The Second Chapter

What We Once Were

Namjoo's POV 


     My tears fell and they couldn't stop falling. I lifted my foot to make a step when I felt something wet under my foot. Have I been crying this much? I really look like a fool. I could feel Eunji's concerned stares. " Please Sungjae. If you don't want to talk to me anymore. That's fine. Just tell me the reason you don't want to talk to me anymore." I tried to look him in the eye, but I couldn't! I was waiting for an answer. Anything. 

  The silence was irritating me. I took a step backward and said, " I guess we really are strangers." With that I walked away. I felt someone embrace me. I was hoping it was Sungjae, but it was Eunji. " Oppa are you okay? Who did this to you?" I wiped my tears and looked towards the owner of the voice. It was Joy. Our hoobae. " Joy don't worry about it. Go home, okay?" He sounded so sincere. 

   I didnt want to listen to it so I went home. 


   I was wearing the school uniform and put on make up. It was graduation after all. 


   I left my home and walked to school. Eunji ran to me with a huge smile plastered on her face. " Namjoo it's starting lets go!" We ran and sat down in our respective seats. I was nervous. Really nervous! I could feel my stomach start hurting and my hands started to sweat. Was this really it? Will I never see Sungjae again? 


    " Kim Namjoo." I walked to receive my award, my legs shaking and all. I turned around slightly and saw him staring at me and then he smiled. My heart fluttered and I felt I would freeze any second. I kept walking received my award took pictures and sat down. I was happy it was over with yet sad. 


  We weren't high schoolers anymore. We were independent adults now. " Kim Namjoo, I need to talk to you." A deep voice. Sungjae. I wanted to go, but do I really want to know the truth? I wanted to, but I was scared to at the same time. 

  I guess I was taking a long time since he pulled my hand with his warm hand. We walked, walked and walked what seemed like miles, but I didn't care because I was with him and that's all that matters. 

  He finally stopped and looked at me his eyes filled with saddness. " Namjoo did I really forget you? I am sorry. Yes, I started hanging out with other people instead of you, but I expected you to go with me." Why do I feel like this? I am happy he is talking to me and explaining  it to me, but it makes me sad. It makes me sad it took this long. We could have stayed best friends, but instead we became memories of eachother. 

   Will our relationship ever be the same? He tapped my shoulder. Back then he wouldn't do that. Back then there weren't any awkward silences between us. We were always talking and talking. " Why? You know I get nervous around new people so why? Sungjae. Will we ever go back to what we once were?" 

   I didn't expect this.Tears trickled down his milky white cheeks. " Namjoo. I don't want our relationship to end badly. We have been friends since elementary and I don't want the memories we have build up to just be for nothing. Namjoo. Let's try to stay friends." 

   Try. That word didn't seem right. Why should we try? Aren't we already friends? What are we to eachother? " Sungjae. Please don't say try. Aren't we already friends?" Seeing him like this wasn't what I wanted. " Sungjae. If you really want to continue being friends, let's catch up." 

  He hugged me so tight. I could feel my back crack from how hard he hugged me. I could feel his tears wetting the top of my hair. I missed his touch. I really did. 

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Chapter 4: This story is sad but amazing^^. Cant wait for the nxt chapter^^
Chapter 3: ohh I don't why Sungjae ignoring Namjoo, leave ? like he leave Namjoo forever or he will go stay abroad or uhh.. but I can't stand it if I read more about Namjoo crying xD
Chapter 2: unnie please don't cry anymore T.T its hurt for me x'D
Chapter 1: this is sad man x'D why did Sungjae suddenly ignoring Namjoo. this is so hurt x'D