Denial is on the Right Track

EXO Mart

Now Playing: Akdong Musician - Give Love


When Sehun came back to his office with a frown and a dark aura surrounding him, Chanyeol knew something bad happened.




Sehun stopped and realized Chanyeol was still in his office.


“You’re still here?” Sehun asked and walked back to his seat.


“What’s that drink? It’s so sweet that my teeth almost fell out!” Chanyeol quickly changed the subject, pointing to the paper cup on Sehun’s desk with an exaggerated grimace.


“What the , Chanyeol?! You drank my hazelnut latte with extra sugar!” Sehun groaned.


“It has extra sugar?” Chanyeol widened his eyes with a look of disgust – no wonder his teeth ached so much. “Even my five year old niece doesn’t eat that much sugar, Dude. It’s not good for your health!”


“I have sweet tooth.” Sehun argued, taking a sip of his overly sweet latte.


Chanyeol rolled his eyes. “So what’s wrong with you?”




Chanyeol snorted. “Giving something to somebody but they can’t find out who did it?”


Sehun face reddened.


“So?” Chanyeol baited.


“Fine! I wanted to give my other coffee to Luhan! But… I think he already has a boyfriend!” Sehun finally cracked.


“Lu… han?” Chanyeol repeated in confusion.


Sehun stared at him in disbelief.


“Hey, don’t judge me. We have so many employees here! Sometimes I get Ten and Mino mixed up.” He explained.


“It’s just because you’re dumb as .” Sehun remarked with a sigh, eliciting a cocked eyebrow from Chanyeol. “Ten and Mino even look nothing alike! Ten is Thai, for God’s sake.”


“They’re quite similar from behind,” Chanyeol replied grudgingly. “Anyway, Luhan…. Luhan… Ah! The doe-eyed cashier, right? The one you stalk everyday like maniac?”


“Both you and Kyungsoo think I’m a maniac…,” Sehun muttered resentfully.


Chanyeol laughed hysterically. “But it’s true! So, you haven’t made any progress with him?”


Sehun shook his head desperately. “I think Luhan has a boyfriend.”


“How can you be so sure? I’ve never even see you talk with him before!” Chanyeol stated matter-of-factly.


“I saw him with another cashier, Kim Minseok today! And he looked so happy… laughing and smiling.” Sehun mumbled – just thinking back to the scene made him burn in jealousy.


Chanyeol smiled serenely, stretching as he stood up.


“As far as I know, they’re only childhood friends. But I think you should man up, Sehun-ah, and ask Luhan out yourself.” He shrugged, leaving behind a dumbfounded Sehun.


“Yah, Chanyeol-ah! How did you know?!” Sehun yelled but Chanyeol was already gone.


Sehun sighed mournfully. “Why is everyone so cruel to me?”


Because you’re an idiot, Sehun-ah! Kyungsoo’s voice appeared in his head.


Sehun shook his head in fright and tried to focus on his work instead of the cute cashier outside.


“Ahhh… I didn’t know Sehun was more of an idiot than I am!” Chanyeol thought and scratched his head. He walked past an aisle, glancing at someone struggling to climb a ladder. He was wearing a customer service uniforms and seemed unsure of climbing any further with nobody to keep the ladder stable.


“Hey, let me help you.” Chanyeol offered, grabbing the base of the ladder so the guy could finish working peacefully.


The guy looked down to his mysterious helper and flashed a tiny smile. “Thank you. I need to tidy up the top shelf and there was nobody around to help.”


He climbed all the way to the top and quickly tidied the top shelf of instant foods while Chanyeol quietly held the ladder. It was only a few minutes later that he carefully made his way back down.


“Thank you for your help, Manager Park!” The guy was much shorter than Chanyeol and had a unique voice, bowing gratefully to his manager.


“You’re welcome… um…. you’re Kim Taehyung right?” Chanyeol asked bluntly.


The guy’s face looked a little insulted, fixing his name tag as he answered. “Well… My name is Byun Baekhyun.”


