorbell rang 


"Huhh??" Being the light sleeper you are to checked the clock that statement 2AM and went to the door. 


*doesn't kris have the door card?* you thought to yourself and opened it anyways. 


"Yifan??" You whispered  half awake. 


He was not alone, You eyes went wide open and your jaw dropped. He was accompanied by 2 other guys who were kinda holding him up. 


"Omg" you realized it's William Chen whom you briefly met during the trip to Hong Kong and Chen Xue Dong whom you've never met before. 


"Hello?" you greet them with a sheepish smile, William replied with a 'hey!' But Chen Xue Dong stood there with wide eyes. Well.. it's pretty shocking for him. 


"BAOBEIIII" Kris fell forward crushing you in a tight hug breaking the awkward atmosphere. 


"BAOBEIIII????" He said again in a questioning tone. Wondering how you're here in Beijing in his hotel room. 


" William help me. Yifan how much did you drink! " you were having a hard time keeping him up. 


"Wah, da chong gang cai zai jiao ta de baobei ah baobei ah. Ta de baobei zhen de chu xian le" he casually spoke to Chen Xue Dong in this Cantonese accent while helping me before it clicked that the fellow had not known about my existence. "Eh nu peng you" he answered Xue dong's question but the fellow jus have the bazzier expression on. 

woah, he was calling for his baobei since earlier on and now his baobei's here. His girlfriend.


We lugged Kris onto the bed and he was still mumbling words that doesn't make sense. 


"Eh bu hao Yi is, zai ze ge qing quang xia di Yi chi jian mian." You politely apologized to Xue Dong. 

Im so sorry, meeting for the first time under this circumstances.


"Bu bu. Zhi shi you yi dian jing ya." He replied 

No no, its just un expected


"You can handle this right? wo men xian Zhou bah. Bye BellaWilliam said pulling Xue Dong along. 

We'll make a move first


"Bye see yall tmr" you waved goodbye. And it's just you and your fiance now. 


You looked down at sluggish Kris and sighed. 


"Why did you drink so much?" You lifted him in a upright position, trying to get his outerwear off. *what the he'll are you wearing?* you giggled remembering you'd always say that when you saw Kris wearing something weird or funny to you. Unknown to you, Kris was watching your every move. Removing his shoes, accessories up to his jeans. 


"Ohh" he teased when you unbuckled his belt. 


"Oh hush Yifan!" You slapped his tummy and continued pulling his jeans off leaving him in his boxers.  He chuckled and when you're done he pulled your wrist with resulted in you landing in his chest. Constricting you in his arms he took a breath of your scent from the crook of your neck. 


"Hmm baobei, you're here." He sigh in content. 


"Supriseee, but no. Why did you drink so much?" You unlocked his arms to angle your face right in front of his. 


"I missed you." He whispered. These three words made you soft. He leaned in for a kiss but you stopped him. 


"No no no no. As much as I wanna kiss you, no. You don't want what happened the last time you're drunk." You gave him a sad smile. "Just go to sleep Kris. I'll be right here beside here when you're up." You kissed his cheek instead. 


He returned your kiss on your cheek and fell asleep with his right arm across your waist while you rested your head on his chest. The old memory of Kris drunk for the first time hit you and you blushed. 






Exo had a party after their first win.You did not join them as you had an assignment to finish for school. 


You were saving the assignment document when Kris returned home. 


"Baobei" Kris came barging in our room door. Scaring me in the process. 


"GEEZ Kris!" You had a palm to your heart. Sensing that he was odd you continued reading him. 

He was walking towards our bed, his eyes weren't focused at all, incoherent with his words. 


"Yifan? Did are you sick?" You walked towards him putting your hand on his forehead to see is he was having a fever. 


"No, we drank a bit." He replied sluggishly. And it all hit you. He's drunk. It was your first time experience someone who's drunk let alone handle. 


"Abit?! And you're like this??" You didn't believe and sat down beside him. 


"Mmmaybe too much." He was opening his eyes and closing them with his arm across his forehead.  


He suddenly sat up and begun to strip only in this boxers. 


"Babe is there anything you need?" You pulled the duvet up preparing the bed for him, trying not to think that all drunk people you've seen in films

usually end with  


"Get on the bed." He pulled you next to him. 

*oh !* you landed next to him with your head on his bare chest You weren't ready. You love kris with all your heart but you're still 17 and you weren't ready. 


He put his right hand on your waist and it slowly creep down to your curves, onto your but cheeks. You never wear pants to sleep. 


"Y-yifan?" You slightly pushed him further, looking up to check on his facial expression. 

His eyes now were just half open, looking straight at you. 


"Baobei." Followed by silence. 


"Yifan?" You repeated. 