 “Oh… I’m so sorry! I’m so bad with faces and you look like Kim Taehyung!” Chanyeol apologized with a gasp.


The guy, identified as Byun Baekhyun let out a bright laugh – damn, it was the most adorable sound he’d ever heard… besides his mother’s laugh. Chanyeol noted.


“It’s okay. Lots of people say that about me and Taehyung. But I’m quite insulted since I know very well that you’re the advertising manager, Manager Park Chanyeol,” His eyes glittered with mischief.


Chanyeol gazed at Baekhyun. “I’m so sorry. What if I treat you lunch as an apology?”


Baekhyun blinked before answering, excusing himself to return to work. “No… no… you don’t need to, Manager Park. I’m just teasing you. I’m sorry, I have to get back to my work.” He bowed and excused himself.


Chanyeol placed his hand on his chest after Baekhyun left.


Is it possibly Sehun’s karma had rubbed off on him?


It was lunch time and Kim Jongdae, the customer assistant manager of EXO Mart, still sat at his desk, working closely on some documents when a knock interrupted the silence.


“Come in.” He responded without diverting his eyes from his papers.


Park Sooyoung, Jongdae’s secretary, walked in.


“Sir, Ms. Kang is outside and waiting for you.”


“Tell her I can’t eat outside. I still have a lot of work” Jongdae replied in annoyance.


“But she brought your lunch so―,“ Before Sooyoung could finish, Jongdae’s office door swung open widely and a girl with ginger hair entered.


“Hi, Honey! I packed some food for your lunch so we don’t need to eat outside and you can still finished your work without interruption.” The girl offered a wide smile.


“Sooyoung, you can go,” Jongdae ordered his secretary as she bowed and excused herself from the room.


After Sooyoung’s departure, the girl sat in front of Jongdae and unpacked the lunch box carefully.


“Seulgi-ya, I keep telling you that I can eat by myself. You don’t need to come every day to my job.” Jongdae declared rather flatly.


Seulgi beamed as she prepared food for Jongdae. “It’s okay, Honey. Since I’m your wife-to-be and I don’t have too much work at my gallery, I think I can at least devote it to my husband-to-be. Now, let’s eat!” Seulgi gave him chopsticks as he finally gave up and gazed away from his work.


“I packed rice balls, egg rolls, pork cutlet, and kimchi,” Seulgi explained as she opened each container one by one.


“Thank you.” Jongdae muttered in low voice as he took a rice ball.


“You’re welcome, Honey.” Seulgi replied, giving him a sincere smile.


I’m so sorry, Seulgi-ya. What should I do? Jongdae thought as he exchanged gazes with his fiancée.


“Let’s eat lunch, Luhan-ah,” Kim Minseok called to his best friend.


“Okay, let’s go.” After clocking out from their stations, the two of them made their way to the market cafeteria. They queued up quietly to order their lunches, waiting in a long line.


“She always comes.” Minseok murmured to Luhan with a murderous edge to his voice.


“Who?” Luhan raised his eyebrows.


“Manager Kim’s fiancée.” Minseok whispered.


Luhan nodded his head understandingly. “She’s devoted wife-to-be, you know?”


“Why do I like somebody whose into girls?” Minseok sighed deeply, sounding near tears. He’d hardly felt this miserable before.


“Stop it, Minseok-ah, your love will appear at the right time,” Luhan soothed his best friend with a kind pat to his shoulder.


“But didn’t you see how stiff Manager Kim looked when his fiancée showed up?” Minseok asked, looking a bit more hopeful.


“What do you mean?” Luhan frowned, his forehead wrinkling.


“I mean… he doesn’t look happy.” Minseok stated after thinking about how to best phrase his thoughts.


Luhan chuckled as they finally stumbled across an empty table in the cafeteria. The two of them carefully set down their trays before taking a seat.


“Maybe he just doesn’t like it when his fiancée comes? I mean… we all know Manager Kim is a workaholic and he doesn’t like anything interrupting him.”