He crash his lip onto yours, tightening his grip on you, grabbing onto your but cheek harsher. 


"Yi-mphm" you grabbed his hand which was grabbing your but trying to pry it off. *I'm not ready!!!* you thought to yourself again. You both had made out and what not before but just not the real thing and Kris intoxicated made you thought that he'd really do it. 


Yifan released your but cheek, moving up into you t shirt rubbing on your   up and down whole still violently kissing you. After awhile, the kissing became less violent and more sweet, gentle. He gave you a last peck and fell asleep, most probably due to the alcohol. 


*what in the world... did he just.* you couldn't comprehend what just happened. 



The next morning.... 



Kris opened his eyes and the first thing he saw was his sweet baobei. He had his palm against your cheek, letting the warmth of his palm warm your cheeks. 


"Hmmm" you groaned. 


"!" He turned around, not able to face you. Hearing your groan made something click on his mind. He went on you harshly last night. 


"Yifan?" You got you, back hugging him. 


"Bella I- I'm so sorry" he apologized, placing his face in his palms. 


"Babe, it's fine. Nothing happened." You assure him. 

He turned around and faced you, placing your small hands in his large ones. 


"You thought I was gonna.." He searched you eyes for the truth knowing you'd lie to make him feel better. 


"Yeah." You can't help but look down. 


"I'm sorry baobei. I promise - I promise it wouldn't happen again. I won't force you to do anything you don't want to, it was a mistake." He promised clearly meaning every word he said. 


"Yifan, I trust you." You assured him with a kiss. 



flashback ends




Morning came, alarms were ringing and you recognize that it was from Kris's phone. 


"Arghh! Where is that phone from!!" You got up, trying to find where the noise was from so it wouldn't wake Kris up. 

The alarm has a memo written with it that says -breakfast with L.O.R.D Crew in 30 mins- 

*oh, Yifan has to wake up* 


You excitedly went to Kris's side of the bed and thought of ways to wake him up since he might still be oblivious with you arrival even after the event last night. 


"Fannn~" you called out softly laying next to him gently shaking his shoulder. 

He stirred Abit but still fast asleep. 


"Wu yi fan" You softly whispered.  But still no reaction. 

*hmmm. This would work* you angled yourself so you could reach his lips and kissed him on his eyes, slowly to the side of his lips and finally on his lips that you missed. He responded almost instantly, getting on top of you pushing you onto the bed, arms caged around you. 


"Baobei" he gave you his goofy smile and pecked you one last time. 


"Surprise!!!" You made jazz hands, a smile on your face mimicking his. 


"How long are you staying for this time?" 


"A week" his smile doubled the size if possible hearing your reply and gave you a tightened bear hug, chukling. 


"Yifan! You have a breakfast appointment with the crew in 30! You better hurry!" You slapped his shoulders. 

He got off you, pulled the duvet and reached a hand out for you. 


"Join me" These two words made you look up at him, confirming if he had really said it. 


"What?" He pulled you off the bed. 


"You heard me baobei, join me. With the crew. Breakfast." now it's his turn to read your face. 




"It going to be fine. Hm? They'll understand." He assured. He knew that you have doubts about letting people know about your relationship. But you

love meeting new people too. 


"Okay!" You thought of giving it a try. " let's get ready!" You jump in glee and head straight into the bathroom with kris still chuckling behind. 




"Will they like me?" You wondered, swinging yours and Yifan's interlocked hands. After the encounter you had with Chen Xue Dong last night must really gave him a shock, seeing a random girl in his castmate's hotel room. 


"I'm sure they'll do. They're nice people" he peered down to you, nudging you on the shoulder. 


"Fan fan ze Li! " a lady's voice directed us to where they're located at. 



Graphs abs OHS were heard as people saw the both of us, more likely viewed as fan fan and a girl?. 

You didn't know how to react and had a awkward smile on your face the whole time while Yifan led you toward the table.  


"Zhao an. Bu ya jing ya. Uh zhe shi wo de nu peng you, Bella. Wo men zai yi qi hen jiu le" he introduced you, scratching the back of his head with his free hand. Unsure how the cast members would react. 

Good morning. Dont get to shocked. This is my other half Bella. We've been together for a long time.


Ahh!Wah!  Was the reaction 


"Fan fanNi ye tai wan gei wo men ren shi bah! " Fan bing bing said, laughter and questions were asked but most importantly, they welcomed you warmly. 

You are super late in introuducing your girlfriend to us.



I know it has been soooo long. 3 Years I know.

I bet all Wuyifan lovers were shocked by his departure. 

I kinda of "quitted" Kpop? I didnt quit completely but its just i kinda lost ineterest?


I still keep up on Kris's apperances, shows, movies and all. Love him to death.


Thanks for reading!!

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