Minseok didn’t reply – maybe what Luhan said was true. Why wouldn’t Manager Kim be happy to see his fiancée at work?


“Just wait and you’ll find your love someday, Minseok-ah.” Luhan advised through a mouthful of rice.


Minseok smiled bitterly but inside, all he could think about was Kim Jongdae...


Huang Zitao was really hopeless in the face of EXO Mart’s security manager.


“I want chicken.” Kris Wu ordered coldly.


Tao gawked, trying to control his expression. “But the cafeteria is serving beef today, Sir.”


“I don’t care. I want chicken right now!” Kris ordered, squinting his eyes in anger.


Tao’s blood was boiling but he managed to hide it behind a terrifying smile. “Alright, please wait then.”


Tao stomped his feet childishly as he left Kris’s office. Tao never understood why Kris always gave him a hard time. Did he hate Tao? Were they enemies in another lifetime? It was lunchtime and Kris was too lazy to leave his office so he’d ordered Tao to go get food – he even had the nerve to blame him when the cafeteria was serving beef instead of chicken.


Tao took out his phone and called for delivery from a nearby chicken restaurant. When it arrived a few minutes later, Tao took out his wallet but the delivery boy told him it’d already been paid.


Tao mind went blank as he returned to his security stand, heading into Kris’s office to offer him the chicken.


“I don’t want it now. You can eat it with the other staff members.” Kris responded calmly after Tao walked in, announcing that his food had arrived.


Tao would never understand Kris Wu. He was unpredictable in every single way.


And Tao simpy hates him...


“Hello Manager Do. Finish your lunch?” A guy wearing a customer service assistant uniform greeted Kyungsoo as he walked back towards his office.


“Hi, Jongin! Yeah, how about you?” Kyungsoo responded brightly.


“Me too.”


After Jongin answered, the silence lingered between them, only stopping when Byun Baekhyun, another customer service assistant arrived.


“Hey Jongin, here’s your favorite yoghurt,” Baekhyun pressed a small cup of strawberry yoghurt into Jongin’s palm. Only after did he realize Kyungsoo was standing next to them and bowed deeply.


“Thank you Baekhyun-ah.” Jongin smiled thankfully and Kyungsoo felt something weird inside his heart.


“Um… well, I think I should back to my office. Do your work well.” Kyungsoo said to both Jongin and Baekhyun.


Why did I feel so weird when Baekhyun gave Jongin his favorite food? As if I wish I was Baekhyun and I could receive a thankful smile like that…


Kyungsoo shook his head furiously.


No, I’m not Oh Sehun. I won’t fall for anybody in this mart!


Author's Note:

Hello guys sorry for the delayed updates so this is the chapter 2! I hope you enjoy this and yeah... almost all the pairing story is begin :) Anyway, I would like to send lot of loves to my two amazing beta reader: sikami and smugjong♥♥♥ Thank you so much to take your time and helping me with this chapter. Subs, comments, and upvotes are really appreciated ♥♥♥

- scarlet -


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Luhanyo #1
Chapter 3: Funny and cute story you have here please update soon
fantasticace #2
Chapter 3: “Stop drooling over that drama guy. I’m a million times hotter than any actor you’ll see on television.” hahahaha i love it!
Bleak_night #3
Chapter 3: Owww Hunhan my love!!!! This was soo sweeet hahaha, love it! Thank you for the update authornim. ^^
Chapter 3: KYAA okay I really really like your writing! xD fighting!
loveluck #5
Chapter 3: Aww sehuns so cutexxxx
caramelll #6
Chapter 3: I havent see any sulay yet XD but alright. Looking forward for more~
Chapter 2: This is so goodddd! I need more *-*
Please update when you can! I can't wait, I'm so excited!
Chapter 1: Oooh really interesting! I like it very much (of course I like it there are all my favourite ships and KNK)
Good job author-nim ♡ :)